Chapter 10

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The next day, Camila walked through the doors and saw Lauren by her locker. She took a deep breath and walked towards her. Lauren's face lit up with a big smile when she saw Camila approaching.

"Hey Camz," Lauren said.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Um, sure. What's up?" Lauren asked as she shut her locker door.

"Not here," Camila said nervously.

Lauren nodded as she took Camila's hand and led her to an empty class. She shut the door behind her and looked at Camila.

"What's up?"

Camila opened up her hand and her razors were in them but her hand was bleeding. Lauren's eyes went wide. She looked at Camila's hands before she met her gaze.

"I didn't actually think this one through," Camila said sheepishly.

Lauren quickly shrugged her backpack off and took out a small box and dumped the things out. She carefully took the razors, put them in and closed the box before tossing it in her backpack. She took off her red flannel which was over her tank top and used the shirt to cover the wound.

"Lauren, you just ruined your shirt!"

"At least it stops the bleeding. Seriously, Camz, priorities."

"I'm sorry," Camila said softly.

"It's okay," she said as she took out her leather jacket from the backpack and shrug it on.

"I sort of made this whole speech but it doesn't matter."

"No, tell me," Lauren said.

"You told me to give you the razors when I was ready."

"Yeah, that was 24 hours ago," Lauren said.

"Last night, my mom said something that made me realize that I am ready. I just didn't know it yet."

"I want to get better, Lo. And I need help," Camila admitted.

Lauren smiled proudly. She cupped Camila's face with both hands and kissed both of Camila's cheek before she hugged her.

"I'm so proud of you, Camz," Lauren said.

Camila smiled as she hugged her back with her good hand. The two pulled away and Lauren picked up her backpack and took the box out. She looked at Camila.

"Come on," Lauren said.

"We need to get that cut checked," she said as she opened the door. She led Camila to the nurse's office with her arm draped around Camila's shoulder, not caring that everyone was looking at her.

She knocked on the door and walked in.

"Hi mom," Lauren greeted with a smile.

"Lauren, to what do I owe this visit?" Clara asked.

Lauren opened the door wider and let Camila in. She shut the door behind her as Camila sat on a chair.

"She may have cut herself," Lauren said. Clara looked at her daughter who just shook her head.

"Don't ask."

"I won't," Clara said as she took away the shirt.

"It seems like the bleeding has stopped," Clara said. She helped cleaned the blood off and put some cream on the wound so that it doesn't get infected. She finished off by wrapping Camila's hand with a bandage, yet again.

"Are you going to be okay?" Clara asked.

"Yeah. It's my left hand so I can still go to class."

"Okay, I'll be right back," Clara said as she left the office.

Lauren smiled at Camila.

"I have you to thank this for," Camila said.

"What? Why is it my fault?" Lauren asked.

"Well, I wanted to give some grand gesture, speech and all, but even then, I managed to screw it up."

"I think it's sweet," Lauren said.

"And so what if you screwed it up? It's not the end of the world."

"If it makes you feel any better, you looked adorable," Lauren added.

Camila blushed as Lauren's smile grew. She took Camila's injured hand and placed a kiss on her palm, through bandage. When Lauren looked up, her green eyes met Camila's chocolate brown ones. Lauren licked her lips as her eyes dropped to Camila's lips. Camila bit her bottom lip. Their moment was interrupted when they heard the door open.

"Alright, Camila," Clara said, "You're good to go."

"Thanks, Mrs Jauregui."

"Please, Camila, call me Clara."

"Okay, Clara," Camila said shyly.

Lauren looked at her mother who gave her a look. Lauren blinked uncomfortably.

"Thanks, mom. Bye, mom," Lauren said as she opened the door and Camila walked out and she quickly walked out and closed the door behind her.

"What was that about?"

"I don't even know," Lauren said.

"Hey, you wanna come over to my place after school?" Lauren asked when they reached Camila's locker.


"Yeah. I mean if you want to."

"I'd love to."

Lauren smiled, "Great," she said as the bell rang.

"See you at lunch?"

Camila nodded. Lauren smiled at her before she walked away. Camila shut her locker door and headed to class. The first few lessons went by in a blur. Camila quickly rushed out of the class as soon as the lunch bell rang. She walked into the cafeteria and saw that Dinah and Normani were already there. She took a deep breath before she approached the two girls.

"Hey guys."

"Hi- WHOA! What happened to your hand?!" Dinah asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. I just accidentally cut myself," Camila said.

Dinah gave her a look.

"I swear," Camila said.

"How did you cut yourself exactly?"

"Well... I wanted to make this grand gesture to Lauren to tell her that I wanted to get help by giving her my razors but then I cut myself," Camila said quickly.

"Wait... I'm sorry, let me get this right. You tried to give Lauren your razors in a grand gesture to say that you wanted help but then you cut yourself?"

Camila nodded before she took a sip of water.

"Wow, you must really like her," Dinah comment. Camila choked on her water the moment her tall friend said that.


"Come on, Mila, you don't just do a grand gesture to anyone unless you like them," Dinah said.

"Dinah's right. You could've asked us for help but you went to Lauren, which only says one thing," Normani said.

"You like her," the two said in unison. Camila's eyes widen as she blushed furiously.

"What are you guys talking about?" Lauren asked as she sat down.

"Nothing much," Normani said.

"We were just talking about you," Dinah said.

Camila hit Dinah with the back of her hand.

"Ow!" Dinah exclaimed.

"I'm guessing it's something that I shouldn't know about," Lauren said as she looked at the two girls.

"Well not now at least," Dinah said. Camila slapped her arm again.

"Ow! Stop hitting me!" Dinah exclaimed as she rubbed her arm which Camila slapped.

Lauren looked between the two girls then at Normani who just shrugged. Lauren then continued eating.

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