Chapter 1

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Luz's POV

 I woke up in the familiar room of the Owl House. In a couple of days I'll be able to go to Hexside and learn magic! This is so exiting. I get up off of my bed and prepare for the day. I was going to help Eda at the  market today and I was hoping to go to the Library. Almost every day Amity went to the Library to read to little kids. 

"Morning King. " I greet as I walk into the living room. We call it a living room because it is actually alive. I scratch King on the head as I pass him on my way to the Kitchen. Eda was trying to get moving vegetables into the pot again. 

"Morning Eda." I greet really enthusiastically. I know that Eda acts as if my niceness is annoying but I know it's sorta refreshing for her. She looks at me and shots me a small smile before saying," morning kid. Ready for today?" I nod firmly ready for the work of today. 

"I know what you want to do kid. Go on kid I'll meet you at the stand." Eda says ruffling my hair a little.I give her a small nod before walking to the door and onto the green grass. 

"Hi Luz!" I jump a meter in the sky "I'm sorry Luz. Hoot. Hoot." I placed a hand on my chest trying to calm my heart down. 

"it's okay I should try to get used to that." I explain and put a smile back on my face. I look at the path," I'll see you later Hooty." I walk down the path towards the Library.  I walk into the library and give the librarian a small smile and a wave before walking to the little kids section. Just like I predicted Amity is here. She read the words softly and clearly to the little kids. After she finished the chapter she closed the book. She gave the kids a smile and stood up.

"Go on little ones I'll still be here when you come back. " Amity says leading the kids over to there parents. One little kid holds onto Amity's leg looking up at her. She bends down to their level and places a small kiss on the child's forehead.  The child smiles at her and sprints off to their parents. I stop peeking past the bookcase and lean against the case with my back. I let out a sigh. Somehow it wasn't a natural sigh it was more filled with... wait I don't normally sigh like that unless...... Oh Mierda!  My face flushes and I cover my mouth with both hands. I look past the bookcase again where Amity was a while ago.

"Are you spying on me, Luz?" A voice says from behind me making me jump. I end up tripping and falling backwards. I try to grab something to keep me from falling but I was to late. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never happen. I felt someone's arms around my waste keeping me in place. I hear a small giggle coming from in front of me.

"Open you eyes, Luz." Amity's amazing voice filled my ears. I open my eyes and see that Amity had her arms wrapped around my waist keeping me from hitting the floor. I was able to get a closer look at Amity. She had beautiful golden eyes and soft pale skin. Some of her pale green hair falling onto her face. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." she says as she helps me stand up straight. The direct opposite of what I am that's for sure. I smile at her and rub the back of my neck, "it was my fault I tripped. Anyway i was just around and remembered you read to kids soooo I came by." I give her a small smile and I could feel a blush forming on my face.

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