Chapter 47

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Amity POV

I lied. I wasn't completely honest I didn't want Luz to leave. I wanted her to stay with me. I swear if I didn't control myself I would have made an ever lasting oath that she had to stay here no exceptions . But I didn't because I love Luz and that won't change. Her mother needs her they are a team. Not going to lie though I'm probably going to lose it when Luz leaves.

"Amity are you okay?" My mother asks as she gently places a hand on my shoulder. I let out a dejected sigh,"I'm fi-I'm not fine. Luz is leaving to the human realm in 2 weeks." I poke at my food not really feeling hungry. Good thing I choose the smallest meal.

"Knowing Ms.Noceda and my sister They'll try there best to convince her mother. But in the meantime you should make the most of it. Enjoy the time you have with her right now." Ms.Lilith says as she gently places her hand on my shoulder,"yeah I was planning on it. Hey mom do you mind if I sleep over at Luz's house?" I look up at my mother she had a gentle look in her golden eyes. She gave me a smile before nodding.

"Thank you. I'm meeting the others at the beach today may I please be excused. " I state as I stand up slightly. My mother laughs at how excited I am to go and hang out with my friends,"go one now make sure your in school though mittens." I give her a nod before taking my teachers hand and my mother's hand. I gently wrap their hands around one another and place it on the table.

"Enjoy your meals. See you later mom." I place a kiss on her cheek before rushing down the path. I headed to the manor to get the necessary stuff for both the beach and the sleepover. I'm an idiot I have to ask Luz and Eda for permission. I pack up a small duffel bag with my necessity. I remembered that my moon cycle was over by now. I look under my pillow to see the shirt Luz had given me I worn it as a PJ since she gave it to me. If you thought I would return it you better rethink that.

"Hey were you going Mittens." Ed asks as he leans on my door frame," hey Ed I'm going to the beach with the others." Ed sits down next to my bag as I went to my desk looking for my Diary and my Skitch book.

"Please be careful mittens also check the bottom drawer to the left. I was looking for a pencil and came across it I made sure it put them in a new spot." Ed states as he gestured to the drawer. I glanced at him and as if her knew what I was about to ask he spoke up,"don't worry I didn't look in it, but a drawing of Luz fell out of the sketchbook I tucked it in the middle of the book." I gently grabbed the book and opened it up and just like he said there it was the drawing of my girlfriend in the middle of the book.

"Thank you. Don't worry Ed I'll make sure to stay safe. Thank you for your concern." I say as I pull him into a hug. He slowly wraps his arms around me hugging me back.

"Hey! Your hugging without me. I'm hurt." Em says as she pokes her head through the door. She quickly rushes over to us and pulls us into a hug.

"Um do you guys have anything to do tonight?" I ask as I pull away. I want them to come with me and hey maybe they can teach Luz an illusion spell. Maybe they can teach Augustus something. They shake there heads.

"Good because since I'm going to the beach with Luz and the others I thought hey maybe you guys might like to come with me." I ask rubbing the back of my neck as I pick up my duffle bag. They put their hands on their hearts acting touched.

"Why not I haven't gone to the beach in forever." Em says as she rushes out of the room to pack." I'll meet you guys at the owl house okay." Ed nods before heading out of the room himself. I walk down the stairs and head out the door.

During the walk to the owl house I looked at my surroundings. I walked over to the owl house a skip in my step. I saw that Everyone was already there how long was I taking?

"You guys ready for this!?" Luz shouts as she punches the air. I shake my head in amusement as we follow Luz to the beach. As we walked down the path i saw some people far but not to far from our space. I shake my head trying to see if i was just hallucinating after all I haven't eaten correctly.

"Here we are! Can you guys get fire wood please." Luz says as she gently places her bag on the sand. Luz wanted to show us something called 's'mores'. I saw the people again. It turned out it was James and Amber. I feel myself growl. Amber has a pinkish looking drink in one hand. James has a sinister look on his face. That drink we're have I seen it before?

"Hey guys we wanted to just say hi and that we will be all the way over there. Hey Luz you seem thirsty here pink lemonade." Amber hands out the Pink beverage. Luz looked at it uncertain before gently taking it in her hands. She gently brings it to her lips as she takes a swig.

"It taste familiar." Luz whispers her eyes go wide before she closes them tightly. I remember where I saw it. It's a love potion.

"Luz please tell me you didn't actually drink it!" I say as I place my hand on her shoulder. I take the potion out of her hand and pour it into the sand. Luz shakes her head.

"The potion takes its effect in a few moments. Sorry Ami but I saw Amber first. It's temporary so it will probably last 3 hours like last time." Luz says as she leans her head on my shoulder. I glare at Amber and James as I gently push Luz away.

She was wrong. It was duller and transparent it will last longer than the last time. It's stronger than the last one. Luz opened her eyes and launched herself at Amber. I feel myself almost puke.

"If you'lol excuse me I have to get going." Amber says as she walks away dragging Luz with her.

-time skip-

I feel my heart ache as I see Luz and Amber kissing in the distance,"I know that it'll ware off and she's under the influence of the potion but it hurts. " I state as I look over to Boscha and Willow. Gus and the twins are creating a bunch of tiny illusion.

"Maybe there is something like an anti-love potion. Maybe we can make a potion and make her see you first." Boscha says as she gently leans her head against Willow's. Willow had been thinking of what to do to get her friend away from that royal pain in the a$$.

"Four hours. That's how long it has been. Wait Eda." I stand up from my seat on the rocks. I had put on a pair of black leggings and Luz's shirt earlier and quite frankly I didn't want to change from it. I rush out of our camping area and dashed towards Amber and James's area.

"Ugh!" I state as I accidentally walk in on my girlfriend making out with Amber. I swear I will puke. I take Luz's hand in mine and drag her from the tent. I drag her to the path that leads to the owl house. She kept on struggling often trying to get be off of her.

"Luz please!" I beg as I pull on her with all my strength. She twisted my arm making me let go of her arm. I wince in pain as I drop to the floor. I'm not going to give up on you. She was running back towards the beach. I started running along side her before launching myself at her and tackling her to the ground.

"Luz! I'm so sorry." I whisper as I hit her on the back of her neck just on the right place so she would lose contentiousness. I feel tears prick my eyes as I gently brush the hair way from her face. I'm sorry Luz I needed to do this.

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