Chapter 13

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As lunch rolled by, Camila Cabello had never been more relieved in her life. She was used to all the stares but this time seemed different. Instead of the usual disgusted glare, it was more of a jealous and envious glare. Camila sat down on an empty table and waited. She looked up and saw many eyes on her and Camila immediately looked away. She kept her head down but she felt uncomfortable. She jumped when she felt someone touch her shoulder. She turned around and she instantly relaxed when she saw that it was Lauren Jauregui, her girlfriend. Wow, she had a girlfriend, Camila thought to herself. The thought of having Lauren as her girlfriend seemed unreal, almost like a dream.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Lauren said as she sat beside her.

"It's okay."

"Did anything happen?"

"No. It's just the staring," Camila said, "I'm usually used to it but then, now it's a different kind of stare."

"As in?"

"As in... It's like they're jealous of me," Camila said.

"Why would they be jealous?"

"Because I have you."

Lauren smiled, "They should be jealous of me."


"Because I have you," Lauren said.

"Camz, you're so beautiful and I'm so lucky to have you," Lauren said.

Camila blushed. Lauren leaned in and gave her a kiss. She pulled away when she heard a gagging sound. The two looked up and saw Dinah Jane and Normani approaching the table.

"You guys are so cute, it makes me sick," Dinah said as she sat down.

"Hello to you too, Dinah," Lauren said with a smirk.

"When did this happen?" Normani asked.

"Yesterday," Lauren said.

"Really?" the two girls asked in unison.

"Yes and stop doing that," Lauren said, "It's kind of creepy."

"I think it's cool. They kind of harmonized with each other when they did that," Camila said.

"Really?" the girls asked again.

"But it is kind of creepy," Camila added and the other three let out a light chuckle.

"So, where are you taking my Chancho?" Dinah asked.

"It's not what you think," Camila said.

"I'm taking her to see Ally for her therapy session," Lauren said.

Dinah's eyes widen, "But... You hate therapy," she said.

"I decided that the only way that I'm going to get better, is seeking help," Camila said.

"So I asked Lauren and she brought me to Dr H- I mean Ally," Camila added.

"Is that how...?"

"No. It was right after the grand gesture thing. Then we head over to my place. Things got awkward and then Camila told me how she felt."

"She just told you?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah. She was upset because she thought that I'd never feel the same."

"Then what?"

"Then I kissed her," Lauren said.

"Awwww," the two friends said.

"Then what?" Normani asked.

Camila blushed, "Then I asked her to be my girlfriend," Lauren said. Camila was relieved that Lauren left out that part of the story.

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" Dinah said.

"That's it! I declare myself as Captain of the Camren ship," Dinah said.

"Camren?" Lauren and Camila asked in unison.

"Now look who's harmonizing and stuff," Normani said.

"It's your ship name. Cam from Camila, ren from Lauren. Thus Camren," the Polynesian explained.

"How long have you been thinking about this?" Camila asked.

"Ever since I figured out that Mila likes you," Dinah said.

"And when was that exactly?" Camila asked.

"When we went to Lauren's house for the barbecue," Dinah said and Camila's face flushed. Lauren smiled as she looked at Camila.

"You liked me since then?"

"I... Maybe," Camila said shyly.

Lauren pulled her in and kissed her lips lovingly before she pulled away.

"That will never be easy to look at," Dinah commented.

Lauren let out a chuckle.

"So Camren? Not bad," Lauren said.

"At least that's better than Lauser."


"I tried to ship Lauren and Loser together," Dinah said as Lauren smiled as she shook her head.

"We're not friends. I don't know her," Lauren said to Camila and the latter let out a light giggle. After lunch, Dinah and Camila walked in front as Dinah kept asking the brunette questions. Lauren stayed behind with Normani.

"She seems happy."

"Yeah, she does," Lauren said.

"When are you planning on telling her?" Normani asked.

"I was afraid that you were going to say that."

"Lauren, it would break her."

"I know," she said.

Meanwhile, Dinah kept pestering Camila with questions about her and Lauren.

"Dinah! We just started. We haven't even gone out on a date yet," she said.

"What? Why haven't you?"

"Well, I don't know," Camila said, "Maybe it's the fact that it's only been a day and we have other priorities right now."

"Like what?"

"Me getting better?" Camila reminded.

"Did you hit your head today?"

"The nerve," Dinah said.

The two looked at each other before they burst out laughing.

"I missed you, Chancho," Dinah said as she pulled Camila in for a side hug.

"I missed you too, cheechee."

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