Chapter 17

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"I hope she got my letter." As soon as I said that Owlbert flew through my window with another letter tied to his talon. I close my window once he got inside and i untie the letter from his talon. Owlbert lands on my shoulder and nuzzles into my neck. I open the letter with a small smile in my face.

Dear Luz,

Thank you for worrying but I'm all right. A little bored but I'm okay. Father just told us to go to our rooms. I want to tell you something tomorrow. Anyway sorry that the letter is so short. Good night.

                                                                                                                       Love, Amity

I smile at the small letter before petting Owlbert and Heading to bed. I let sleep take over allowing me to go to dream land. I woke up to the sun shining onto my face. I get up and stretch until I'm fully awake. I prepare for the day before running downstairs to greet Eda and King. I wave at them,"Good morning Eda,King. I have to get going but I'll see you later. By the way I might bring Amity and the twins over." Eda just nods used to the presents of the 3 Blight kids coming over. I skip my way to school excited to see Amity again. Oh Amity I can't get you out of my head. It's not like I would want to get her out of my head.No one was really in the halls. I continue walking when suddenly I feel someone push me onto the lockers.

"Hey Human! You were supposed to help me with Willow yesterday." Bocsha says pinning me to the lockers. She had 2 of her friends on each side of her. I try to walk away but Bocsha pushes me twice as hard into the lockers causing me to fall to the floor. I glare at her and attempt to stand up again, but one of Bocsha's friends kicks me in the stomach. I stay on the ground this time. 

"Sorry that I was helping your best friend. " I growl at her. Boscha scoffs,"So you tried playing hero for Amity. Human what don't you get. Amity can't and will never love you. Your a dork, nerd, and annoying. She's probobly being nice to you so she can use you. After all if she hangs out with you then you must have some type of use. Unless your absolutly usless." Boscha says drawing a spell circle and a yellow flame appears in her hand. She raises her fist and tries to slam it into my face. She starts to swing her fist at me trying to hit me. I was able to dodge most of the hits.

"You ruined my chances with Willow. Stop moving damn it!" She growls before successfully ramming her fist into my stomach. The hit made me fly back and slam into the lockers. I try to get of the floor but I gain a punch to my face. I try to stand up again this time blocking the punch directed to me. I punch her in the face and kick her in the stomach. Her friends grab my arms and keep me in place. Boscha wipes something of her face before setting her fists on fire again. She slams her fist into my stomach leaving it there for a moment so I can feel the fire. I clench my teeth in pain trying to not give them the satisfaction of seeing me scream or cry. 

"Nighty Night Human!" Boscha says ready to punch me in the face. I glare at her challenging her to punch me her hardest. Suddenly a pale hand Punches her in the face. The 2 'friends' fall to the ground in pain. I fall onto my knees. I look around me to see Em and Ed restraining Boscha's friends. 

"I thought I warned you when I started to hang out with Luz. That No One. I mean no one. Picks on her." Amity growls a small magenta flame in her fist in position to knock Boscha's lights out. Boscha tries to free herself but Amity had a strong grip on her. Amity looks over her shoulder to look at me.

"Are you okay Luz?" the green haired witch asked. I nod but my body betrays me and I wince a little. I viably see Amity's grip on Boscha increase. 

"How dare you do this to her? She was going to help you even though you are a jerk to her. This isn't going to help with getting with willow. She's willow's best friends what do you think she'll say." Amity growls at the 3 eyed girl before scoffing,"Whatever Never touch Luz and maybe I won't make you meet your maker." Amity pushes Boscha away and walks towards me. She placed her hand on my face tilting my head gently trying to get a better lock at the damage done to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't get here earlier." She says gently all the venom in her voice gone. She brushed her thumb over a new bruise,"She had punched you in the stomach right? Show me it I want to be able to help you. Well that is if you would allow me to." Amity's face flushed red as she spoke. I nod and lift my shirt slightly. There was a fist sized red mark on mt stomach.

"That will be hard to explain." I whisper before pulling my shirt back down. Amity looked furious as she walked around the hall. Em and Ed walk up behind me and placed one of there hands on my shoulder. 

"Are you okay to stay at the school or do you want to go to the library? I really don't want to see Boscha. Also can we maybe talk to Willow and Augustus. I know you want to spend time with your friends." Amity says her face little red and a small smile on her face. I give her a smile of my own," I would like to go to the Library I'll talk to willow and Gus after school." I grab my bag from where it was abandoned. Amity takes my hand in hers and waves at her siblings before leading me out of school and towards the library. We immediately head to the romance section. Amity opens the secret hideout and motions me in.

"I never really told you how beautiful and calming your hideout is. I meant to but it never came up." I explain as I look around the room before walking over to Amity's favorite books shelf. I turn to look at Amity to see that she has bandages in one hand and ointment in another.

"We need to treat the wounds." Amity says a small blush on her face. I nod before pulling up my shirt. She inspected the wounds. Even some I didn't even know I had gotten. She gently put the ointment on me. The last wound she was working on was the one on my stomach. 

"This might sting a little." She warns before dabbing my wound gently with the ointment. I hiss in pain. It felt like it was on fire again. I feel small tears fall down my face. Amity gently wraps the bandages around my stomach before looking up at me," I'm so sorry, Luz . I really should have gotten here  quicker. " She pulls my shirt down gently trying no to hurt me. She moves to the large beanbag and pats the spot next to her. I sit next to her and lay my head on her lap looking up at the goddess.

"Uh Luz?" She asks a little surprise by my actions. I close my eyes with a small sigh,"I'm just tired. And if I move my stomach a lot my boo boo will hurt." I pout Amity giggles a little at my antics before running her hand through my hair. I hum a little tune as we stay in a comfortable silence.Just knowing she is there makes this moment amazing. I couldn't help but feel myself slowly accepting sleep with the green haired witch in my mind.  

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