Chapter 5

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"Are you just going to stand there staring at your girlfriend or are you going to help me?"Eda says teasingly. I feel my face go red from getting caught staring. I quickly try to defend myself, but fail miserably. 

"I'm only teasing, kid. But seriously you should tell her before someone else does." She gently places her hand on my shoulder. I give her a small smile. Over the past couple weeks Eda had become like a second mother to me. Always trying to keep me safe, keep me educated, and letting me have fun. Once she had cleaned up her messes from when she was my age to get me into Hexside. 

"Let's get this over with. I wanna try to learn a new spell." I rush to the back just in time to see the Owlbert coming through the dimensional door. I remember how I got here. It was through that very door. I suddenly start to feel homesick. I must have been there for way to long because Eda came over to me to check on me.

"Hey kid what taking so long?" the end of her sentence faded off as I turned around to see her. She gave me a sad smile as she pulled me into a hug. It took me a while before I hugged her back. She started playing with hair,"Let it all Luz." I did just that. I cried due to the fact that I miss my mom, I felt terrible for lying to her. 

After a while Eda let me go and handed me something I couldn't really see it so I just put it in my pocket and looked towards the floor. Eda pulled my hood over my head brushing the hair from my face before getting up and leaving me. I walked backwards until I sat on a  small desk. A few moments later Eda came back with her staff and a sack.

"You closed up shop?" I ask looking up at her. She gave me a small smile before grabbing my hand and walking out. She got me on her staff and we made our way to the owl house. Once our feet touched the ground she opened the door and blocked my path.

"Stay out here, kid. I wanna show you something." She says she pulls Owlbert from her staff and he flies over to me. He nuzzles into my cheek. I give him a small smile before looking up to see King and Eda come out. King had snacks and Eda had a notepad. 

"Hey Luz." King says sitting down next to me and looking at the sky. It was barely sunset but some stars were really notable. I always enjoyed looking at the stars with Eda and King. Eda came over to us sat down and handed me the notepad. 

"Draw anything you see out there." Eda says handing me a pencil. Why does she want me to draw what I see? I raise and eyebrow before looking out to the sea. I began to sketch. I start to feel myself calm down a lot more than how I felt a while ago. I ended up drawing the area around the Owl house. I finished off sketch by sketching the path that leads to the owl house. 

"Oh hey kid Amity's here." Eda says as waves at the green haired girl. I was so caught up in drawing that I didn't hear Eda greet Amity nor did I notice that Amity sat down next to me. I felt someone look over my shoulder and I ignored it thinking it was just king. 

"Wow Luz that looks amazing." I heard the familiar voice whisper i jump slightly, but relax as soon I notice that it was just Amity. I finish the sketch and notice that I had drawn Amity who was walking on the path. I giggle,"Sorry Amity I was drawing. I guess Eda knows what calms me." I gesture to the notepad and I subtly point at her.

"I guess she does. It looks really beautiful, Luz" Amity says as she traces the pencil marks with her delicate digits. The sun was 2/3 sunken into the ocean but the light that was being given off made a halo effect on the youngest Blight. 

"Yeah it's beautiful...Like you." I whisper the last part not wanting her to hear. She moves her hand onto mine and stands up bringing me with her. She smiles gently at me before looking down and picking King up. She smiles at him before picking up a small box and handing it to him. 

"Here it's a cupcake. I thought that since I destroyed the last one I could give you one." Amity winces as she remembers what she had done that day. King opened the box and inside was a vanilla cupcake with pink frosting, a strawberry, and chocolate. He closed the box and nodded as a thank you. She smiles at him before handing him over to me.

"I wanted to apologize to King for the cupcake. Also I guess I also wanted to get out of the house since Ed and Em won't stop bothering me." Amity explained "Also Eda told me that you were upset and she couldn't get Willow nor Augustus so she called me." She hands me a box just like Kings. She was just looking towards the ground a small blush on her face. Cute.

"Thank you Amity." I say as I motion to the Owl house. Amity just shakes her head.

"Sorry Luz but I should get to my house." Amity walks closer to me and gets on her toes. Planting a small kiss on my forehead. She then looks down face red beyond compared. Is she trying to kill me?

"Good night Luz and see you tomorrow." She says before waving at Eda in the back ground and sending a small wave to King. She walks backwards sending me another wave before completely turning around and walking away.

"Oh Good night, Amity!" I shout out to her before letting out a dream like smile and flopping on the grass looking into the sky. I close my eyes for just a minute and when I open my eyes and see Eda smirking at me. I jump up and hug Eda. 

"Thank you, mom-" I shut up immediately and jump away. " Sorry I didn't mean to call you mom. It's just that you are like a mother figure to me-" Eda's laugh cuts me off.

"It's okay Kid I understand. Lets go head in. I'm tired." Eda says ruffling my hair as she passes me by. I give her the biggest smile I could. I follow in suit with King on my shoulder. Today was great.

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