i sigh and walk into the kitchen to find something other than Nutella to cook for dinner. We need to go to the store. we are running scarsley low on food. i sigh and ecide on making some pizza. i get the things out of the cuboards then turn the radio on. "heres one direction with What makes you beautiful!" the radio says. i squeal and turn it on max volume. "YOUR INSECURE! DONT KNOW WHAT FOR! YOUR TURNING HEADS WHEN YOU WALK THROUGH THE DOO-O-OOOR!" i sing. i make this pizza whle singing loudly to the music. i hear a laugh and Danny smiles at me. "Pizza?" he asks over the music. "WE SAYIN YEAH YEAH!" i sing to Windows down by BTR. Danny laughs and helps me, eventually caving in and singing to.
"Pizza is soooo gooooddddd." Danny says stuffing his face. i laugh the doorbell rings and i jog to the door opening it. "Forget there was a ustream in five minuts?" Paul spits. hes angry, though he has no reason to be. "Danny, Pauls here." i say giving Paul a look. Danny shrugs into his jacket. "Be back latter." he says unhappily before pressing his lips to mine and leaving. i shrug and log onto the computer to watch the ustream.