Chapter 24

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Amity POV

I woke up to the sun shining through the window. I had my arms around something. It was warm and was hugging me back. I looked up at what was holding me. It was Luz.

"No mine" she mumbled as she pulled me closer to her. I feel a blush rush up to my cheeks. I hear a small snicker from the corner of the room. I turn my head so I can see who it was.

"You better wake her up. You both have school in a few hours." Eda says sitting on her bed?nest? Whatever it is.  I give her a small nod before turning to look at the sleeping girl who was holding me closer to her. I didn't really want to wake her right away so I just lied there with my arms around her. She had a faint smile on her face.

"Luz wake up." I say gently placing my hand on her cheek. She slowly opens her eyes a sleepy look in them. She gave me a small smile before pulling me closer and nuzzling into my neck. 

"Morning beautiful" she says in a husky voice. I feel myself blush more at both the comment and her tone."g-good morning Luz. Eda wants us to get up so we can get to school on time." I say running my hands through her hair. It was soft and smelled of lemons and pine cones. She doesn't move she just pulls me closer to her.

"Luz come on we have to go to school." I whisper as to not be so loud. Luz stays quite for a moment before pulling away. She had really cute bed hair,"Fineee but only because we have to read Azura." Luz smiles at me before placing a quick kiss on my forehead. I froze at the action my blush becoming stronger.  She giggles a little before standing up and holding her hand out for me. I take her hand gratefully. We both get ready for the day before heading downstairs to meet Eda and King.

"You kids better hurry up schools about to start. Luz see you later and Amity see you sometime soon."  Eda says trying to get moving vegetables into a pot. I wave her goodbye before heading towards King and giving him a little scratch on his head. Luz says a quick goodbye to Eda and King before heading over to me and interlacing our hands. We walk down the path to Hexside hand in hand.

~small time skip~

"Well I'll see you in a bit Am." Luz says as she slowly lets go of my hand. She places a small kiss on my cheek before pressing a small kiss on my nose. She sends me a small smile backing away slowly. I send her a smile of my own before walking over to my locker. I pull out the necessary things for my classes and head straight there. I sit near the window and set my stuff down.

"Oh if it isn't the ugly blight." I turn to look at the pink haired girl. I turn away and try to ignore her. She scoffs at my actions. She was about to say something when she got cut off by another voice,"Amber I need to sit down." I turn back around and see that it's Luz. She glances at me before sending me a reassuring smile.

"Oh hi Luz. You sat with her the other day can't you sit with me?" Amber says  sitting on Luz's desk. Luz puts on a stern face and shakes her head,"no Amber I'm sitting here. So if you may excuse me I want to sit down." Amber huffs a little before moving towards the back of the class. I gave her a little wave before turning back to the window.

"Okay everyone class is beginning." The teachers says. He began his lesson but I didn't really pay attention. I wasn't feeling it today all I wanted to do was going home or my hideout. Hideout it is. I look down at my paper. What should I do? I suddenly get an idea. I start doodling small scenes from the good witch Azura.

"Amity come on its time for the next class." Luz says pulling me out of my little world. I give her a small nod before standing up and heading to my net class Luz close behind me. We got into class and just as we sat down the class had begun. That's how today went. Me just doodling and speaking as little as I could with Luz sticking to my side. She would ramble on to me and I would tell her I'm okay with her rambling.

"Amity come sit over here with me and the others." Luz suggests as she points over to a table we're Willow,Augustus, and boscha we're sitting. I give her a slight nod letting her drag me over to the table. I silently sit down and pull out the paper I was doodling on all day.

"Mittens. You really should stop forgetting your lunch. Mom wants you to eat a little bit at least." Em says placing my lunch bag in front of me before kissing my forehead,"please eat a little." She whispers. She turns to Luz and gestures to me. Luz gives her a strong nod Luz sits down next to me. She pulls out my food and does the same throng she did yesterday. I shake my head as she motions to my food.

"Come here." She whispers opening her arms for me to hug her. "Sorry Luz I think that I still have some of the curses symptoms." I lean onto her. She shakes her head,"don't be ridiculous it's okay but please eat something. Here how about some pudding?" She hands me the pudding my mom always packs with my lunch. I reluctantly take it. She gives me a small smile.

"We'll try the sandwich afterwards." Luz says popping a piece of my sandwich into her mouth. I nod and quickly finish my pudding trying to get it over with. Luz gives me an amused look before she hands me a small piece of the sandwich.

"Why does she do that?" Boscha asks Willow. Willow elbows her before giving her a stern look. I give willow a small smile of reassurance before saying," well if you had paid more attention you would have seen that I don't eat. Mainly because I don't want to." Boscha faces palmed with a small 'damn it' I look back at Luz before eating a small piece of sandwich. I quickly eat it.

"See all good right?"Luz asks eating another piece of sandwich. I lean on her and nod. I suddenly have a strong urge to go to sleep. I feel my eye lids getting heavier.

"Go ahead I'll wake you when we need to go." Luz says shifting a little for me to be a little more comfortable. With those final words I let myself go into the world of the unconscious.

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