Chapter 15

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I saw the fear and the shame in Amity's eyes. As soon as Lily walked into the office Amity let out a sigh. I knew she was afraid of what lily would say. I take her hand in mine.

"Everything will be alright. Um also thank you for getting Amber off of me. She's so clingy." I say rubbing the back of my neck. Amity looked up from the floor a little she had a small smile on her face. I open my mouth to say something when Lily comes out of Bumps office.

"Amity come along now. We need to talk." her tone ice cold and disappointed. I glance at Amity to see her almost shaking in fear. I start rubbing circles on the back of her hand. Lily side eyes me before pulling Amity away and turning the corner. Eda walks out of the office and motions for me to follow her sister. I follow them until they are in a secluded area. I hid behind a corner and made sure to jump in when necessary.

"Explain yourself." Lily asked harshly

"About what?" Amity asks innocently. I hear something slam against a wall.

"You know what I'm talking about! Explain now!" Lily yelled at the mint green witch. I feel anger boiling up in side me. I was to busy listening to Amity trying to make an excuse I didn't notice Eda sneaking up behind me.

"Speak up Amity." Lily shouts I peek over the corner and see Amity backed up to the wall and lily her hands on her hips with the most furious face ever. I look over my shoulder to see Eda there.

"We have to help her." I whisper to my mentor she nods and walks over to her sister as if she had just got there. She starts a random conversation with lily with various insults her and there. I catch Amity's eyes and wave her over. She quickly sneaks off and runs towards me.

"Thank you." Amity says as she throws herself into my arms. I make sure to pull her close to me.

"She's just a kid! She isn't a doll that can be perfect Lily!" Eda shouts at her sister. Lily scoffs. I lean down to Amity's ears and whispers," let's get out of here we'll meet Eda at the owl house." She nods her head and takes my hand before leading me out of the school and towards the Owl house.

"King! We're home early." I shout into the house. King sprints from the kitchen to the door. He looks so exited to see us. He must have been bored.

"Luz! Where's Eda?" He asks as I pick him up. There's a knock at the door. Amity opens the door to see Eda, Em, and Ed. Amity pulls her brother and sister into a hug. I could help but smile at the sight.

"Lily wasn't so happy about what we just pulled , but I really don't care she shouldn't be doing this especially to her own student. It's best to understand when a student has troubles with learning or trouble with keeping up!" Eda throws herself on the couch rambling about how her sister should know better. I notice Em giving me a suspicious look. I feel nervous all of a sudden.

"H-hey Amity." I nervously call her over. She walks over to me sending a warning look at her sister. She looks back to me and sends me a smile.

"Sorry about Em she still a little upset about the Amber was it? She keeps murmuring something about you better be keeping your promise." Amity says  as she walks to another couch and sits down. She pats the spot next to her. I obey and sit down next to the witch. She shoots me a breath taking smile and leans against my shoulder.

"Hey when do you think you will transform again?" I ask as i pick up a random Azura book I leave in the living room. Amity thinks for a moment before saying," we'll I got cursed the day I got knocked out that is I do believe 4 days ago. And I transformed on the 4th day so in 3 more days I think I will be transforming again."    She figured that all out in a matter of seconds.

"Wow so I'll be seeing kitty Amity pretty soon. I hope you find me quicker than before. I wanna play with kitty Amity. You were so cute chasing the laser around the room." I ramble a little remembering how Amity acted when she was a giant cat. I could tell her face was burning at my lass comment. I nudge her a little and show her the Azura book.

"Want me to read it to you?" I ask as I open to the first page. Amity nods and leans her head on my shoulder. I send her a smile before beginning to read. We read and read not caring what time it is. It was like if we were in our own little world. Just the two of us. Me and her. When we finish the book that's when we got out of our little world.

"About time both of you stop being all lovey  dovey. " Ed says as he ruffles Amity's hair. Wait I haven't heard much from Amity. I look down at the girl who is leaning on my shoulder. She's asleep. That must be why she hasn't blown up at Ed for bothering her.

"I'll bring her to my room." I whisper trying not to bother the green haired witch. I gently scoop her up in my arms and made my way to my room. I heard footsteps and creaking wood behind me and already knew who it was.

"Em can you try to walk slower? Your going to wake up Amity." I switch my gaze from in front of me to the girl in my arms. I feel a smile grow on my face as Amity nuzzles into my neck.

"So um what was this morning about?" Em whispers trying not to wake her sister up. I look at her from the side of my eye. I sigh before opening the door to my room.

"Well there's this girl. She might possibly ruin my chances with Amity if she keeps on flirting and telling people that I'm hers." I place Amity on my bed and tuck her in before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I love Amity. And I told Amber that but yet she is always after me. This morning she got into a verbal fight with Amity. Heh Amity held her own. I couldn't help but worry about her." I look over to said girl she was still sound asleep.

"I can't really stop worrying about her. I would kill myself just to keep her safe. Amber said something about your father and it hit Amity. The look on her face. It was way worse when lily was there." I didn't tare my gaze from the sleeping witch. It's not like I would be able to anyway.

"When lily yelled at Amity I didn't know how long I could contain my anger. She was so relieved to get away from lily I don't mind pulling her out of those situations.So believe me when I say I would do anything for your sister even if it killed me." I didn't notice a gentle smile forming on my face nor did I notice the gentle look Emira had on her face. I got up and place a gentle kiss on Amity's head before standing up and heading to my room door pulling Em out of the room.

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