Chapter 46

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"Well my mom wanted me to come home early because she missed me... she wants to be with me for some important news or something like that." I say as Amity cuddles up next to me. I really didn't want to leave her. She's one of the best things in my life.

"Maybe you can explain to her about the boiling isles. She might let you stay." Amity whispers as she looks up at me. I place my forehead against her's,"that would be a good idea. One problem though. My curse it could lead to big problems in my realm." Amity thinks for a moment. The curse is something we must worry about. It could cause the boiling isles to be revealed. I can be taken to a facility to be tested on.

"I'll have to explain this to my mom won't I?" I say as I sit up looking out to the pond. I feel Amity sit up and wrapped her arms around me. I lean back into her embrace.

"We'll think of something, but for now let's make the most of the time we have." Amity says as she places a gentle kiss on my neck before nuzzling into my neck. I give her a small nod.

"Ok than let's start with actually properly attending school. I want to learn as much magic as I can. You can tutor me right?" I ask as I look over my shoulder to see the green haired witch. She gives me a nod before giving me a peek on the lips,"i can even show you some more basic spells." I give her a small nod.

"Kid! Luz!" Eda shouts from around the bend. I get up and help Amity off the floor. We rush to see what Eda wanted. She was pacing the floor she had a worried look on her face.

"Kid ok you are safe that's good. I was so worried." Eda says as she rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug. Why was she so worried? Is she okay? I gently pull away from her embrace to see if she was okay.

"Yeah of course I am. I was on a date with Amity. What's the matter?" I ask as I pull her into another hug. She held me close just like a mother would. She suddenly pulled away cleared her throat and acted as if that didn't happen.

"I was just worried because you mom wants you home in one piece and she won't be to happy when she sees those or this and she most definitely won't be happy about this." Eda says as she gestured to all my wounds and the wolf tail I had gained during the date. Eda scratches the back of her neck,"and because I heard someone scream I thought it might have been you. Sorry kid." I give her a reassuring smile.

"It's okay. I can take care of myself, thank you for worrying. I think I'll be able to explain the wounds." I state as I gently grip my hand that still had a bandage on it. It hurts less than it did yesterday. Which reminds me I have to do something about this stupid love mark Amber gave me. It's not as red as before but still. I didn't notice I had subconsciously started to scratch at the mark until Amity had taken my hand in hers and placed a gentle kiss on the back of my hand.

"Well I'll leave you two to your date make sure to bring her back in one piece and before she turns completely." Eda state as she ruffles both of our hair. She slowly walks away from us and heads towards the owl house. She turned around before heading inside making the 'I'm watching you gesture' towards Amity. I feel myself scratching my neck again. Amity once again pulls at my hand again.

"Remember it will go away in time. Hey maybe it'll leave by next week. " Amity says as she gently squeezing my hand. I squeeze her hand back. I love her and leaving her is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done. I lean my forehead against her's.

"I love you, my Star." I whisper as I gently wrap my arms around her waist. She sighs contently,"I love you, too you dorky human." She wraps her arms around my neck. I gently cup her face pulling her into a small kiss. It was gentle and sincere. If my brain was working right I would be able to describe it better.

"Mittens!" Amity pulls away accidentally bitting my lip," hex I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bite you."  I shake my head in amusement,"it's all right Ami. But if you don't believe me you can kiss it better." I raise an eyebrow as I lean a little closer to her. She rolls her eyes before placing a kiss on my lips.

"Well my siblings seem to be wanting me. Willow wants us to meet her by the beach. Meet me there? Since your curse isn't like mine you have a few hours before you transform. Be back here in about 3 hours."Amity says as she pulls away. I give her a firm nod before pulling her into the last kiss for the day. I slowly tilt my head deepening the kiss.

"See you later my shining star. I'll make sure to be careful." I state as I pull away. "Are you guys done with all that. Because as a fan I'm all yes this is happening, but as a big brother I'm all you better watch yourself Luz." Ed says as he crosses her arms over his chest. Em just shakes her head in disappointment before smacking him upside the head.

"Mom wants you to accompany her and Ms.Lilith our to lunch." Em says as she gently wraps her arms around Amity's shoulder. Amity looks at me with a sad smile,"ok i'll make my way over there. See you later Luz remember the curse." I nod as I ruffle her hair.

"Don't worry Mittens I know l. I'll meet you at the beach. Go enjoy lunch with your mom and mentor." I say as I gently push her over to her sister. I place a gentle kiss on her forehead,"I'll be fine." Amity sighs,"make sure to not scratch you neck or so help me I'll do it for you." I give her a nod.

"Okay see you later Luz." Amity says as she reluctantly let go of my hand. I watch as she walks down the path and away from me. I feel myself smile as I see her look over her shoulder to look at me. I head towards the owl house wanting to slow down the curse just enough to go hangout.

"Hey Eda do you have a potion that can slow my curse down. I want to hang out with the others but my curse can be a problem." I ask as I sit down next to her on the couch. She thinks about it for a moment before finally speaking up," yes I do here let me get it for you. Make sure you make it here safe I'll be leaving to do something and won't be back till late at night." I give her a small nod. She stands up and searches through a sack. She later on pulls out a small bottle of light purple liquid.

"Here I'll make sure to make you more. This should slow it down enough." Eda says as she hands it over to me. I open it and down the whole thing.

"You should really stop doing that it could be dangerous." Eda says as she sits back beside me. King jumps onto the couch and lays down on her lap.

"Ha I laugh in the face of danger!" I say taunting danger. Eda laughs at my antics while King starts to degrade danger. This make Eda laugh twice as much. Man I'm going to miss these guys.

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