Chapter 39

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Amity's POV

Luz. That's all that has been on my mind. Luz, the date, and my diary. I seemed to be taking the fact that my mom is crushing on my teacher pretty well. My mom deserves it thought. The date plans I had for Luz are kinda ruined. I kinda didn't tell Luz something though. Amber and James ruined the pond. There is garbage everywhere and rude sayings all around. Every night I go back to the pond and try to clean it.

A blue blast passes right by me barely missing me.I make a barrier trying to protect myself from the blast. With one more blast my shield brakes and I fall backwards. I look up to see my teacher.

"Are you all right Miss.Blight?" Ms.Lilith asks as she helps me off the floor,"yeah hey what did my mom say about you calling me that she wants you to call me Amity." I cross my arms in a joking manner. Ms.Lilith shakes her head in Amusement.

"All right, Amity. You did well but is seems your brain was somewhere else. Tell me what's the matter." Ms.Lilith asks leading me to a nearby bench. We both sit down taking a small break for today.

"Well Amber messes up the area where me and Luz would be going on a date to. I want to do something about my diary. " I explain. I hear a small hoot. I look up to see Owlbert. He lands on my shoulder pulling on my cowl trying to get me to follow him.

"Ms.Lilith he wants to take us somewhere." I get up and follow him. He leads me to a dark ally. I stop Mr.Lilith from going on. I hear voices.

"So are you going to do as I said? After all you don't want to lose your teachers right?" I familiar voice says. I hear a small grunt,"yes I'll do it just don't hurt her in any way." I know that voice it was Luz's. I peek past the corner to see James standing over Luz. She was sitting on the floor glaring  at James.

"So say it. Say what you are going to do!" He shouts kicking her in the side. She doesn't flinch. She doesn't move. All she does is glare at him. For a moment she looks away and shoots a look in our direction. She knows We're there.

"I'll break up with Amity. You better not tell anyone about the secret." Luz says. She shoots me a small glance before turning to the boy in front of her. He paints a wicked smile on his face before shoving something in Luz's hands.

"There you go. Here is the missing pages to her diary. Thanks for the help human." He spits out the word human. I turn to look over my shoulder to see that Ms.Lilith is gone. I turn to look at Luz to see Ms.Lilith blocking his exit.

"Where do you think your going?" She says with hidden rage. I quickly sneak over to Luz and pull her with me. She sends me a small smile.

"I hope you didn't really think I would break up with you." She whispers once we got a good distance away from James. I shake my head,"I know better than that." I send her my own smile. Luz pulls out the page the James had taken. I gently take it from her to see that it was the last entire. It said that our teachers had a secret that only me and Luz knew.

"He was using it as blackmail. To bad he never knew the secret." Luz explains. "Ok girls let's get going." Ms.Lilith says as she gently leads us away from the ally. Luz takes my hand in hers as we walk back to where I was training. Owlbert lands on Luz's shoulder and nuzzles into her cheek.

"Thank you for getting help Owlbert." Luz says gently petting the palismen. I smile at how adorable it looked. I turn to look at Ms.Lilith to see that she had a smirk on her face. I feel my face flush a little bit. Yeah yeah wait until I get you back.

We arrive at the training groups and pet Luz watch my training. I really wanted to impress her so I did various tricks and dodged the blasts using other tricks. Ms.Lilith went to check on something giving me a break to catch my breath.

"So do you normally practice like that or do you only do that when I'm around?" Luz asks as I take a drink of water. I playfully nudge her trying to avoid the question. She laughs at my reaction before wrapping her arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around her neck.

"You were amazing. Maybe you should teach me how to do that." She says gently leaning her forehead against my own. We stay like that in a comfortable silence not really caring where we were.

"Sorry to say girls but Amity your mother wants you home for dinner soon. Luz Eda's getting a little worried about you." Ms.Lilith says as she walks over to us. Luz slowly pulls away one hand still wrapped around my waist.

"Well I hope you enjoy your dinner. See you tomorrow love." Luz places a tender kiss on my lips before pulling away giving me a small wink and walking away with Owlbert on her shoulder. I couldn't help but stare at her retreating figure.

"I love that girl." I say softly forgetting my teacher was at my side. We begin our walk to the manor. We talked about the training and my punishment tomorrow.

"Here we are make sure to send my regards to your mother Amity." Ms. Lilith says as she knocks on the door. She ruffles my hair and begins to walk away.

"Oh lily there will be no need for that." My mom says as she opens the door. Ms. Lilith's face turns a light red color," would you like to stay for dinner Lilith?" I face palm at there interaction. I grab my mom's hand and pull her towards Lilith.

"I'll leave you two to talk. See you inside." I state patting my teacher before heading inside. I head to my room and wait for dinner to begin. I only had thought one thing in mind the entire time. Luz. Her beautiful short hair. Her beautiful eyes. Her laugh that I could hear every day.

I sat on my desk and started sketching out the girl that had plagued my thoughts. I didn't notice that I had missed dinner. I didn't even notice I feel asleep. Once I woke up I had a dark blue cloak draped over my shoulder. I would recognize the cloak anywhere it was Ms.Lilith's.

"Amity you up?" Em asks as she peeks into my room. She slowly walks into my room and gently creases my hair waiting for me to complete wake up.

"Sorta oh I have to get ready. I meeting Luz and Ms.Lilith for something." I shot up from my seat. I quickly rush to the bathroom to prepare for the day.

"Wow this looks good. You gonna give her this?" Em asks as she looks at my drawing," No that's just something I'm going to shove under my bed along with a bunch of stuff she let me borrow. Of course I am." I get out of the bathroom and slowly pull my hair back into its regular hair style. Em walks me to the door.

"Say hi to Luz for me mittens." Em says as she pats me on shoulder. I silently walk to Ms. Lilith's house. I always walk by it on my way to school. I'm kinda used to seeing it.

Once I get there I see that Luz was talking to Eda," make sure you are on the best behavior"  Luz groans,"i know I know. I'll be on my best behavior." I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She tenses up before relaxing a little.

"Hey Luzzy."  She turns around and hugs me back. She places a small kiss on my forehead before pulling away.

"Hey Ami." Luz began,"Ew PDA alert." Eda says as she pretends to fake puke. Ms.Lilith begins to walk out of her house and greets us.

"Thank you for coming. Come now girls we must begin your punishment." Ms. Lilith says. We walk past the gate and see many flowers of different kinds. Some were surrounded with fences others with rocks. This might be harder than I thought it would be.

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