Chapter 44

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As soon as Amity and Boscha walked into the lunch room you could notice the fresh marks on Amity's neck. She made sure to head directly towards us. Once she sat down Ed and Em made their way to us. They had stern expressions with a burning passion to hurt someone.

"where are they Amity?" Ed and Em said in union. Amity shifted uncomfortably," They should be on there way here. If not they would be trying to come up with another 'plan'" Amity states as she rubs the back of her neck. Em knelt down in front of Amity. She pulled on Amity's hair tie before running her fingers through sister's hair. She Pulled her cowl over her head and moved some of her hair over her neck.

"Try to keep those hidden for now." Em says calmly before getting up and grabbing her brother before heading out of the lunch room. I take Amity's hand in mine," You okay?" I ask a bit curious as to what they did to her. Boscha crossed her arms probably coming up with a way to at back at James and Amber for hurting her friend.

"They tied me up. James was about to do something but i was able to get away. Half way to the the door Amber grabbed me and slammed me against the wall." Amity explained as she gently placed her hand on her neck. Gus looked at me with a small smile before drawing a spell circle. A dozen tiny butterflies flew around the table. I nudge Amity pointing to the butterflies.

"Wow" Amity says a smile growing on her face as she gently cradles one in her hands. Gus drew another spell circle causing a small blast of flowers to wash over us. We were so caught up in Gus's little presentation that no one noticed Lily walking over. She stopped as she observed the illusion.

"Sorry to interrupt but Eda wants you all at the owl house." Lily said her eyes scanning us over her eyes lingering on Amity for a while. She glanced at me to see some marks too. She walked over to Amity and moved the hair from her neck.

"Who did this to you?" She asks her voice stern and full of anger. Amity didn't say a word. Boscha slammed her hand against the table glaring daggers at the entrance to the room. I turn to look at the entrance to see Amber and James. From the corner of my eyes I saw Ed stopping Em from standing up.

"Hey Luz love those marks can't wait to make more of them." Amber whispers as she passes by me. I glance at Amity. Man if looks could kill Amber would be six feet under. Amber ran her index finger from my collar bone to my chin. I felt like I was going to puke. She walked away stupidly. I turn to look at Amity and see her stuff as a pipe and James whispering something in her ear. He had his hand on her shoulder you could visibly see that he has a tight grip.

"James please unhand Miss.Blight after all I need to talk to her." Lily says as she sees the young blights reaction to James. I shoot him a glare as he walks away. I was about to flip him off when Willow flipped them both off as she muttered a string of curses. Boscha looked as if she could faint before hugging her girlfriend. She then flipped them off.

"Ok all of you get to Eda's house I'll tell the twins to go over. After all I need their help for something."Lily says as she gently ruffles my hair. Amity gets up from her seat as Lily begins to make her way to the twins. I stand up soon after.

"Let's get going then." Gus says as he begins to walk out the door with us in tow. The walk to the owl house was full of jokes and playful banter. I noticed jaguar ears on Boscha's head.

"As fun as this is we have to get to the owl house before Boscha becomes a giant cat. Race you to the entrance." I challenge Gus as I get in position to dash off. I glance at Amity,"hey what about a good luck kiss?" Amity shakes her head,"win first than we'll see." Now I was fully determined to win.

"3...2...1!" Willow shouts at '1' I dash as fast as I can within seconds I was able to see the owl house almost within reach. I begin to speed up. I hear Gus a meter behind me struggling to keep up. I sprint the last couple of feet and touch the wall.

"Ha I win! Amity you owe me a kiss!" I shout jumping up and down and doing a little dance. Gus leans against the house panting for air. In the distance the girls were making their way over.

"Hey Amity you owe me a kiss!" I state getting all in her face a smug look on my face. She gently pushes my face away from her shaking her head in amusement. In the corner of my eye Boscha was carrying willow on her back.

"Boscha! I can walk!" Willow shouts trying to get down. Boscha laughs at her attempt,"no you don't have to touch the ground as long as I'm here. I can hold you, carry you, and hug you. why should that stop since you can use your legs."I nudge Amity,"doesn't this seem familiar?" I pick her up bridal style nuzzling into her neck. I motion for Gus to open the door. We walk into the building and sit on the couch. I place Amity on my lap so there could be space for the others.

"Oh hey kids." Eda says as she comes out of the kitchen. Boscha waves at her before asking,"why did you pull us from school?" Eda just laughs,"oh because Owlbert came back with a lot of human objects that I wish to give you. I ran out of space for my inventory. And because why do you guys want to be at school." I shake my head in amusement. I nuzzle into Amity's neck just enjoying being here with her in my arms.

"Cool can we?" Gus asks as he gestured to the pile of loot(garbage) Eda nods as she herself jumps into the pile. I lean back into the couch Amity leans back with me and nuzzles into my neck. I look over to Boscha to see that she was asleep leaning her head against Willow's. Boscha now has a tail and it had wrapped around her girlfriend's waist. I hear my phone vibrate from my pocket.

"Amity babe can you get off me real quick?" I ask gently patting her shoulder. She reluctantly got up letting me get up before taking my place. I look at my phone to see that it was my mom she was calling me. I hesitantly click accept call and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hey mom." I say not completely sure what to say to my mother.

"Hola mija I just wanted to ask you how is it going?" She asks I can hear shuffling in the background and the clattering of pots and pans.

"Oh mom I'm doing just fine as a matter of fact I was hanging out with my friends. Hey are you cooking something?" I ask trying to get off the phone. I hear her laugh a little.

"Yes mija I was cooking dinner. Do you mind telling me about your friends I couldn't ask about them last time." She says I hear running water in the background. I could already tell she was washing the dishes.

"Oh okay then who to start with oh my first friend here was Willow. She loves plants she knows a lot about them. She had introduced me to her friend Gus he's very curious about things. He also knows a lot about showmanship." I states as I remember the first time I meet them. A smile forming on my lips.

"Then there's this girl named Amity. She's amazing she is really smart, caring, independent, strong and she likes the same books as I like. She is really pretty too. Oh and- mom why are you laughing?" I ask as my mom laughs on the other side of the phone.

"Oh sorry mija it just you sounded so in love when you talked about that Amity girl. " she continued to laugh through the phone i facepalm not believing I actually did that.

"Ok ok I might like her." I glance over my shoulder to see Amity leaning against the wall a ghost of a smile on her face as she hears our conversation. She turns around to head back to Willow and Boscha. I turn away from her and listen to my moms laughter.

"Amity! Help me!" Willow shouts as she tries to calm down a hyperactive jaguar. I see amity rush over to willow trying to help her out. The jaguar started chasing Amity and Willow.

"I hope she tires out soon enough." Willow says as she speeds up a little. Amity meat my gaze keeping it for a while but she didn't notice the magenta jaguar that was close behind her.

"Whoa!" Amity says as her jaguar friend jumps on her and begins to lay on top of her. Willow starts laughing at her predicament. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Luz help me!" Amity says laughing a little as she tries pushing her friend off. I look at the phone before looking at her,"I'll be there in a minute Amity."

"Go one mija help Amity make sure to talk to me soon. Love you mija." She says making a kissing sound before hanging up. I rush to Amity's aid and pull out the laser pointer. Boscha instantly sprung after the laser Amity close behind her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me.

"That laser isn't for you Ami." I says laughing a little. Amity glares at me before she herself bursted into laughter. If I had to hear Amity's laughter or my favorite song I would pick Amity. I gently kiss her forehead. Causing our eyes to meet.

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