Chapter 8

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Everything seemed fine after that but as soon as Monday rolled in, everything came crashing down. Everyone was staring at her every movement and Camila Cabello started to feel uncomfortable. That same day, the whispers got louder and Camila felt nervous and she started to rub her wrist nervously as she kept her head down. With all the attention on her, Camila started to feel sick. As soon as the lunch bell rang, Camila jumped out of her seat and ran as fast as she could, only to run into the same group of girls from before.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little Cabello," said the blonde.

Camila stood frozen as the girls surrounded her. The people around them started to shuffle towards the cafeteria, oblivious to what was happening. Some stayed behind to watch but none of them helped.

"A little birdie told me something very interesting about you," said the blonde.

"Very... Interesting," she said with a smirk which made Camila gulp in fear.

"You see, I have a friend at your old school. And boy, does she know a lot about you," the blonde said.

"L-leave m-me al-lone," Camila stuttered.

The blonde walked towards her and was inches away from her face.

"What's it like? Kissing another girl?"

Camila felt her face heat up as she tried to look away.

"I bet that you've even fucked one before," the blonde said and Camila's voice hitched.

The blonde smiled wickedly, "You have, haven't you?"

"P-please," Camila begged, "Leave me alone."

"What if I don't? What are you going to do about it, you dyke?"

Before she could say anything else, everything went black. When Camila came to, she saw the girls squirming away in fear. Camila looked at her hands and turned to see that her knuckles were bruised. She looked around and saw that all eyes were on her. Then her eyes met Lauren's and she ran.

She burst through the door and stepped out of school. She ran to the back of the school where no one will find her and she sat on the floor. She took a deep breath and tried to empty her mind but it didn't work. Camila pressed both of her palms against her throbbing head. Her head was light and it was spinning. Camila pulled her sleeves down and ripped the bandage away. The scar hadn't healed properly yet. She took a deep breath and pressed the wound and she shut her eyes as she leaned back in pain. Tears kept falling and she couldn't stop. Her hands were shaking as she pulled out the razor from its hidden spot and looked at it. For a long time, Camila just stared at it. Just before she could harm herself, she heard her name. She looked up and saw Lauren approaching her.

"Camila," Lauren said as Camila tried to move but she was already against the wall.

"Don't come any closer!" she exclaimed.

"I... I don't want to hurt you," the brown eyed girl said.

Lauren knelt down in front of her and looked into her brown orbs, "I'm not afraid of you," she said.

When she was close enough, Camila dropped the razor and hugged her.

"Shh," Lauren said as she hugged her back tightly.

"What's wrong with me?"

"There's nothing wrong with you," Lauren said as she hugged her tighter.

Camila cried into Lauren's shoulder.

"You're okay. I'm here. You're okay," Lauren kept repeating.

After a while they pulled away and Camila sat back down as Lauren sat beside her.

"What happened?"

"You... Became someone else and punched that girl," Lauren said.

"I'm such an idiot," Camila said, looking away.

"It's not your fault, Camila. She provoked you."

"Still," Camila said as she started to look for something on the ground.

"Looking for this?" Lauren asked.

Camila looked up and saw that Lauren was holding out the razor that she had dropped. Camila stayed quiet as she sat back down. She jumped when she felt something in her hand. She looked down and saw the razor in her hands. She looked up at Lauren.

"I don't want to be that person," she said.

"I want you to give me your razors when you're ready. I won't force you to seek help. What good will that do?" Lauren asked.

Camila felt her heart beating rapidly. She was falling for Lauren more and more everyday. Camila looked at the razor in her hand then looked back at Lauren. The green eyed girl reached out and took Camila's injured wrist and examined.

"We should get you to the nurse," she said as she examined Camila's bruised knuckles.

Lauren stood up and Camila found herself standing up with her. She followed the older girl as she led her to the nurse's office. Lauren stayed and watched as the nurse cleaned the wounds and bandaged her wrist and her hand.

"There," the nurse said.

"Thanks," Lauren said before the nurse left the office. Lauren approached Camila and took her hands in hers. Camila looked up and saw Lauren tracing her old scars with her thumb.

"If I knew you then, you wouldn't have had so many," Lauren said quietly. She brought her wrist up and Lauren kissed every scar that she could. Camila's breath hitched as her face heated up. She could hear her rapid heartbeat in her ears. She watched as Lauren turned her hand slowly and kissed her bandaged knuckles one by one.

"Lauren," Camila breathed as Lauren looked up and met her gaze and just like that, Camila was at a loss of words.


Lauren smiled, "You don't have to say anything, Camz," Lauren said with that husky voice she had loved so much.

Then the bell rang.

"My free period's over. I have to get to class," Lauren said before she cupped Camila's face with both hands. Her thumb lightly brushing her cheeks.

"If you need anything, call me. I don't care if I have to rush out of class and get detention. I'm here for you. Okay?"

Camila nodded. Lauren leaned in and kissed Camila's forehead before she pulled away and grabbed her bag. Camila let out a breath as soon as Lauren was out of sight. Her heart was still pounding against her chest as she tried to catch her breath. The things Lauren made her feel was unreal. Not long after, the school nurse came back.

"I've talked to your parents and they're coming pick you up."

"Wait, what?" Camila asked as her eyes widened.

"No, you can't! My mom would kill me!"

The nurse smiled, "I talked to your father. I couldn't reach your mother so I think you're safe for now."

"Thank god," Camila breathed.

"Um, thank you, miss...?"

"Clara. Clara Jauregui," the nurse said, "We've met before."

"Oh, right. You're Lauren's mom," Camila smiled at the older woman.

"Your dad will be here soon," Clara said.

"Um thank you."

Clara smiled, "It's my job, Camila," she said before she left the office again. When the nurse came back, it was because Camila's dad had arrived. She thanked the older Jauregui and went with her father.

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