Chapter 18

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Before she knew it, it was prom night. The girls decided to meet up at Lauren's house. Neither Normani nor Dinah had dates so they decided to go as a group, even though Lauren had Camila as her date. Lauren and Normani were the first ones to get ready and they waited impatiently for the other two girls. Lauren wore a black dress which complimented her figure and black strapped heels. Her hair was lightly curled and her make up was light but she looked beautiful.

Normani wore a grey long sleeved dress with black pumps. Her hair was curled and her make up was also light.

"Dinah! Mila! C'mon, we're gonna be late," Normani called out.

Dinah walked down wearing a light brown-almost green long sleeved two piece dress and she finished it with gold heels.

"Ehem. Presenting, Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao!" Dinah said.

Camila walked out of the room shyly. Lauren's jaw dropped when she saw her. Camila wore a long black dress with a deep v-line to show some skin but still modest. She wore black heels with her outfit and her hair was straightened. Lauren watched as Camila descended down the stairs. Lauren could see Camila's leg and Lauren titled her head as she looked at her girlfriend from head to toe.

"Damn," she said to herself as she took in a deep breath.

"What do you think? Too much?" Camila asked.

"You're beautiful," Lauren said. Camila smiled shyly as she thanked her.

Clara and Mike Jauregui walked in and began taking pictures of the girls. They even made them do the cliché prom poses. Lauren gladly wrapped her arms around Camila from the back and smiled as the flash went off. She said goodbye to her parents before she led Camila to their limo.

"Are you nervous?" Lauren asked.

"A little."

"Don't be. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're even more beautiful if that's even possible."

Camila smiled as she bumped her forehead with Lauren's.

"I'm going to make this the best night of your life, Camz."

"Let's see about that."

When the four girls arrived, the prom had already started. Dinah and Normani headed towards the snack bar while Lauren and Camila went to take their seats. Lauren noticed that Camila was fidgeting with her fingers. She sat closer and took her girlfriend's hands in hers.

"Everything will be okay, Camz."

"We're here now and let's have fun," Lauren added.

"Oh, and in case some idiot spikes the drink," Lauren paused as she took out a small bottle of water from her purse, "I got you covered," she said before keeping the bottle back.

Camila gave her a small smile before she looked down at their intertwined hands.

"What's wrong?"

"I just... I'd never imagined that I'd be at prom, let alone have a girlfriend. It's just... So unreal," Camila said.

"Camz, look at me," Lauren said as Camila looked up.

"This is real. What we have? Is real. I'm real," Lauren said.

Camila smiled at her as Lauren leaned in and kissed her lips gently. As they pulled away, A Thousand Years by Christina Perri began playing. Lauren stood up and extended a hand towards her girlfriend.

"Care to dance?" Lauren asked.

Camila took her hand as Lauren led her to the dance floor. Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's waist as Camila wrapped her arms around her neck. Lauren smiled as she pulled her in closer. Camila rested her head on Lauren's shoulder as they swayed to the movie.

"I have died, everyday, waiting for you," Lauren sang softly.

"Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you, for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more."

"And all along, I believed I would found you. Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years."

"I'll love you for a thousand more," she sang as the song faded.

Camila leaned back and Lauren smiled.

"I love you," she said.

"And I love you," Camila said as she kissed her.

The song ended and the two girls headed to their table. Dinah and Normani was nowhere to be seen. Lauren turned and saw Camila looking at her.


"Let's get out of here," Camila said suddenly.

"Is everything okay? Did something happen?"

"Everything's not okay," Camila said.

Before Lauren could say anything, Camila leaned in and whispered in her ear, "I want to rip that dress off of you."

Lauren felt her face heat up as her eyes widen. She swallowed a lump in her throat as she tried to clear her throat. Camila leaned back and Lauren could see it clearly in her eyes. She grabbed her purse and took Camila's hand as they made their way to the door, only to be stopped by Dinah.

"Where are you guys going?"

Lauren gave her a look.

"Oh, gross," Dinah said before walking away.

Lauren took the limo and told the driver to head to Lauren's house but then return back to the school for Normani and Dinah. The entire way back, Camila couldn't keep her hands off of her girlfriend. As soon as they arrived, they thanked the driver before they entered the house. Luckily for them, the Jaureguis were out for the weekend and no one was home. The two headed to Lauren's room and locked the door behind them.

As soon as the door was locked, Lauren turned and Camila cupped her face and kissed her passionately. Lauren kissed her back, deepening the kiss as they walked towards the bed. Camila pulled away, pushed Lauren towards the bed as she climbed onto her and straddled her. She grabbed Lauren's face and kissed her again. Lauren kissed back as she slid Camila's dress off her shoulder. She sat up and pulled away from the kiss as she kissed Camila's bare shoulder. She kissed her neck, her jaw and Camila let out a soft moan. Lauren pulled away as she saw a faint scar just above Camila's heart. She remembered how Camila's heart stopped during surgery. She leaned in and kissed the scar gently as Camila's breath hitched. Lauren spun them around so that she was on top. Camila watched as Lauren took of her dress and was only in her underwear. Lauren straddled her girlfriend and leaned in and kissed her.

She bit Camila's bottom lip lightly as Camila let out a moan. She pulled away and kissed her neck again. Camila gasped when Lauren reached her soft spot. Lauren pulled away and started trailing kisses. She slid Camila's dress off and trailed the kiss down.

"Lauren," Camila gasped.


The two girls were rudely awaken the next day. There was a loud banging on the door. Lauren rubbed her sleepy eyes as she tried to register what was happening.


Lauren got out of bed and wore and oversized t-shirt and her underwear as she headed answer the door. She opened it and saw Dinah behind her.

"What time is it?"

"It's one in the afternoon," Dinah said.

"Dinah, please, let us sleep."

"I don't care. Your folks are out and you promised us girls night. C'mon!"

Lauren let out a whine, "Fine," she said as she shut the door. She walked towards the bed to find Camila waking up.

"What's going on?"

"The girls are waiting. Apparently, we're having girls night."

"Sounds fun," Camila said.

"Not as fun as last night though?"

"Probably never as fun," Camila said as she pulled Lauren down and kissed her.

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