The Opening Ceremonies

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The crowd fell silent as the anthem began to play, all eyes turning to either the chariot entrance or the jumbo screen that hung above the presidents throne. Eyes all over Panem stared at their TV screens, both the Districts and the Capitol, all excited to see the tributes once again after the reaping. The crowd cheers as finally District One's chariot rolls out onto the stage, the twins smiling and waving as soon as they see the roaring crowd. The chariot is made out of what looks to be solid gold, with rubies, diamonds, sapphires and other gemstones encrusted into it. The two tributes seem to be dressed as if they were royalty. Maya wears a golden tiara, with an emerald encrusted in the tip of it. She wears a glittery yellow dress, and her arms are covered in bracelets. Her long brown hair falls freely behind her, and her bright blue eyes shine with happiness and hope as she waves. Her brothers eyes match hers, as they both smile widely. Jace wears a golden crown, and a golden suit covered in glitter that matches Maya's dress. The two tributes in twine their hands, and raise them up in the air just as District Two rolls out behind them.

Their chariot is made out of steel, and seems to be extra large this year. Usually both tributes from District two are happy and smiling to the crowd, but it doesn't seem like the case with Byron this year. He looks uncomfortable standing beside Maddilyn, who takes up three quarters of the chariot, anyone to the chariots right would not be able to see Byron unless they looked at the jumbo screen. Byron wears silver body armour, and a silver helmet that resembles that of the ancient Greek god Hermes. Maddilyn wears the same thing, only each piece of armour is allot larger. She smiles happily and waves with both hands at the crowd, most people gasping at the sight of her left hand, which is missing the middle finger. On the front of the chariot, two silver axes are encrusted on the front, crossed over each other so that it looks like they are clashing.

People cheer even louder as the two tributes from District Three roll out, both dressed in black clothes with shooting blue lights flowing around them. Marge waves proudly with her only arm once she sees the cheering crowd, her bright white hair falls into a bowl cut around her head, and she scowls as she hears laughter from the crowd at the sight of her. Zeke's face is emotionless, he just stares straight ahead as if the cheering crowd isn't there, his emerald green eyes looking directly at the back of Bryon's head. Their chariot is also pitch black with blue lights dancing around it, a bright blue ring at the front of it with the number three in the centre of it, also bright blue.

Both tributes from four are nervous as they roll out, and even more so when they hear the cheering crowd. Their outfits are nothing like Panem has ever seen. They both are naked, except for what looks to be floating water that covers their private parts, it seems clear yet it is impossible to see anything behind them. Carter's face is a deep red as they follow after the District Three chariot, never had she been so embarrassed in her life. Alfie wasn't feeling any different, he just stares ahead as Zeke had done, except Alfie's face is red as a tomato. Their chariot is painted so it looks like a sea bed, although the paint is faded and peeling in places due to it being the exact same Chariot that they used last year.

The cheering doesn't stop as District Five follow after four, their suits covered in hundreds of tiny light bulbs that let off a bright light that surrounds both tributes bodies. Above their heads were rings of light, witched looked like halo's from the crowd. Twelve year old Skye has fear in her eyes as she scans the loud crowd, spotting children as young as three standing by their parents cheering, cheering for her death. Skye's long blonde hair is pulled back into a pony tail, her bright blue eyes are almost as bright as her suit. Joseph feels the exact opposite, he smiles widely at the crowd and cheers along with them. His short blonde hair is barley visible under the shining halo, and his bright blue eyes meet his little sisters as the camera is taken off them as District Six rolls out.

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