Chapter 36

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"Whoa..." I say absolutely astonished at what Eda had shown me. It was the entire boiling isles completely made of different light spheres. I stare in awe.

"It's incredible." I hear Amity whispers as she comes out of the house. "Okay kids get ready for school and remember you are to help me with the stand today." Eda reminds as she makes the display disappear. We both give her a firm nod before running off to get ready.

~At Hexside~

"Okay class today you'll be working on a potion any potion is acceptable." The teachers instructs,"you have today and tomorrow's class to finish the potion." I look over towards Amity to see her flipping through the pages of her textbook. She stops at one before pulling out the necessary items. I look over to see that she was making a love potion.

"Luz what potion will you be doing?" Willow says, I turn around so i could properly talk to her."I have no idea what potion to do. Any suggestions?" I ask still not sure what potion to make.

"Well you can make the truth serum, its when you can't lie until the potion wears off." Willow suggests ," do you know what page is it on." I ask willow grabs my textbook and flipped to a certain page. She handed it to me.

"Okay then this shouldn't be that hard to make right?" I ask myself before taking out the ingredients. I followed every step the textbook said I should and In a matter of minutes I had made the truth serum. I pout a small amount in a small flask before downing it.

"Hm I don't feel any different." I say to myself before turning towards Willow,"hey willow ask me any question." Willow and Amity gave me a confused look before just accepting it.

"Oh okay what did you just drink?" Willow asks I wave it off as if it wasn't anything important,"the truth serum I made just a few moments ago."  Willow and Amity looked at each other with a mischievous glint in their eyes.

" What do you think of Amity?" Willow asks I cross my arms," Amity is my world I would die for her. She is so adorable and intelligent. Sometimes I wish I could just-" I cut myself off by smacking my own hand over my mouth. I feel my face flush red. I see Amity smirk.

"How often do you have these thoughts and wishes?" Amity asks as she leans closer to me,"um only sometimes like that time when I accidentally saw you nak-" this time Amity covered my mouth with her hand. Her face almost as red as mine.

"Um I think that was enough." Amity says with a nervous laugh. Willow starts laughing at our interaction before getting an idea,"how bad do you want to kiss Amity?" I gently pry Amity's hands from my face before responding," really bad but since I don't want to ruin her reputation I don't mind wait until later." Willow nudges Amity who hasn't said a word. I now took notice that she had a small flask of some pink liquid.

"Oh gimme." I say childishly before taking the flask. Amity tried getting the flask back," if you want it you must give me a prize afterwards." I try to compromise. "Luz don't drink that it's a love potion it will make you fall in love with the first person you see." Amity tried to warn I shrug her off before downing the potion.

"Awesome it taste like cherry. " I look at Amity," Did I ever tell you how absolutely stunning you are." I lean against the table getting closer to Amity. She face palms but you could see the ever growing blush on her face. Amity grabs the empty flask from my hand and puts it with the other bottles. She pours the small pot of love potion into 2 tiny bottles.

"Luz could you stop staring at me and put your potion in these bottles?" Amity asks I lean closer to her," of course I could my love." I place a kiss on her cheek before doing as I was told. Willow was waiting besides Amity who was pinching the bridge of her nose. I run to the front of the room and start drawing Amity with hearts surrounding her.

"Wait so she is under the influence of the love potion and the truth serum?" Willow asks as she studies my behavior. I walk up behind them and wrap my arms over Amity's shoulders," hey Amity did you know I can hold the world in my hands." I move to stand in front of her.

"How can you do that?" Willow asks completely knowing what was going to happen. I cup Amity's face in my hands before whispering," see since your my entire world." I give her a small peek on the nose.

"See you in next class got stuff." I say before walking away. I hear Willow laughing at Amity's reaction. All class I could do was think about Amity. I try to listen to the teacher but I can't my thoughts are being taken over by Amity. It's like I'm falling for her all over again but this time I'm full flogged ramming into it.

"Miss.Noceda are you paying attention?" My teachers, who happens to be Lilith asks,"Sorry ma'am I'm not." She gives me a small nod,"I would like to speak to you after class." I give her a nod.

At the end of the class I stay in my seat doodling a picture of Amity once again. I know That she was walking over to me.

"What's the matter Miss.Noceda?" Lilith says putting a gentle hand on my shoulder," well I made this truth serum and tested it in myself than Amity made this love potion and I drank it so right now I'm under the influence of the truth serum and love potion." I say in as fast as I could.

"So is that why you are drawing Miss.Blight over everything?" Lilith asks as she pulls out my test paper. It had various doodle of Amity and a couple of A+L's here and there,"Yep." A knock at the classroom door is heard.

"Come in." Lilith says and in comes the girl who has been on my mind for a while now. I rush over to her and wrap my arms around her nuzzling into her neck.

"Um sorry about her she's not herself right now." Amity says as she tries to gently pull me off of her." Hey Amity did you know I would shout my love to you to all the world?" She faves me a confused look. I lean towards her and whisper,"I love you." I pull away and grab her hand placing a kiss on her hand. I run my finger over the ring I gave her the other day.

"That ring is beautiful who gave it to you?" Lilith asks as she gestured to the golden ring on my girls hand," I gave it to her I found it in a cave under the pond near Eda's house. It had a bunch of other human things that Eda thought uninteresting, but in the human world they are worth a lot." I walk around Amity before hugging her from behind.

"Doesn't it look beautiful on her Ms.Lilith?" I Ask placing a gentle kiss on her neck I feel her stiffen. I immediately pull away my face red. I pull my cowl over my face and crouch onto the floor trying to become as small as I can.

"I'm so sorry I didn't- well I wanted - I mean... mierda(sh*t)!" I try to explain but fail. I cover my face with my hands,"when does the love potion and serum wear off?" I ask after mentally freaking out. I hear shuffling and look up to see Eda.

"When did you drink them?" Lilith asks ," um an hour ago." Amity states," okay then the serum should last for 30 more minutes and for the love potion 1 more hours." Amity kneels down next to me and pulls the cowl off my head placing a kiss on my head.

"Come on day one of our punishment is about to begin." She says helping me off of the floor. We walk towards Eda and report for today's punishment. Eda walked us to the stand a little confused as to what happened to me.

Once we get there she starts preparing for the customer. I wasn't completely focused on the task all I was doing was leaning on the table and staring at Amity. Eda seemed to have enough of it.

"Why does Luz look like the first time she figured out she was in love with you?" Eda asks Amity not completely sure of what happened. Amity just now noticed that I was staring at her. I quickly look away as if I hadn't been watching her.

"She drank my love potion and a truth serum. The truth serum should last for about 20 more minutes. The love potion should last for 40 more minutes." Amity explains walking over to me. I instantly perk up as she pays my head a little. I swear if I was a dog right now I bet my tail would be wagging.  As much as I love declaring my love for Amity I hope this thing wears off soon.

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