Chapter 48

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I woke up in the forest being clumsily dragged somewhere. I look up to see Amity struggling to carry me. I quickly push her away. With the force of the push she falls onto the ground dropping me in the process. I quickly stand up and try to get back to the beach.

"Luz!" She shouts as she tackles me to the ground. I twist my body so I can pin her to the ground.

"Amity just leave me be I want to spend time with my girlfriend before I leave." I shout using most of my force to pin her to the ground,"Amity face it I don't love you anymore. I'm in love with Amber." She growled before punching me causing me to lose focus she pushes me so I'm on the ground now. I throw a small punch at her and successfully hit her. She loses her focus and lets go of me. I take off once again,

"Luz! Please I need to take you to Eda!" Amity shouts as she chases after me. She grabbed my wrist pulling me to face . Ugh can't she just let me be. I swing my fist one more time connecting with her face. She lets go of my wrist and drops to the ground just giving up.
She looks up at me betrayal and hurt in her eyes. Tears running down her face.

"Fine! I'll let you go Luz but I won't promise I'll bring you back to your senses

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"Fine! I'll let you go Luz but I won't promise I'll bring you back to your senses." She says as she roughly wipes the tears from her face. She stands up and pushes past me. She heads in the direction of the owl house. In the distance I heard a small hoot hoot and a door slam shut. I slowly make my way to the beach.

"Oh Luzzy what did she do to you? Are you all right?" Amber asked ash she checked me over. I laugh a little at how cute she was. She laughs along with me as she creases me head. I noticed that James wasn't here. Where is he? He's gonna miss all the fun.

"Luz where's Amity?!" Boscha says as she walks over to us pushing Amber away from me. I look over her shoulder to see willow trying to calm down a very pissed Emira and Edric.

"Boscha can't you see that we are busy her-!?" Amber was cut off by Boscha back hand slapping her. I get prepared to defend Amber when Emira and Edric both stop me. A dangerous glint in their eyes.

"Boscha, Willow, Gus it's about time we head to the Owl Lady." Emira says with a monotone voice. Both Ed and Em drag me to the owl house. I kept thrashing and struggling trying to get them off of me but to no avail.

"Amity is t really happy guys hoot hoot" hoot says once he sees us. He immediately lets us in. Eda was no where to be seen neither was Amity don't even count on seeing King.

"Eda! Amity! King! Where are you?!" Emira shouts anger in her tone. Eda comes stocking down the staircase annoyance and anger in her facial expression. She gestured upstairs and that's immediately were Em and Ed rush to.

"Kid what where you Thinking!?" Eda says as she rubs her temples,"why did you drink that potion ugh the effects last a week and a bonus effect is having a negative feeling for the person you were in love with before the potion." Eda explains but I wasn't really listening I was paying attention to the little demon and the young blight.King had walked down the steps gently tugging on Amity's hand. She didn't look up at me she just followed where king lead her to. Why did that hurt?

"Luz! Where are you!?" I hear Amber about from outside. I decide to ignore her. I was trying to figure out why it hurt so much when Amity didn't look at me. Boscha rolled her eyes as Amber kept searching for me. She walked outside. What is she doing?

"Wait your saying that the potion Luz drank will make her hate Amity and love Amber for a week." Gus asks as he looks over to the kitchen. I glance over to see King and Amity eating away at ice cream while king did something goofy.

"What did you say to her Luz? In the forest I mean." Willow asks as  she throws a worried glance at Amity. I looked over once again to see that King was hugging Amity. That's adorable! I didn't know I had subconsciously smiled at them. Nor did I notice that everyone had stopped talking.

"This is amazing it looks like since she only drank a sip that it's barely working she still has feelings for Amity." Boscha states as she inspects me. When did she get back? She pulled me away from the kitchen.

"What do you think of Amity?" She asks crossing her arms over her chest," she's annoying, mean, a jerk, she can be kind, cute, heck the angry she gets the hotter she is-" I clamp a hand over my mouth not wanting to speak anymore. Boscha now dawns a victorious smirk on her face.

"That's all I needed to know." Boscha says as she walks over to Amity. Boscha explained something to Amity. Amity the. Launched herself at her best friend all you can hear was a loud,"thank you! thank you!" I tilt my head in confusion not really knowing what happened.

"We have to get going it's almost midnight and we have school tomorrow." Willow stated as she got up off the couch. She walked over to Amity and Boscha who were still talking and gave Amity a small hug. She then placed a small kiss on Boscha's lips before saying goodbye.

"See you tomorrow Luz." Willow and Gus say as they exit the house. Ed and Em come back down the stairs and place  themselves on the couch. Boscha waves a small goodbye before sending me a small glare. She walks out of the house once again. The only once left were the blight kids.

"Hey mittens do you want to go home?" Ed asks gently Amity shakes her head,"no I was thinking of doing something. I'll head home afterwards. Make sure you guys get home safe though." She hugs Em and Ed. Em reluctantly walks out the door with Ed in tow saying a small goodbye.

"Eda I'm going to be at the pond if you need me." Amity states as she heads for the door with King in tow,"King I'm all right you can stay here." She places a small kiss on his forehead before walking out the door.

"Make sure you be careful Kid lily won't like it if you get hurt." Eda shouts before Amity closes the door. I turn to Eda,"What The hell happened?"  I ask as I look around completely confused. She shakes her head in amusement.

"Kid Amity was your girlfriend. But after you drank something you weren't supposed to you feel in love with Amber. She's hurting." Eda explains I look at the floor guiltily Eda speaks up again,"Luckily the potion only last a week. But she is a little upset over The fact that she'll only have 1 week to spend with you before you go to the human realm." I feel really bad how can I be so stupid to drink that type of potion.

"Do you think she'll talk to me?" I ask as I look up at my mentor." Time will tell kid but I think she will." I give her a nod before heading out the door and to the pond. Before I got to the pond I heard singing. Was that Amity?

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