Morning Before The Games

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Marge woke up excited. Most tributes from her District would be sobbing, crying or barley being able to hold in their fear, but no her. For years she practiced with a whip, just so that when the day came that she would be reaped, she would be able to win. She was lucky that her District Partner was just as good, both her and Zeke got similar scores to the careers after private sessions last night, something she was very proud of. Actually, she was surprised to see that three quarters of this years tributes did as well as the careers, the highest score was from the boy from Nine, which was actually quite surprising. It seems this year would be very different to other years. The interviews last night went really well for Marge, she spoke about how her arm was cut off because her cousin thought it would be funny if they cut her with a knife, and accidentally chopped off her arm. Nobody but her parents knew that she had lost it to gangrene. She leaped out of her bed after she realized she was still laying there, thinking, and she began to get dressed. She was very shaky as she slipped on her T-shirt and jeans, she was just so excited. The day she had trained for was here. She half walked half ran out into the kitchen for breakfast, where Zeke, her escort and their only mentor sat eating.

"Morning," Zeke said happily, so far since she had known him, Zeke had always been quiet and depressed. The only time they had actually spoken was when they talked about strategy. Marge sat down, and an Avox brought over a plate of scrambled eggs, the same thing she had eaten yesterday, and it was the best thing she had ever tasted.

"Eat quickly," Our escort, Charlie, says as she picks up a fork, "We have to be out of here in ten minutes,"

Both Marge and Zeke grin excitedly at thought of it. Soon they would be in there, soon they would be doing what they trained for. Soon Marge would be crowned victor.

Megan turns her head to face the hallway as Cooper emerges from his room. His eyes are red and puffy from crying, and his face wet from tears. Megan felt her own moist face, and quickly wiped her eyes as more tears started to form. Both her and Cooper had bonded over the past few days, she knew so much about him already, maybe even more than she knew herself. The memories that had resurfaced the other day still plagued her thoughts, how could she have forgotten something like this. She had lived in the victors village, which means she must have had an older brother or sister that had won the games.. the name Jake had been said in her memory, was that the name of her brother. If only she knew someone who could tell her. She looked up as her mentor Celeste emerged from the hallway, Celeste had won her games over thirty years ago. She did know somebody. Before Celeste could even take a step into the room, Megan was in front of her, staring her directly in the eyes.

"What do you want!" She snaps and tries to push past Megan.

"Jake!" Megan says, and Celeste's face softens and she stops moving, "I want to know who Jake is,"

"So you finally remember," Celeste says, and grabs Megan's hand, leading her over to the sofa.

"Tell me about him, who was he?" Megan asks as she sits down beside the older woman.

"You're brother, he, well he was not a very nice man, before you were born I was close with you're parents, and straight away I could see evil in Jake's eyes, he wasn't normal," She begins, shutting her eyes, "He volunteered for the games when he was sixteen, and it was one of the bloodiest games ever,"

"Really?" Megan asks, and Celeste nods.

"Jake killed around eleven tributes, and injured several more, he killed all the careers by himself, and for a few years he was remembered as histories greatest Tribute," Celeste says.

"So what happened?" Megan asks, and a tear forms in Celeste's eyes.

"He would beat your parents, cut them with a knife for being ungrateful for what a perfect son they had given birth too," Celeste says, and images of scars on her Mother's stomach and her Father's back flash through her minds, "He tried to do the same to me, so I cut off my contacts with the family, refusing to go near them,"

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