Chapter 19

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"Lauren! Hurry up!" Normani shouted from the ground floor.

"I'll be right out!" Lauren exclaimed from her room.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" the dark skinned girl asked the tall Polynesian.

Dinah shrugged, "Probably making out."

Not long after, Lauren walked out of the room wearing a nice white sundress with a v-neck cutting and she wore black strap on heels. Her hair was nicely curled and her make up was light. Lauren descended down the stairs and did a little twirl.

"Wow, Lauren, you look gorgeous," Normani said.

"I'd like to take credit but Camila picked it out," she said.

"I love your dress too, by the way," Lauren said.

Normani wore a simple black dress which complimented her figure with matching black heels. Her hair was done in soft curls and her make up was on point.

"What took you so long?" Normani asked.

Lauren smiled, "I present to you, Miss Camila Cabello," Lauren said. Then Camila walked out shyly and descended down the stairs.

"Whoa," the two girls said.

Camila just wore a simple black dress with tall black boots and her hair was in soft curls but the way she carried herself made her seem breath taking. It was obvious then how much the petite brunette had changed over the months.

"You look beautiful, Mila," Dinah said.

"Thank you."

"Now, we have to get going if we want to make it to your graduation," Camila said to her girlfriend.

Lauren drove to their school and parked the car. She waited as everyone got out of the car. She gave Camila a smile before she got out. Lauren and Normani got into their graduation gowns and caps and headed to their seats while Camila and Dinah met up with Ally at the seats for the guests. After the ceremony, the graduates threw their caps in the air and cheered. Lauren and Normani greeted their family after the ceremony as Camila, Dinah and Ally approached the two girls.

"Hey you," Camila said.

"Hey," Lauren said as she gave her a sweet kiss.

"I can't believe you're leaving me," Camila said with a pout.

"I promised you that I wouldn't leave you and I intend to keep that promise," Lauren said.

"What are you saying?"

"What college are you going to after you graduate?"

"NYU. Why?"

"I got accepted to NYU."


"But I'm differing a year."

"What? Why?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Lauren asked as she wrapped her arms around Camila's waist, pulling her closer.

"I don't want to leave you. So, I'm going to go to college with you."


"It's my decision, Camz. I'm happy as long as I'm with you."

"I love you, Camz. So much," Lauren said.

Camila smiled, "I love you too, Lolo," she said as she kissed her. They pulled away when they heard someone clear their throat. Camila looked and saw that it was Cece.

"Hi," Camila said.


"I came to apologize. What I did to you was wrong. I regret everything I did," Cece said.

"Thanks, Cece."

"No hard feelings?"

"You know what? Let's just move past this. You're forgiven," Camila said.

"Thanks," Cece said with a smile, "You know, you two look really good together," she said before walking away.

Lauren turned and smiled at Camila, "I'm proud of you for being the better person."

"I learnt from the best," Camila said as she kissed Lauren's lips.

"Hey, why don't we take a group photo? Let's be Fifth Harmony one last time," Dinah said.

Camila and Lauren smiled widely. Camila stood beside her girlfriend as Lauren wrapped her arm around Camila's waist. She draped her other arm around Ally, who stood in the middle. Dinah was beside Ally and Normani, beside Dinah. They smiled as the flash went off.

"So Mani, where are you going for college?" Ally asked.

"I'm not sure yet."

"Any particular major?"

"Dance," Normani said.

"I'm gonna miss you, Mani," Lauren said.

"Same here, Lauren," Normani said as she hugged the dark haired girl.

"So I guess I'll see you around," Ally said.

"Where are you going, Ally?" Camila asked.

"Camila, it's obvious that you don't need my help anymore. But I'm still your friend and I'll still listen to your problems, okay?"

Camila nodded.

"I love you," Ally said as she hugged her.

"Love you too, Ally."

After saying their goodbyes, Lauren and Camila were finally alone. Lauren had taken off her graduation gown and replaced it with her signature black leather jacket. Lauren and Camila headed to the beach to watch the sunset.

"Even though our first date had not ended the way I thought, it was probably the best date I've ever had. Despite the fact that I got hit by a car," Camila said.

"Camz, I've been thinking," Lauren said.


"Since you got hit, I was so scared. I couldn't lose you. I can't."

"You're not going to lose me."

"I know but just in case," Lauren said as she pulled out a small velvet box.


"It's not what you think, I promise," the green eyed girl said as she opened it.

"It's a promise ring."

"If you accept, I promise to never leave you. I promise to give you everything."

"You don't have to give me everything, Lolo. You're my everything," Camila said.

"I accept."

Camila smiled as Lauren slid the ring on her finger before giving her a loving kiss. She pulled away and the two watched as the sun set.

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