Chapter 12

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Not long after, Lauren drove the brunette to the last place Camila thought of. Lauren held her hand as they entered the building. Camila's hand hovered above the door, contemplating if she should knock or not. Lauren gave her a nod and she knocked on the door. The door opened and Camila smiled.

"Camila, I wasn't expecting you."

"I know, Dr Hernandez. I... I want to get better and I need help," Camila said.

Ally Brooke Hernandez smiled.

"Why don't you come in? And then we'll talk," Ally said as the young brunette entered the office. Ally then looked at Lauren.

"Is this your doing?"

"I wish," Lauren said, "She asked me for help and I simply redirected it to you," she said.

Ally smiled, "I'm glad that she did."

"Me too," Lauren said.

Ally shut the door and begun her session. After her session ended, Ally walked out of the office as Lauren walked towards her.

"How'd it go?"

"She's opening up but you might want to go in there," Ally said.

Lauren walked in and saw Camila sobbing quietly on the couch. She walked over and sat beside her and instantly, Camila leaned in and buried her face in Lauren's neck as she cried. Lauren just held her. After the crying died down, Lauren pulled away and cupped Camila's face in her hands and wiped the tears away with her thumb.

"I'm so proud of you," Lauren said with a smile.

"We can get through this, okay?"

Camila nodded with a smile. Lauren kissed her forehead before hugging her again.

The next day, Lauren drove to Camila's house early and waited as she leaned against her car. The moment Camila walked out, both of them had the biggest smiles on their faces.

"Hey, what's going on?" Camila asked.

"Well, I wanted to drive my girlfriend to school. Is that too much to ask?" Lauren asked.

Camila smiled. She leaned in and kissed Lauren's lips before pulling away. Lauren smiled at her. Then they heard someone calling them. They turned and saw Dinah Jane walking out of her house and approaching them.

"Chancho, you gotta ride and you didn't tell me?" Dinah asked.

"Dinah, you have your own car," Camila reminded.

"Still, I love free rides."

"But you might want to ride with someone else after school," Lauren said.


"I'm taking Camila somewhere," Lauren said as she interlock her fingers with Camila's.

"Is there something between you two that I should know about?" Dinah asked.

Lauren pulled away as she draped her arm, that was holding Camila's hand, around Camila, so that Dinah could see their hands.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lauren said with a frown. She turned and smiled at Camila. Camila leaned in and playfully touched her forehead with Lauren's.

"Oh my god! When did this happen?" Dinah asked.

"Laters, DJ," Lauren said as she opened the car door and Camila slid in. Dinah watched in surprise as Lauren walked over to the driver's seat and entered the car before they drove off. As they drove, Camila's phone buzzed.


Camila chuckled.

Good morning to you too, Dinah.

After she hit sent, she kept her phone and smiled at Lauren. Lauren parked the car at her usual spot and killed the engine.

"Lauren," Camila said.


"I'm scared," the brown eyed girl said suddenly.

"About what?"

"What if... What if things get bad? Not just for me but for you too?" Camila asked,

Lauren took Camila's hand and kissed the back of it, "Then we'll deal with it, together," she said.


"Camila," Lauren said, "It's going to be okay," she said. She leaned in and kissed Camila's cheek before giving her a smile. Lauren let go of Camila's hand as she got out of her car, walked around and opened the door for her girlfriend. Camila got out and Lauren shut the door before she locked it.

"I promised I wouldn't ask," Lauren said.

"You've broken that promise several times actually," Camila pointed out.

"Well, you refuse to tell me otherwise," Lauren said as she held Camila's hands. Camila looked around and blushed.

"Lauren, people are looking," Camila looked down.

"Let them look," Lauren said, "I don't care," she said as she leaned in and kissed Camila's lips. Lauren pulled away and looked into Camila's chocolate brown eyes.

"I won't let anything happen to you. Not while I'm here," Lauren said.

Camila nodded as she gave her girlfriend a chaste kiss before the two headed to the entrance of the school.

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