Chapter 25

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Luz's POV

I look at the sleeping witch in my arms a small smile forming on my lips."so... what were you guys up to last night?" Willow asks gesturing towards me and Amity. I look up from Amity to look at Willow. "She came over to my house and we just goofed off." I explain taking a small bite of my lunch. Willow gives me a smug look.

"So she went to your house?~" Gus says slyly. I shake my head in amusement. Soon the PA system turns on and principal Bump's voice is heard,"students due to some minor inconvenience the rest of the classes will be postponed until Monday. Thank you and have a good day." His jumps up in victory.

"Yes no more school." He shouts. I laugh at his action. Willow smacks his shoulder as a warning. "So you guys going home after lunch or are you going to hangout somewhere?" Boscha asks. I think for a bit when it hit me.theres a beach near the owl house!

"Why don't you guys come by the owl house there's a beach close by." I suggest. Willow pips up,"oh we can have a beach camp out." I nod enthusiastically accidentally hitting Amity with my hand. She shifts a little in which I respond by tensing up and not moving or saying anything.

"Sure I'm up for it." Boscha says."me too" Gus shouts scaring Amity who in turn woke up and cling onto me. She looked around before calming down a little. Gus started laughing at her reaction. "Shut the hex up Augustus." Boscha say playfully shoving Gus. "I'll be going to." Willow says helping Boscha get revenge on Gus. They had stolen his sandwich and were now hiding it behind there backs and holding it above there heads. I laugh a little at how Gus needs to jump to get his sandwich.

"What? We? Huh?" Amity says confused at what's was going on."oh we're going on a camping trip at the beach near the owl house. You want to come?" I ask tilting my head a little. Amity thinks about it for a moment before nodding.

"Cool I'll walk you to your house. I don't mind waiting outside for you." I say getting ready to leave. Amity had a confused expression"wait we are going now?" I nod. The others were getting ready to leave." Bump said that we don't have school for- you know what I wasn't paying attention to how long we weren't going to school." Boscha says throwing her bag over her shoulder with an amuse look on her face. Willow laughs at her antics before following her lead.

"Come on. We'll meet at the owl house in an hour." I state. Everyone nods before heading in there own directions all except me and Amity. We were walking in silence. I wish she would just talk to me her voice is absolutely amazing. Oh idea~

"Do you hear that?" I ask looking at Amity. She turns her head towards me,"hear what? I don't hear anything?"

"Exactly. I like your voice please talk... about anything." I say nudging Amity. She nudged me back before saying,"ok ok. Why did you guys come up with the idea of a camping trip at the beach?" I shrug,"I guess I wanted to hang out with our friends and I really want to go to the beach." I explain Amity nods in response before holding onto my arm and leaning on my shoulder.

"Why are you so tired?" I ask. Amity laughs a little,"oh I'm guessing that since I'm a cat when I transform I'm guessing I stayed up." Amity explains yawning as she finishes. We continued to walk in silent against my wishes. I guess she is really tired.

We talked a little mainly about what had happened yesterday. "Wait I did what?" Amity asked." Yeah you did." Amity laughs a little imagining her cat self pouncing on Eda. "I hope she isn't upset with me." I shake my head and wave my hand dismissively,"Eda doesn't remember a thing. All she does remember is accidentally hurting me." I roll my sleeve up to show her my bandage. "That looked as if it hurt." I nod my head,"yep it did but I had to distract her she was right outside where I hid you I couldn't have let her hurt you." I say with a gentle look. Her face goes a little red. She looks at the ground and begins to play with her hair. "Thank you my hero." She says I quickly stand up in a superhero pose. She started laughing at my antics.

We continued talking about little things like how much she has been drawing today, her progress in eating, and how boring school was until lunch. We arrived at Amity's house it was pretty big. The lawn was absolutely beautiful with so many flowers surrounding it. We stopped at the front of the doors.

"Wait out here I'll grab what I need and be out as quick as I can." Amity says heading to the door." Amity stay away from the door. I'll get whatever you need." Em says pushing Amity away from the door gently. Where the hell did she come from?!

"Dad didn't like that you left yesterday and mom got sick. I'll get what you need but make sure to stay away for a little while." Em says rushing into the house and getting Amity's things. She rushes back out."here. Please don't come here until I tell you to. I love you little sis. Stay safe." She places a small kiss on Amity's forehead and asks me a silent question. I give her a firm nod before interlacing my hand with Amity's.

"Stay safe Emira come to the owl house if anything happens okay." Amity says throwing herself into her sisters arms. Em hugs her sister before pulling away."go now before dad wakes up." I pull Amity away gently before walking down the path to the Owl house.

"Hey she'll be alright." I reassure her. She looks up at me with a small smile before dropping her head to look at the ground. Man I wish I could help her.

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