Chapter 14

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Amity POV

if you see 'this it means its sign language'

"So? You and Luz?~" Boscha before realizing something,"that's why you were with her the other day." She was really exited due to the fact that Luz will help her with Willow.

"Yeah what about Luz and me?" I say opening my locker and getting the necessary things for my classes. Boscha leans against the locker studying me as if trying to read my thoughts about the Dominican-American girl. I begin to walk away towards our first class. Boscha chases after me.

"Oh I forgot to mention we have a handful of classes with the human." Boscha says. I feel myself growl at the word 'human'. I turn to face Boscha swiftly. I must have moved the hair that was covering my black eye because she didn't say a word all she did was look at my black eye.

"Amity why do you have a black eye? "Concern dripping in her voice. I moved my hair back frantically trying to cover my eye. I walked away trying to avoid the question. Before we knew it w were outside the classroom now. Luz was outside the classroom waving at Willow who was heading to her class.

"Oh hey Amity. Are you okay what's wrong?" I sprint away from Boscha who wasn't going to give up yet. Pain sores up my leg and I start limping towards her. Boscha reaches Luz and says,"she has a black eye and all I want to do is help her." Luz walks towards me I shrink back slightly. She gives me a reassuring smile before brushing the hair from my eye. She than placed her lips gently on the bruise before moving the hair from my face.

"Don't worry I got you. By the way you look beautiful." She whispered before stepping back and opening the door for both me and Bocsha. I walk in my face red from the comment. I take a seat near the window to try to clear my mind. Luz had followed me and sat down next to me. I give her a shy smile before looking at the front of the classroom.

"Luz~" A girl with pastel pink hair and green eyes says as she sits on Luz's laps. I feel a growl erupting from my throat. Luz's face was red and she looked really nervous. The girl nuzzled into her neck," I thought we were going to sit together." She shoot me a glare. I clench my fist till my knuckles turn white.

"Someone's jealous." Bocsha whispered in my ear. I growl at the comment and turn my attention to Luz and the pink haired stranger," Don't act as if the reason you bullied Luz was NOT because she hung out with Willow." Her face turns red and she looks at the floor," Don't expose me like that." I turn away from Luz and who ever the hell that girl is and look out the window to see Ed and Em practicing spells. I send them a small wave. Em smiled and signed 'hi mittens' in sign language. I move so she can get a look at what was going on. Em looked as if she was ready to kill.

'what the hell is she doing?' Em signed I rolled my eyes,' the girl came out of no where and sat on her lap. She isn't doing anything to get her off.' I sign back before looking over my shoulder to see the girl leaning into Luz and Luz backing away. Can't she tell that Luz is feeling uncomfortable.

"Can you stop already? Class is about to start." I tell the pink haired girl. She scoffs at me before getting off of Luz's lap and moves to stand in front of me. We both glare at each other. it was a very intense staring contest to say the least," Who are you to tell me what to say?" I keep my face expressionless and my tone cold.

"Can't you tell that she feels uncomfortable. It seems that the only thing between your ears is air." I say a hint of venom in my voice. She looks as if she has nothing to say. I smirk a little at her silence. I remember where I saw her. She was a really plastic person she was fake to a lot of people and often bullied others.

"They say beauty is on the inside. you better hope that's true." She scoffs. I chuckle a little before saying," you're not the dumbest person on the planet, but you better hope he doesn't die." She stammers a little.

" You're just like Ganon but the only difference is that Ganon knew when to kill himself." She says crossing her arms over her chest. A crowd begins to surround us.

"If I wanted to commit suicide I'd climb to your ego and jump to your IQ." I say looking bored as ever. In the corner of I see Luz a worried look on her face. I send her a small smile before looking at the plastic doll in front of me.

"you're as important as a white crayon." She says I yawn before saying," I'm trying to see things from your perspective but I don't think I can shove my head so far up my a$s." Boredom evident in my voice. I got a couple 'oh's and 'ouch'. She pushed me forcefully making me land in Luz's arms. I looked at her before glaring at the plastic piece of sh!t.

"You're kinda like Rapunzel except instead of letting down your hair, you let down everyone in your life." Pinky says. I sigh before saying," take my lowest priority and put yourself under it." I pick at my nails. My hair must have moved out of my face because what she next caught me off guard.

"I'm sorry your dad beats you instead of those criminals." Her smile was smug at my reaction. That's when a teacher walked in.

"What's going on in here?!" Most kids ran to their seats. Only me, Luz, and pinky were left standing.,"so answer me!?" The teacher yelled.

"Oh professor Amity was insulting me!" Pinky whines as she acts as if the insults had gotten to her. I scoff," your entire existence is an insult." The teacher jumps at my comment before looking at me with a stern face.

"Go to Bumps office. Now!" I shrug and walk out the door lifting my middle finger towards pinky. I walk down the silent hall with no amount of emotion on my face.

"GET OUT NOW HUMAN!" A loud shrill scream catches my attention I turn to see Luz
Being thrown out of the room. She stands up and rushes over to me.

"Are you okay?" Luz asks slipping her hand in mine. I looked at her with a small smile,"I'm okay just not sure how my dad will react to this." She squeezes my hand in reassurance. The walk to Bumps office was silent from then on. It wasn't awkward or tenses it was calming and comfortable.

"Miss,Blight. Miss.Noceda. I heard why you are in my office. I had sent to get you just a minute ago because of Lady Lilith. She wished to talk to you." I feel myself panic a little. She was my mentor and I haven't been to any of her classes and I just got In trouble. She is going to be so upset.

"She should be here soon. Wait outside."Bump says seriously I look over to Luz. She slowly inches her hand closer to my hand and starts rubbing circles on my hand.

"Luz wait outside while I call Eda." His tone stern and beyond disappointed. Me and Luz stand up and walk outsides. We lean out backs against the wall and wait for our teachers. Luz was bouncing up and down worried of what Eda will say. I was bowing my head in shame already knowing what Lady Lilith is going to say.

"Hey before Lily get here." Luz began as she put her finger under my chin and makes me face her."try not to move your head so much so quickly. Your hair moves off your eye when you do that. Even though you have very beautiful eyes we wouldn't want anyone to bother you about your bruise." Luz smiles and fixes my hair trying to hide my eye better.

When she finishes she just stares at me. I couldn't help but flush at her caring gaze. I love her eyes there so calming and full of curiosity. I notice the distance between us. I wouldn't really mind sealing that gap between us. It didn't take me long to notice how the both of us were leaning in closer and closer to one another.

"Amity I wanted to tell you-" Luz was cut off by someone's stern voice,"Amity Blight. What are you doing?"I flinch at the voice and jump back. I bow my head knowing exactly who that voice belongs to. It's hard not knowing your mentor's voice. I glance at Luz who had her face flushed and rubbing the back of her neck.

"Hey kid. How are you feeling Amity?" Eda says as she walks over to Us. I give her a small smile and a wave. Lady Lilith rolls her eyes as Eda ruffles Luz's hair.

"Well I'm gonna talk to bump. See ya in a bit." Eda says opening bumps door and sitting in the seat that Luz sat in. Lilith groaned and walked in sending me a look that said'I'll talk to you later.'  This might not be good.

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