Screams are Silenced! - Day Eleven

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Pablo smiles as he watches Zeke let out a cry of rage when he can't find the backpack that was clutched in his hands when he went to sleep. Ever since Zeke stormed off, Pablo has been trailing him, and last night, once Zeke was asleep, he stole the bag. He sits in a tree a good distance away from where Zeke searches the area around him for his bag, the branch he is sitting on is concealed by leaves, so he could see out but Zeke could not see in.

"Fuck!" Zeke yells, and Pablo smirks, happy with his work. He plans on messing with the remaining tributes, to give them a good show before he is crowned victor. He watches as Zeke gets up, and leaves the clearing, most likely to head to the cornucopia. From what Pablo could tell, most of the tributes where in the center area, as everyone was running low on supplies and couldn't survive in the dead wasteland. Pablo waits a few moments before he slides down from his tree branch, and silently follows after Zeke, his shoes making no sound on the grass as he runs. He quickly catches up to the boy, who is walking quite quickly towards the edge of the cluster of trees he camped in. It was still dark out, about one hour until the sun rises, which gives Pablo the advantage. He plans on stealing the boys weapon, so that when he comes back for him later, he will have nothing to fight back with. It's actually quite funny, following the tribute around without him having a clue. Every now and then, Pablo would make a noise on purpose, and then quickly melt into the shadows before Zeke could spot him. When Zeke is just a few meters away from the edge of the forest, Pablo quickly scales up into the nearest tree, and jumps from branch to branch until he is right above where Zeke is walking. The moment Zeke takes a step out of the forest, Pablo smirks, and then jumps out of the tree, and falls straight on Zeke. Zeke lets out a cry of pain as Pablo lands on the boys back feet first, causing him to fall to the round, his weapon falling from his grasp in the process. Before Zeke can even react, Pablo is on his feet, and he darts for the hammer, and scoops up the handle as he runs past.

"You little shit!" Zeke snaps, and sprints after Pablo. Usually, Pablo wouldn't be worried about someone catching up to him while running, but the hammer was heavier than he had expected, and it slows him down greatly. Pablo quickly sprints back into the forest, weaving in and out of trees and jumping through bushes, but each time Pablo thought he had lost the older boy, he reappeared again, a look of fury on his face. Sweat runs down Pablo's face as he sprints towards the clearing he had watched Zeke in just a mere half hour ago. He needed to get back to the tree, but he couldn't do that with Zeke right behind him. He needed to lose the hammer. Pablo quickly dives into a bush that is just to his left, and ignores the pricks of pain that pop up over his body as he is attacked by the brambles. As soon as he is on the other side of the bush, he drops the hammer right behind it, and then sprints for his tree.

"Fucking get back here!" Zeke shouts from somewhere behind him, but Pablo can tell he is falling behind. As soon as Pablo is in the clearing, he launches himself into the tree, the same way he had done when he was being chased down by Jase, and pulls himself up, and then smirks as Zeke appears in the clearing, and scans the area around him. The boy lets out a growl of frustration, before continuing in the direction he was going, and Pablo waits until he can no longer hear the boys shouts of frustration and heavy footsteps before he finally relaxes against the trunk of the tree. This was just too easy.

Kelsey almost jumps out of her skin as a bird lands on the branch just over her head.

"Its just a bird," She says aloud to herself, "Just a bird, bird, a bird,"

A bird. Created by the game makers. Just like the snake, and the bone mutts that have been chasing her for days. All deadly. All a threat. The bird begins to chirp loudly, and Kelsey quickly sprints back to her new camp in a ditch near the edge of the cluster of trees she was hiding in. There she was safe. Nothing would find her.

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