A Change of Attitude - Day Three Part One

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Pain. That's all Anna can feel. The left side of her body is badly bruised, and she has defiantly broken some ribs. The pain is unbearable. Her bow lays a few metres away from here, and her backpack and quiver of arrows lay under back, causing her more discomfort. What had the game makers gained from picking her up and dropping her here? What was the point? She hasn't moved since yesterday afternoon, and she had hoped she would have gotten a sponsor gift by now, but it seems that nobody likes her. Just like back home.

"Why are you such a bitch!" Rachel screams at Twelve year old Anna.

"Because that's what you fucking have to be to get anywhere in this stupid world," Anna shouts back at her only friend, the last friend she would have in a long time. When she was younger, she had had alot of friends, but as time went on, they slowly decreased, one by one they ditched her, all calling her the same thing. A bitch. And they were right.

"I stood up for you everytime someone called you a bitch, I've done everything I can to be a good friend and you still treat me like shit, so fuck you bitch," Rachel snaps, and throws a punch at Anna's face, hitting her in the right eye. Anna cries out in pain, and slaps Rachel across the face, just as a teacher walks by to see what all the yelling is about. The teacher was one who hated Anna, most teachers did. He had sent her to the office, where she was told she was going to be put into a school for people like her, and of course it was the worst time of her life. She was punched, scratched, bitten and kicked, it was horrible. So Anna had planned to injure Rachel, just to pay her back for what she had done for her. Anna stole her uncles bulldog, one of the most vicious dogs she had ever seen, and would attack most people on sight, it was trained not to attack her. So one day, Anna snuck out of school early to fetch the dog, and headed over to where Rachel usually walked home from school, and of course, she was there. Anna released the dog as soon as Rachel turned into the alley, and smiled at the sounds of her screams as the dog began to maul her. After a few minutes, Anna tried to call the dog back, but it wouldn't listen, and Anna just stood there and watched as the girl who was once her best friend died before her very eyes. She was never the same person again. No, she was worse.

Tears streamed down Anna's face as she remembers the day she say Rachel die before her very eyes. She somehow had managed to sit in an up right position, and she managed to open her bag and pull out a bottle of water, quickly skulking it as she did so. She threw the empty bottle aside, and tries to stand up, but as she does pain explodes in her chest, and she falls backwards, and once again everything goes dark.

Megan heart almost leaps out of her chest with excitement when she spots the large brick house not to far away from her. Not bothering to check if anybody was nearby, she sprints towards the building, scanning the entire thing for the door. When she finally finds it, she pushes it open and steps inside, only to scream as she sees Marge from District Three sitting on the bed.

"Finally," Marge says, standing up, "I was waiting for someone to show up,"

Before Marge can even take a step towards her, Megan darts back out the door, sprinting back the way she came. She hears Marge laugh behind her and crack her whip, and Megan glances over her shoulder to see her catching up. She fumbles for her slingshot, but when the scene of Tiffany dying comes to her mind, and the thought of what her brother did echoes in her head, she quickly shoves it back in her pocket. She can't end another life, but at the moment it seems like she's about to loose hers. There's nowhere to hide, the dead forest around her provides no hiding place, and Marge was gaining on her, she had to think of something, if she got into range with the whip. Her thoughts were interrupted when pain explodes in her forearm, and she looks down to see the tip of the whip wrapped around her arm, blood starting to pool beneath it. Megan screams in agony, and without thinking charged at Marge. Marge was caught off guard as Megan's foot collides with her stomach, and she stumbles backwards in pain, her whip falling to the ground and detaching from Megans wrist. Before Marge could recover, Megan grabs the whip, and continues on sprinting the way she was going, but she knew she couldn't keep it up for much longer, she felt like she was dying and her lungs were burning. She glances over her shoulder once more to see that Marge is still standing where she left her, watching her go. She was safe. She smiles and begins to walk slowly as Marge disappears from view. Her next goal was to find Cooper. There had been two canons yesterday, and she had slept through the Anthem, she just hoped one of those canons didn't belong to him.

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