Chapter 16

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Days passed. Weeks passed. Camila hadn't said a word since she got in and out of the hospital. She stopped going to her therapy sessions, she stopped talking to friends and she stopped going to school. She stopped living. Sinu Cabello stayed home to take care of her. At least she tried to. Camila refused to eat and she didn't take her medication. She just stayed by the window, watching the sky.

Camila didn't want to feel numb from the medication. She wanted to feel pain. She wanted to feel the anger, the hurt. She wanted to feel. Camila had lost a significant amount of weight and it worried everyone. She refused to leave her room and she refused to move from the window. Camila was unaware of how much time had past. Before she knew it, it had already been a month and the Jaureguis had probably left of Los Angeles. At that moment, Camila felt everything. At that moment, all she could think about the girl she loved and was still in love with, and it broke her. She cried. It got worse when Camila started screaming.

Sinu rushed to her daughter's room and burst through the door. She held her daughter so tightly as she tried to calm her. She didn't know what to do and it killed her that she couldn't help her own daughter. For three days, Camila cried. For three days, she kept calling out for Lauren. For three days, she felt everything. After those three days, Camila Cabello shut everything out. Just like that while the people that cared for her could only watch and worry. None of them could do anything. No matter how hard they tried.

One day, Dinah Jane and Normani came over to the Cabello's to check up on Camila. Camila refused to see anyone so they usually just talked to Sinu. But this time, Dinah marched up the stairs and burst through the room.

"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao!" Dinah exclaimed as she entered the room.

"Get yo ass off that thingamajig and talk to me damn it!" Dinah demanded.

Camila turned and looked at Dinah and Dinah dropped her backpack when she saw her friend. Camila was so thin and she had dark circles under her eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy. She looked horrible. Dinah approached her.

"Camila, I know that you're hurting but this is not the way to deal," Dinah said.

"She's right. This isn't healthy, Mila," Normani said.

"I lost everything," Camila finally spoke. Her voice was hoarse and faint, probably because she was dehydrated.

"You still have us," Dinah said, "You still have your family."

"But I lost her. I.. Lost... Lauren," Camila said. She would cry but she had no more tears to cry.

"She's... My.. Everything."

"We need to get some water and food into your system before you collapse," Dinah said.

"No," she said weakly, "I'm nothing... Without.. Her."

"We'll get through this. Together," Normani said.

"That was... What.. She told.. Me."

Dinah walked over and helped her up.

"Let's get you water and food. End of discussion," she said as she led her down the stairs and sat her on the couch of the living room.

"When was the last time you showered, Mila?" Normani asked as she handed her a tall glass of water.

Camila shrugged as she took the glass and downed the liquid greedily. She was thirsty and that was when she realized that she was hungry. Dinah stopped her when she was halfway through.

"You might want to take it easy," Dinah said as she took away the glass.

Normani came back with a cold turkey sandwich. Camila froze when she saw it.

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