Chapter 8

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Amity POV

I woke up in room that wasn't mine. Where am I? I look to my side and accidentally hit one of my ribs. I wince in pain as I remember how I had gotten them.

-flashback started-

I groan in pain as I fall against the floor. I try to get off of the floor to get away from the man I called my father. He was angry with me because I had gone out instead of studying. He picked me up and slammed me against the wall.

"You insolent disgrace." He shouted as he kicked me in the stomach and ribs. He pinned me down by the neck. I desperately try to pry his hand off of me and to at least get away from him but he was to strong. He slammed his fist into my face. whoa I didn't know the world can spin this fast. I stayed on the floor my limbs feeling heavy and my world was spinning and covered in black spots. My father pulled away when he saw me go limp. He got up left me on the floor and went away.

-flashback ended-

"Ughhhh." I groan as I try to get up again but I'm stopped by a gentle hand on my shoulder. I followed the pale hand to it's owner, Eda? She gives me a small smile before gently pushing me down.

"Stay down kids I have no idea how you spent all that time without rest you were seriously beaten up. Good thing Luz was so observant. She's down stairs most likely pacing in worry." Eda explained as she walked to the door. I sigh,"Thank you, Ms.Eda" I say as I attempt to sit up again, but I'm cut off by Eda's laugh,"Kid stay down your going to feel a lot of pain." She than takes her leave.

I attempt to get up from the bed and I ended up falling of the bed with a loud thump. I groan in pain as I lay still on the floor. I lift my hand to my face to facepalm when I notice that my hand had bandages wrapped around.

My head lifts from the floor when I hear footsteps and see Luz slip past the door then rushing back to the door, "Are you okay? How did you fall? Here let me help you." I giggle at how worried she is about me falling it was cute in a way.

"I'm okay Luz just moved moved to much and fell." I explain as I attempt to stand up from the floor. Wincing at the pain I was able to get up from the floor. Luz helps me get to the bed and sat next to me.

"I'm guessing this is your room" I state as I look around the room. Luz gives me a small nod with a smile. She scoots closer to me and I now notice that I don't have the flower crown,"Where's my flower crown?" I look around the room and see it on the bedside table. Luz laughs at my panic state over a flower crown.

"Are you okay? You were so tired that you made me carry you to the Owl house." Luz stated tucking a strand of green hair behind my ear. I shrug my shoulders but wince in pain. Luz instantly gets to my side making sure I don't continue to irritate my wounds.

"What happened to you? One minute your cuddling up to me the next your wincing at the slightest touch." Luz said concern laced in her voice. I looked at the ground not really knowing what to tell her. How should I tell her this.

"Amity those are man made marks. Someone was hitting you. I wanna know who makes you run in the boiling rain, who makes you want to hide in an ally, who makes you want to do this to yourself." Luz said sternly holding my wrist gently as she says the last part. I turn my head away from her. Knowing that if I looked at her I would tell her about everything. My dad, My siblings, My mom, and my feeling. I was told to never show weakness.

"I fell down the steps but it's ok I'm completely fine." I say silently as my eyes blur with tears I put on a smile trying to convince Luz.Luz doesn't say anything just pulls me close to her body as I silently cry into her sweater. She runs her hand through my hair as she shuffles a little so that she was laying down on the bed with me at her side.

"Come to me if it happens again. And when you are ready you can tell me." Luz says as she gently runs her hand through my hair again. I give her a small nod before closing my eyes. Letting sleep slowly consume me. Feeling completely tranquil because I was next to Luz.

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