The Bloodbath - Let The Games Begin!

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The arena was beautiful. Carter was stunned as she rose up into the large feild. The tributes were surrounding a huge lake, with the cornucopia in the centre. Carter didn't know how deep the lake was, but it meant that she had an advantage. Green, grassy hills rose up behind her so she couldn't see what was behind them. There were clusters of trees and flowers everywhere, and she wished that she could come with her family to a place like this for a day out. She glanced to her left, only to see the nearest tribute was about forty metres away, and she was pretty sure it was the Girl from Twelve.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" President Ravens voiced booms, "Let the Eighty-Ninth Hunger Games begin!"

The countdown started, and Carter glanced to her left to try and make out who was situated next to her, but her vision was poor so she couldn't do so. As the countdown went on, Carter found herself wondering how the Boy from Eleven had kept himself still enough to fall off his plate. She would prefer for him to die instantly and painlessly rather than slowly. She may be a career but she wasn't completely heartless. Ten seconds until it begins. Nine seconds until the blue water is turned crimson. Eight seconds before peoples lives are lost. Seven seconds before Panem begins cheering. Six seconds before Carter may loose her life. Five, Four, Three, Two, One. The gong rang, and Carter immediately leaps from her plate and makes a mad dash for the lake. Before she even reaches the edge of the grassy field, she leaps into the cool water, head first, only to have it smack into the sandy bottom of the lake. So it wasn't deep after all. She quickly surfaced, and began to swim towards the cornucopia, arm over arm. She knew she would be one of the first too get there, the only other tribute that could beat her would be Alfie. She found herself trying as she swam, and she had only just covered half the distance. She glances to her right to see the girl from Twelve way behind her, slowly wading through the water. Carter finally makes it to the cornucopia the island sits on, and just as she pulls herself up, she sees Alfie sprint out with an axe in one hand, and two backpacks over his back. A small gray bag that could contain something like throwing knives hangs at his waist. Both tributes freeze as they make eye contact, and for a moment, Carter thought she was going to die, but Alfie quickly broke his gaze and continued running the way he had been before. Carter pulls herself up, and runs into the cornucopia. She didn't know how to use any weapons other than a knife, she worked with her father gutting fish back home, she couldn't use a spear or a trident. She fines a decent sized knife and runs back out out to the island just Yasmin pulls herself ashore. Before Carter can even advance towards her, the girl darts inside the cornucopia. Carter turns to run in after her, but as soon as she arrives inside, Yasmin leaps out of nowhere with a black bag in her hand, and hits Carter in the head with it. There must have been something hard in it, because Carter fell sideways, and everything went dark.

Bo smirks as he pulls him self ashore on the island, just as the girl from seven runs out and dives into the water. He stands up, and sprints inside the cornucopia, desperately searching for what he needed. He notices the girl from four unconscious on the floor, but ignores her completely. Throwing axes. He scanned the entire room, and rummaged through piles of backpacks, but couldn't find any, where were they? He hears a laugh from the entrance of the cornucopia, and he turns to see the boy from one standing in the entrance, and Bo's heart stops. The boy charges at Bo, but doesn't see the girl lying on the ground, and falls over her as he does so. Bo takes his chance and grabs a backpack and a knife, before sprinting back out of the cornucopia. For a moment, he thinks he is going to make it, but his hope dies down as he feels the boys hand wrap around his ankle, and he falls face first onto the rock. Pain explodes through his face, but he ignores it and jumps up, just as the boy appears out of nowhere with a knife of his own. Bo suddenly felt a burst confidence, he could do this, he was tougher than any career. The boy jumped at him, and Bo side stepped easily, and slashed out at him. Bo's dagger only grassed the boys cheek, before he elbowed Bo in the gut. Before he can even react to the pain, boy kicks out at the boy, hitting him right in the nose. He is vaguely away of someone running into the cornucopia behind him, but ignores it completely. The boy's eyes snap open, and a look of burning hatred fills them. Bo feels his confidence disappear, and he turns to run, just as the boys twin sister pulls herself up. Perfect. The boy screams out loud as Bo pounces on the girl and twists around so that he is behind her, and he holds his knife to her neck.

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