The Victor! Day Twelve Part Three

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Kelsey is only able to tear her eyes away from bloody mess that once was Pablo when his canon fires, but her eyes quickly turn back when the zombie stands up, and turns to her, blood dripping from its mouth. It lets out a screech and charges at her, and she swings her bone at it on instinct, and it makes a loud cracking sound as it does so, and Kelsey's hope fades as she watches the bone snap in half over the zombies head as it explodes into dust. Her fear filled eyes dart over to where Zeke stands, only to see him looking at her in the same way. They were both without a weapon. Zeke opens his mouth to say something when a loud clunking sound erupts from the ground behind Kelsey, and she spins around just in time to see a table rising up from the ground, and a spiked club sits atop it, she glances over her shoulder at Zeke, but sees that he's looking in the opposite direction. As she turns, the pain she had forgotten about in her left arm returns, and she lets out a scream of pain, before her arm goes numb once more. Luckily, she used her weapon in her other hand, otherwise she would be screwed.

"Idiot," She mumbles, and then smiles. Suddenly killing seemed so fun to Kelsey, and her heart starts racing with excitement as she picks up the club by its handle and turns to face Zeke, who is standing in a few meters off the shore of the lake, with his back turned to her. Perfect. She begins to run over to him, but before she even reaches the edge of the lake, Zeke spins around, and her heart drops as she sees the iron mallet he holds in his hands. Her eyes shift to his face to see that he has a similar expression while staring at the club in her hands. This was going to be in interesting fight. For a moment, neither tributes moves, both staring each other down, prepared for the final fight. Only one can go home. Kelsey lets out a battle cry, and then charges.

Third Person

The two tributes race at each other, Kelsey was a lot faster, as she started on land and had a lighter weapon, but that also meant her weapon wouldn't do as much damage as Zeke's would, but the fact that Mallet was slow and heavy evens out the playing field. Kelsey reaches Zeke in a matter of moments and swings the club, Zeke quickly ducks and throws a punch into her stomach. She lets out a gasp and he smiles, before he swings his mallet at her. She tries to jump backwards, but the water catches her legs, and she falls backwards into it, and screams in agony as she lands on her injured arm. Zeke smiles, and tries to take the advantage by swinging the mallet at her head, but she was prepared, and managed to spring up out of the water and away from the mallets path, before swinging the club at him. He lets out a scream of pain as the spikes dig deep into his left thigh, and she laughs and tries to swing again, put then screams as another spike of pain rolls through her arm. Both tributes glare at each other, pain and rage swim through Kelsey's eyes, the same emotions mirrored in Zekes. Before either tribute can move, the sound of running water causes both tributes to look towards the cornucopia, in time to see the large wave heading towards them.

"Shit," Zeke mutters, and Kelsey lets out a scream and tries to run, but it was too late. The wave crashes over them, and both tributes are pushed towards the shore. Kelsey's head smacks painfully into the ground the edge of the lake, but Zeke manages to wash ashore safely, before rolling a few meters away from the edge of the lake. The wave recedes at an unnatural speed, and he smirks and glances at where Kelsey is trying to pick herself up off the edge of the lake, her legs are still in the water, whilst she is trying to push herself up using her only good arm.

'Crap,' she thinks as pain shoots through her injured arm, 'If I don't get up soon I'm dead,'

'Perfect,' Zeke thinks, 'Knows my chance,'

But Zeke's smile quickly fades as he puts pressure on his injured leg, sending spikes of pain throughout his body, and he collapses back on the grass.

"Crap,' He thinks to himself, 'If I can't stand up, I'm dead,'

As Kelsey finally manages to stand up, she spots Zeke wincing in pain a few meters away from her, and smirks, before charging at him. But she doesn't notice the mallet until it's too late, and just as she swings the club at his head, he swings the mallet at her knee, and both tributes scream in agony as the weapons make contact. Kelsey's knee pops out of place and she collapses to the ground, whereas blood begins to pour out of Zeke's shoulder, Kelsey's swing was too low, so she missed his head.

'Shit," Zeke thinks as the mallet falls from his grasp, 'I-i can't use the mallet with one hand, and I'm dead,'

'Crap,' Kelsey thinks to herself, 'Without my speed I'm nothing but dead,'

Both tributes are still screaming in agony a few minutes after being hit, but then Zeke notices Kelsey's discarded club and smiles. He doesn't need two hands for that. He glances at her, and sees that her eyes are scrunched shut and she is screaming in pain, but her eyes snap open as she notices Zeke has stopped screaming too.

"No!" She screams as she sees him reaching for the club, and she reaches for it too, but she wasn't fast enough. Zeke grabs the club and frowns as Kelsey's face pales.

"I'm sorry," He says, tears streaming down his face, "You were too slow,"

He swings the club and she screams as it hits her in the temple, before she falls sideways, and goes silent.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Lavenders voice booms throughout the arena, "The victor of the Eighty-Ninth Hunger Games, Zeke Harris!"

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