Chapter 5

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"How's the game so far?"

"I don't really understand it but it's okay, I guess," Camila said to Lauren.

"What are you doing here?" the petite brunette asked.

"I came to see you," she said simply.

"Why? Shouldn't you be playing?"

"I'm not needed right now," she said.

"I wanted to see if you were okay," Lauren admitted.

Camila smiled.

"I know I promised I wouldn't ask but-"

"I'm fine," Camila said.

"I'm actually feeling a bit better now," she said honestly.

"Good," she said.


"I-" Lauren was cut off by someone calling her name.

"Go," Camila said with a smile, "Make me proud," she said before she giggled.

Lauren's smile grew wide as her eyes lit up. She walked backwards slowly as she waved at Camila before turning her heels and sprinting towards the field.

Rolling her eyes, Camila turned her heels and headed back. She sat down beside Dinah, who turned and looked at her.

"Where'd you go?" the tall girl asked.

"I went to talk to someone," Camila said.

"Okay then," Dinah said.

After the game, Camila, Dinah, Chris and Taylor headed down to greet Lauren. Camila stood behind as she watched the green eyed girl greet her family and friends. After a while, their eyes met and Camila felt a tug on her lips as a smile formed.

"Hey," Lauren said.

"Hey," Camila said.

"Great game," Camila said.


Lauren took a deep breath before she turned to the others.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower. Be right back. Wait for me," Lauren said before she rushed off.

The girls walked back to the bleachers and sat down as the lights on the field turned off. Dinah was walking up and down with Normani while Camila just sat down alone since the other two Jaureguis had gone home. She looked up and she could see the stars, shining brightly in the sky.

"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you."

Camila looked away and saw Lauren singing to her as she approached her. Her voice was so husky and mature. Camila felt her heart swell as she felt the chills.

"And everything you do. And it was all yellow," Lauren sang Coldplay's Yellow.

"You have an amazing voice," Camila said.

"Thanks," she said.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked as she sat beside her.

"I like to look at the stars on a clear night like this," Camila said.

Lauren sat up, intrigued, "Really?" she asked.

"Yeah. I don't know... It's calming," she said.

"It's beautiful," Lauren said.

She looked away and looked at Camila. Camila was smiling as she looked at the stars. Lauren couldn't help but smile herself.

"You're beautiful," she said softly.

Camila looked from the sky to Lauren as she blinked in surprise. Lauren realized that Camila must've heard her because the latter looked away, blushing furiously. Lauren's smile grew. Suddenly, Camila stood up and ran. Lauren stood up and ran after her.

Dinah and Normani exchanged a look before they followed the two girls.

Lauren found Camila by Lauren's car, heaving. Lauren walked closer and saw tears in the small girl's eyes. Without saying a word, the dark haired girl wrapped her arms around the petite girl and hugged her. Camila hugged back tightly as she sobbed into the girl's shoulder. Normani and Dinah caught up with them but kept a distance as they wanted to give the girls some space. Lauren hugged tighter when she felt the smaller girl tremble.

"Hey, shhh. It's okay," Lauren whispered.

After a while, Camila had stopped crying. Lauren pulled away and cupped Camila's face in her hands. Lauren's green eyes looked into Camila's brown ones.

"I'm here," she said simply and the smaller girl nodded.

Lauren wiped the tears from Camila's face with her thumb and she gave her a smile before hugging her again. Lauren pulled away and looked at Camila.

"Camz? Promise me that you'll tell me what's wrong. Not now, not today but someday. Or when it gets too painful. Okay?"

"I won't ask you but you have to tell me. Okay?"

Camila nodded. Lauren raised her pinky towards her.


"I promise," Camila said as she wrapped her pinky with Lauren's before the latter pulled her into another hug.

"I love you, Camz," she said. The moment Lauren said that, Camila burst into tears. Lauren barely knew her but in that moment, Camila felt so much love from that green eyed individual. It was so overwhelming.

"I love you too," Camila said quietly.

They pulled away after Camila had calmed down. Lauren looked at Camila and the latter nodded before their friends approached them.

"Everything okay?" Normani asked.

"Yeah," Lauren said as she looked at Camila, "Everything will be okay," she said.

"You wanna get something to eat? I'm starving," Dinah said.

Rolling her eyes, Camila said, "You're always hungry, Dinah," she said.

"Rude," Dinah said.

"So, how 'bout it, babe? You up for some food?"

"I could eat," the petite brunette said.

"That's my girl," Lauren said proudly.

Dinah rode with Normani, while Camila with Lauren. They all headed to a diner nearby, a place called Frank's Diner. Every student from Miami High were there. The girls took a seat as they discussed what they wanted to order. Not long after, Ally Brooke joined them.

"Hey girls," Ally greeted with a beaming smile.

"Hey Ally!" the three girls, except Camila, greeted.

"I hope you don't mind, Camila," Ally said.

Camila gave her a polite smile, "No, not at all," she said as Ally took a seat.

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