Chapter 21

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I went to sleep a little confused about what just happened Between Ed and Amity. After whatever that was Amity and the twins went on there way home. There mom had just gotten back. I waved goodnight to Eda and king before heading to bed.

~the next day-

The sun light had woken me up before my alarm did. I get ready for the day before heading down stairs. I head for the door after a quick good morning to Eda and King.

"Hey kid make sure you bring Amity over today. She should be transforming tonight" Eda shouts from the kitchen. I stop mid way,"of course Eda I'll bring her over." I walk towards Hexside a smile in my face. I was really happy.what isn't there to be happy about? I enter Hexside and head to my locker. I get my stuff and prepare to get to class.

"Hi Luz!" Willow says as she walks up to me. Gus was behind her explaining something to Amity. Amity pulls her attention from Gus to me. She had her hair lose and part of it was covering part of her face. She ticked a strand of stray hair behind her ear before sending a shy wave at me. My gay heart! I send her a small wave. We all start walking to the classroom. Willow and Gus separate from us to go to their own classes. Leaving only me and Amity.

"Remember Amity you transform tonight so you should swing by the Owl House." I say softly as if I spoke and different she would run away. She gave me a small nod and a nervous smile.

"I hope I don't cause a lot of damage. Even though I'm guessing you got everything under control." Amity says moving some hair from her face. She sends me a small smile. I feel my heart skip a beat. Oh shi taki mushroom. I lift my hand up to my chest clutching it slightly. I feel my face flush. Amity giggles at my reaction.

"What the hell are you trying to do? Kill me? Damn I'm going to die today." I jokingly say placing my hand over my face and leaning my body weight on Amity pretending to faint. Amity laughs at my antics trying to keep the both of us off the floor. I stand up straight taking Amity's hand in mine and rushing to class. I push her into her seat before pushing her chair in. I sit next to her and wait for class to begin. I notice Amity doodling away in a random piece of paper. I glance over to see that she was drawing little me and her in the secret hideout. I feel a smile form on my lips. I pull my own paper out and start to draw myself. I looked around trying to find the right thing to draw when the perfect candidate appeared. I begin to sketch out Th e person.

The class had started and Amity has stopped drawing and was now looking outside the window. I still didn't stop drawing. I'm a pretty good multitasker so it was easy to write notes and draw my subject. I snuck a glance at Amity to see the sun light shining on her pale skin. The way the light shone an her was like a spot light. I swear I could hear symphonies. I finish my drawing and sign it before planing on how to get it to my subject. Oh I'll sneak it into her locker. I put the drawing away and continue with my notes.

~skip class~

"so Amity lets get going to lunch-" I get cut off by Ed walking up to us. "Hey mittens Em told me to get this to you and remind you to eat. Also mom says you should eat more she's worried. " he hand's Amity her lunch ruffling her hair before walking off. I turn to Amity looking at the ground.

"Hey Amity I have a question why do people worry about you eating?" I ask tilting my head in curiosity. Amity scratches her neck before answering," I'm not always hungry and I maybe skipped a couple of meals. Mainly to make room for studying and to not see my... dad. And maybe because I don't wanna eat. Dad says it's a privilege."Amity said the word dad with so much venom like it should die and never exist. I was about to question further but Willow and Gus came over. Amity quickly shifted her head so that hair would fall over her face.

"Hey Luz ready for lunch?" Gus asks as he jumps up and down. I give him a small nod before looking at Amity. She had a small smile as she looked at me. There was so much gentleness in her eyes. I send her a gentle smile. Willow looked between us before pulling Gus away and pushing me closer to Amity. When she went behind Amity she gave me a smirk, thumbs up, and a knowing look.

"Amity!" Boscha yells as she pulls Amity away from me. Amity scoffs at the action before pulling her arm away from Boscha,"I'm fine, Boscha. I need to go see you guys later." Amity gives me one last look before she walks away. I want to follow her. Be with her despite the difficulties. Just be in her presence. Willow got straight into Boscha's face.

"What the hex Boscha! They were just going to-" Willow was cut off by Boscha sealing the small gap between them kissing Willow on her cheek. She pulled away,"calm down babe they needed more privacy. This morons would ruin Amity. I don't want that to happen to her." I try to connect the dots. I look over to Gus before looking towards the girls. I'm pretty sure my brain is broken.

"Um Sorry to interrupt this adorable show of affection but when did this happen?" I say trying to be calm. "You said you would stop doing that!"Willow tried to explain face red of embarrassment,but Boscha cuts her off," oh after I beat you up I felt super guilty about it and I apologized to Amity but I didn't know how to apologize to you. willow saw me tried to help me but she wanted to go up to you and apologize but I don't know how to do that. We hung out for like 4 days in a row and we became friends." I face palm. I take a deep breath and slide my hand down my face.

"I wish I could just say 'hey Amity I love you to such an extent that I would die for you' and not worry that she might not talk to me for the rest of my life. " I whisper as I lean against the wall and looking in the direction in witch Amity went. She was sitting at a bench her lunch still not touched. I stop leaning on the wall and heading towards Amity. She looked up at the sky enjoying the day. I walk up behind the bench and look down at her.

"Hey Amity." I say gently. She had a small smile painted on her face. She opens her beautiful golden eyes to get a good look at me. I know that I'm blushing. I know how close we are. I know that I have to wait for the right time. I hate you time! I jump over the bench and sit next to Amity.

"You won't believe this. Willow and Boscha are really close and from the looks of it Boscha gets a kick out of making Willow blush. " I whisper like if it's something super important. She laughs at my antics again. I looked at her and notice that her lunch bag still had food in it.

"Have you eaten yet?" I ask taking her lunch bag and opening it. It had a simple sandwich and pudding. She shakes her head as a 'no'. I pull out the sandwich and split it into small pieces.

"Here eat a little of it." I whisper as I gently inch the piece of sandwich closer to her mouth. She shuts her mouth tight trying not to eat. I sigh in amusement "Come on Amity just a tiny piece okay. This little." She shakes her head not wanting to eat. I shrug and put the piece in my mouth.

"Wow Amity your mom makes amazing sandwiches. Here at least eat the pudding." I motion towards the pudding. She shakes her head in disbelief before picking the pudding up and eating a little of it. I give her a toothy smile happy that she had at least eaten a little of something.

"Good. We'll work together on helping you eat. I promise." I say pulling her into a hug. She sighs happily before nodding. I pull her closer to me.

"Thanks Luz. So do you think that we can do the Azura book club before I transform?" Amity asks pulling away from me and poking at the tiny pieces of sandwich. I nod my head. She leans on my shoulder again trying to eat the sandwich before spitting it out. I run my fingers through her hair as she gently starts to cough.

"Take it slow. It's okay." I say she leans on me again sighing. I wrap my arm around her shoulder. The school bell screams and we have to get out of this position. Amity gets up first with me close behind. We both walk to our class ready for the lesson. Before we sat down I slipped my drawing into her hand. She looked at it confused before opening it.

All during class she would look at me, the note while takings notes. She slipped a piece of her own paper into my pocket before walking off. I pulled out the paper and looked at it. It was a drawing of me and her durning lunch with small doodles of me, King, and Owlbert scattered around the page. I look in her direction to see her with a small smile looking at me.

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