Chapter 23

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I lean against the door. Behind said door lied Amity blight in pain due o her curse. The curse I want to help get rid of. I hear the owl lady walking my way I quickly hid inside a room leaving it open a little to make sure that Eda doesn't find Amity. Eda sniffs at the door that was separating her from Amity. She growls before punching a hole in the door.

"Hey! Eda hello over here!" I shout jumping out of the room gaining the cursed witch's attention. Eda leaps over trying to land on me. I move out of the way before sprinting down the hall. I spot King not to far from me looking for the Owl lady. I quickly scoop King in my arms and sprint to the front of the house Eda close behind me. I feel something grab my leg and I fall to the ground. I look back to see Eda looming over me. I push King behind a wall and try to get Eda off of me.

"E-Eda hey it's me. " I say trying to get my mentor back. She growls as I crawl back trying to get away from her. She swipes at me with her claws. I screw my eyes shut as if to soften the strike. I feel a strong sting of pain on my arm. I clench my teeth trying not to scream in pain. I open one of my eyes to see that Eda had stopped mid swipe across my arm. She was looking at me head tilted like when she was chasing the glowing pen.

"grrrrrr" I hear from above me. I look up to see cat Amity. She pounces on Eda and pins her to the ground. She jumps over to me picks me up by the hood and sprinting inside the house. She knocks over the couch and places me there as to hide me. She runs out side and comes back a few seconds later with King. She gingerly places him in my arms.

"Luz" She says happily as she nuzzles into my cheek. "Hey I'm getting tired of calling you cat Amity. Oh Cat + Amity = Camity. Yep I'm calling you Camity now." I whisper trying not to attract the attention of the owl lady.

"Luz we need to put the plan into action. I'll distract her then you will draw the light glyph." King says already tired of the owl lady. I nod and give Camity a small pat on the head. She lets out a small meow. I look around to check if Eda was around. Ok time to make my way to my position. I sneak into a corridor and look both ways just in case Eda was coming by. I crept to the end of the hall and started drawing the light glyph. I quickly placed on the floor and got ready to blind Eda.

"Luz she's right behind us." King says as he hides behind the wall. Eda slides to as stop slamming against the wall. I smack my hand against the light glyph and immediately turn away. I hear Eda shrieking in pain before she suddenly stops and a loud thud is heard. I  open my eyes to see Eda unconscious on the floor.

"Come on guys help me get her upstairs." As soon as I said those words King and Camity rushes over to get Eda upstairs. Once we got her in her room I turn to King," king go look for an Elixir." King nods before rushing out of the room in search of what can help Eda. I gently pull her into her nest and move away. I sit near the window and call Camity over. She walks over to me and lays her head on my lap. I run my fingers through her fur. I can hear small purrs coming from the cat girl. I feel her tail curl around my waist as her purrs get louder.

"Luz here I found the last Elixir." King says as he rushes into the room. He immediately starts setting it up so that Eda can drink the elixir. He moved towards me and Camity. He laid down on the other side of my lap. I pet both of them and one by one they fall asleep.

I was nodding off into sleep land when Eda groggily gets up from her nest and looks around her room. She walks over to me and sits next to me. She didn't say anything for a while.

"Did I do that to you?" Eda ask as she gestures towards my arm. I look at my arm to see that it had a lot of dried blood on it. I reluctantly nod. She sighs before standing up and looking in a drawer. She comes back with a roll of bandages.

"Lend me your arm." She says. I give her my arm and she gently wraps the bandage around the claw marks. I look up at her with a small smile but she wasn't smiling. Then I remembered what lily said a while ago. When we all swapped bodies. She thinks she is a danger.

"Eda don't be upset. You aren't a danger to anyone. I know your nice, protective, and caring. I see you as a mother and I know you won't do it on purpose. So to me you are in no way dangerous." I say gently removing Camity's and King's head off my lap. I slowly wrap my arms around Eda pulling her into a hug. Eda seemed surprised at first before she slowly embraced me, too.  I hear a soft whimper and turn to look at Camity and King. King was whimpering and Camity was sitting as regal as ever. Eda pulled away and scooped King into her arms cradling him. I pat the spot next to me and Camity walked over to my side and sat down still looking regal.

"Come on Queen Camity - hey!" I begin but get cut off by Camity smacking me with her tail. "Luz" she growls as she pulls her tail away. I give her a small giggle before scratching under her chin."fine Amity will have to do. You picky goober." I place my forehead against her's. She gives me a small meow before giving me a small lick in my cheek. She pulls away and circles around me before finally sitting down and wrapping her tail around my waist. I look over to Eda to see her already nodding off to sleep.

"Goodnight." I whisper before curling up near Amity. I stay awake for a moment before finally allowing sleep to take me.

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