Chapter 33

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Amity's POV

I rush towards the little pond with Luz in tow. I jump onto a branch with surprisingly good balance and sat down. Luz stopped under the branch before looking around trying to find another way up. She rushes over to a bunch of leaves on the floor and looks through them. She later pulls out a stick. She rushes back under he branch and draws an ice glyph. She gently taps her foot and an ice pillar slowly rises to my level. She slowly sits down next to me on the branch.

"Wow this would be a great spot for a date. Don't you think?" Luz says looking around Th e small pond. She wasn't wrong. It was truly beautiful here. What if I ask her out on a surprise date and we go here. I feel her hand interlace with mine. I turn to look at her to see that she had a very gentle look.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask shyly,"I'll prepare everything. It'll be a surprise, but I'll make sure it's perfect." Luz sent me a smile," A date with you would be amazing, but you don't have to make it perfect. Just being here with you is already perfect." She starts rubbing circles on my hand. I close my eyes taking a deep breath just enjoying being with Luz. I feel Luz shuffling besides me. I open my eyes to see that Luz was standing on the branch.

"Luz! W-what are you do-doing?!" I ask a little confused as to what Luz was doing. She pulled off her shoes and gently placed them on the ice pillar. She sent me a smile before jumping off the branch and Diving into the water. She stayed under there for a while and I begin to worry.

"Luz?" No response "Luz!" I continue to look for her and wait for a response but nothing came. I quickly take my over shirt off and my shoes off I leave them balancing on the branch. I dive into the water. I look around the water to see that Luz was swimming out of a small looking cave. She was kinda surprised when she saw me in the water. She swam over to me and pointed to the surface. We both swam up.

"You won't believe what I found." Luz say once again wrapping an arm around my waist. She pulled out a golden ring with a beautiful emerald in the middle. We began to swim to the shore. Once there she sat down and patted the space beside her.

"I found it over there in a little cave. It's said something about 'this is a promise to that person you love the most.' "She gently grabs my hand and puts the ring on my ring finger before places a chastised kiss on my hand,"And since I love you I wanted to give it to you." I look at the ring admiring it. It was beautiful the way the sun reflected off the emerald.

"I know that it's pretty early to say I love you but I really do. You don't have to say it back thought." Luz says rubbing the back of her neck nervously. I grab her by the collar and pull her into a kiss. The her lips were soft. The kiss lasted a lot longer than the other ones we had before. I had let go of her collar and had one arm wrapped around her neck the other on was creasing her cheek. She had her arms wrapped around my waist pulling everyone closer to her.

"I love you, too" I whisper once we pull away. I lean my forehead against her's. She looked so happy and full of life when those words left my mouth. I was so focused on the beautiful girl in front of me that I failed to notice Em and Ed walking towards our spot.

"Well look at this Ed it's just so cute" Em says like a fan girl would. I reluctantly look away from Luz and glare at my siblings. Luz sighs a little before get up and helping me up. I remember the ring and put my hand in my pocket.

"Sorry cutie we kinda need to take mittens back home." Ed says he sends Em a look and Em turns to Luz and whispers something in her ear. Luz nods in understanding. I place a small kiss on Luz's cheek before waving goodbye and heading with my siblings towards our house.

~At the manor~

I  step out of the bathroom a black towel wrapped around my body. I had accidentally left my cloths in my room. I hear something fall and turn in its direction. Luz had fallen. Luz is in my room. I'm in my room with no clothes. Life is a b!tch!!!! I feel my face go red as I rush to my bathroom.

"Luz what in the hex are you doing here!?" I ask through the door. Luz had covered her face with one of my pillows but I could tell her face was as red as mine,"Em told me to sneak through your window around this time. I'm so sorry. I'll leave if you-" I cut her off," there is no need.. um I'll be out in a minute ... that is if you could pass me the cloths that happen to be on the bed. Please and thank you." A little while later a small knock was heard. I open the door to see my cloths on the floor and Luz on my bed facing away from the bathroom. I quickly get dressed and slowly open the door. I sneak behind Luz and wrap my arms around her waist. She jumps a little bit at the contact.

"Thank you Luz." I whisper I turn to get a better look at her face to see that she was still blushing. I let go of her waist and sit in front of her. She looked really embarrassed and guilty,"I'm so sorry Amity. I'm so so so so sorry." She covers her face with her hands. I place my hands on her shoulders. I pull her onto the bed so she can lay down. She had moved her hands down a little so she could see me. I wrap my hands around her wrist and gently pull on them. I place a kiss on her forehead. I pull Luz into a hug. Her head on my chest and my arms around her neck her arms around my torso.

"Luz it's all right. You didn't mean to. I have already forgiven you." I say gently as I start rubbing circles on her hand. She cleared her throat before asking," um Amity do you mind if I ask you something?" I give her a small nod,"um why don't you have and i'm sorry if this is rude but why don't you have a gem on your chest like Em, Eda, and Willow?" I  freeze for a moment.

"Um i- remember when I said that the title 'half-a-witch' would suit me better. Well the thing is that I never properly developed my powers. That's why I need a training wand for most of my new spells." I explain playing with Luz's incredible soft hair. Luz just pulls me closer to her as she plays with the helm of my shirt.

"You are incredible." Luz says drowsily I continue to play with her hair."thank you but in reality you are far more incredible than I am." I say kissing her forehead,"After all you can do magic even without having a magic bail sack." I feel Luz slowly nodding off to sleep.

"Go a head Luz. Rest." I place a kiss on her forehead again,"good night Luz." She mumbles a small good night before finally letting sleep over take her. I cast a spell and the lights in my room dim down almost completely off. I feel her pull me closer to her nuzzles into my chest. The door to my bed room slowly opens and my moms head pops in.

"Oh my who is this adorable intruder?" She says amused. "Em told her to come over. I hope you don't mind but she was really tired." I run my hand through her hair and hear her sigh contently. My mom walks over and pulls a blanket over the both of us. She goes to we're I am and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Yes she can stay but tomorrow she better be here for breakfast." She says gently before sitting at the edge of my bed."how has your day been?" She runs her hands through my hair," I had a good day. I spent some time with Luz. Just enjoying being outside." She nodded as she took in what my day has been. She gets up and kisses my forehead once again before walking over to the door,"good night my dear mittens." She sends me a sweet smile before closing the door. I place one last kiss on Luz's fore head. I close my eyes and let sleep take over.

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