Chapter 30

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Amity's POV

The walk towards the owl house was silent. Every so often Luz would stager behind and sniff at random things before quickly running towards me. She would walk around me before walking next to me. I noticed her tail was wagging excitedly. Eda kept on checking on Luz.

"You two will have to sleep in a spare room near Luz's. Sorry little man you have to sleep on the couch." Eda says opening the door to the owl house. She drew a circle in the air and a blanket and pillow appear on the couch. We all say a quick good night to Augustus. Eda motions towards Luz and Luz grabs my hand and pulls me towards her room.

"Good night willow good night Boscha." Luz and I say almost in sync. Luz laughs a little before closing the door to her room. She quickly rushes to her closet and pulls out a big sweater. She gives me a small nervous smile before closing the closet door. I walk over to her bed still a little confused about what had happened. Luz came about a little while later with black short shorts and a purple baggy sweater. She must have been nervous because her ears were flat against her head and her tail in between her legs. Cute

"Come here Luz." I gently say as I pat the seat besides me. Luz rushes to my side. She sat down with a toothy grin before pulling out bandages from her pocket. She lays her head on my lap. I gently run my fingers through her hair. Luz's tail was wagging so hard that it made a loud thud every time it hit the bed.

"Amity You should change so I can help with your bandages. I'll wait in the closet." Luz says frantically before rushing towards the closet and closing the door. What is it with her and that closet. I quickly change before jumping onto Luz's bed.

"I'm all done Luz." I say getting comfortable on the bed. Luz pokes her head out her ears still flat against her head. She rushes over to me and sits crossed legged in front of me. She pulled out the bandages.

"I need to see your boo boos." Luz says her tail still wagging behind her. I give her a small nod before lifting my unbuttoning my dark green plaid shirt and pulling up my black shirt. She gently wrapped the bandages around my stomach. Once she finished she pulled my shirt down.

"Did you bandage yourself?" I ask as Luz places a green band aid on my cheek before placing a soft kiss on it. She than places a purple bandage above my eye brow. "Yes I did. " Luz says curling up into my side. She winced in pain holding her sides.

"Luz just breath okay it's going to be okay." I whisper running my hand gently through her hair. She was slowly turning into a mix of a chocolate labrador and a wolf. She was a tad bit bigger than my cat form. She got up from the bed and began to sniff around the room. She came over to me and began to sniff me,too. She rushes out of the room and into the hall.

"Eda! Um Luz is going through her curse!" I shout as I chase after the wolf girl. Eda rushes out of her room. Wolf Luz was sniffing all over the place. Luz took a sharp turn. I couldn't stop in time so I slammed into the wall. Once I got up Luz had gotten away from me.

"Damn it! She got away." I state as I get up from the floor. Eda caught up to me,"she is really fast. We should probably go find her before she decides it's time to hunt something." With that we begin our search for the wolf girl. The lights flicker on and off before finally staying off. I'm suddenly slamming onto the ground and being dragged away from Eda. I look over my shoulder to see that Luz was the one dragging me.

"H-hey Luz." I nervously say my tail nervously moving around and my ears flat against my head.  Luz got really close to me before licking my cheek. "Ew Luz don't do that." I could help but laugh at her. "Sit." I command and Luz immediately sat down her tail wagging behind her. She could barely sit still. She jumps onto me and begins licking my cheek again.

"Luz I said sit." I say amusement in my voice. Luz suddenly stoped and stood over me in a protective manner. Boscha and Willow has walked out of their room and had seen Luz. Boscha stood in front of Willow in a protective manner.

"Um Amity who's your wolf friend?" Boscha asks quietly trying not to anger the wolf girl. "It's Luz this is what she's cursed to be." I say raising my hand towards her neck and gently running my fingers through her fur. She got off of me and laid on the floor paws in the air. I start running my fingers through the fur in her stomach. She kept moving around so I can keep on petting her. Willow walks over and let's Luz smell her hand. Luz licks her fingers before willow runs her own fingers through Luz's fur.

"OMG she is so cute." Willow says as she keeps on petting Luz. I nod in agreement. We spent the rest of the night goofing off with wolf Luz. We were trying to get her tucked out so she can sleep but that was harder to do.

"Luz no you don't pee in the house!" Willow shouts as she tries to move Luz away from the corner she decided she would mark as hers.
She ran over to Augustus and picked him up and put him on her back before walking around the room as if she was a horse. Boscha has found a ball from the human world and was trying to get Luz to fetch it.

Eventually she was tired enough to head to her room tugging me close behind. She pulled me into the bed before pulling on the blanket and putting it over me. She jumps onto the bed and curls up besides me.

"I guess she's pretty tired huh?" Eda says walking into the room and sitting besides Luz. Luz's head piped up at her mentors voice. Eda started to pet Luz a little before standing up and turning the lights off,"good night girls." She closes the door and it's just me and Luz now. She started moving a little closer to me.

"What is it girl?" I ask Luz gently licked my cheek before placing her head on my chest. Her paw on my stomach. I gently placed my hand on her head and ran my hand through her fur. She let out a little sigh. She suddenly got up and ran to the closet. She came back out with a good witch Azura book.

"You want me to read it to you?" I ask Luz just nods and places the book on my lap. She then gets back into the position she was in earlier. I open to the first page of the book and began to read. Slowly but surely she fell asleep. I place a gentle kiss on her head before closing the book and placed it on the nightstand. I stayed awake for a little while before letting sleep take over.

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