Chapter 14

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A few weeks passed by and Camila Cabello showed incredible progress. She was smiling more and she was laughing more. She hadn't done those things in a long time. She had more support than previous years. High School didn't get easier but it was more tolerable than before. The blonde girl who bullied Camila, which she learnt was named Cece, hadn't bothered her in a long time. A part of her was glad but another part was worried if the older girl was planning something and was waiting for a good opportunity.

But as always, Lauren was there to reassure her. Only Lauren Jauregui could make her calm. Lauren was her rock, her lifeline and Camila fell for her even more each day. It was scary and Camila always had the fear that one day, Lauren might leave her, like everyone else in her life. It only made Camila hold on to her tighter.

As their one month anniversary came closer, Camila felt Lauren pull away. She was distant and Camila didn't know why. Physically, Lauren was there but mentally, she was somewhere else. The distance between them took a toll on Camila's health. There were so much negative thoughts spinning in her head. She felt like giving up. Like she was going back to the way she was and that scared her.

One day, Lauren came over to her girlfriend's house, like she said she would, but she had a blank expression on her face. When Camila saw it, she was prepared for the worse. Her heart was pounding rapidly in her chest and she tried to fight the tears away. She swallowed a lump in her throat as she met Lauren's gaze.

Suddenly, she felt Lauren take her hand and led her out of the house. Lauren's car was waiting by the street. Camila was confused but she just went along with it as she entered the vehicle. Lauren drove her to the beach, which was the last place Camila thought of. Lauren parked the car and killed the engine. She walked around and opened the door for her girlfriend and helped her out.

"Why are we here?"

"You'll see," Lauren said.

"Lauren, if you want to break up with me, why can't you just do it?" Camila asked.

Lauren blinked, "Who said anything about breaking up?"

"You're... You're not breaking up with me?"

"I want to show you something," Lauren said as she took Camila's hand in hers. Lauren led her to the secluded part of the beach and a picnic had been nicely set up there. Camila frowned in confusion as Lauren led her to the picnic blanket.

"What's all this?"

"This is for our one month anniversary," Lauren said as she took both of Camila's hands and interlock their fingers together.

"And it's to celebrate you being 31 days clean," she added and tears welled up in Camila's eyes.

"I know I've been distant and I hated it," Lauren said.

"I wanted to tell you but I also wanted to surprise you."

"I wanted everything to be perfect so I thought why not a picnic by the beach?"

"We could eat while watching the sunset and then spend hours watching the stars, like you always do," Lauren said.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be perfect. I-I know that it's simple. I'm not much of a romantic but-"



"Shut up," Camila said as she crashed her lips into Lauren's. Lauren smiled as she untangled their fingers and she reached up and cupped Camila's face as she kissed her back.

Lauren pulled away and smiled. Camila gave her a few more chaste kisses before she leaned back.

"It's perfect," the brown eyed brunette said.

"And I forgive you for being distant but don't do it ever again," she added.

"I wouldn't dream of it," she said as she kissed Camila again before pulling away.

"I hope you're hungry," Lauren said to her girlfriend.

"I'm starving," Camila said as she sat down.

They watched the sunset as they ate their picnic dinner which consisted of cold turkey sandwiches and something Camila called the Volcanic Rooster which was strawberry, banana and cheerios all bind together with Nutella. After they ate, Lauren held her girlfriend in her arms as they laid on the blanket, staring at the twinkling stars above them. Lauren looked at Camila, who was gazing at the stars with a huge smile on her face. Camila looked at Lauren and their eyes met.

"What?" she asked.

Lauren gave a small smile as she shook her head, "Nothing."

Camila knew that she was lying. There was something in her eyes that said that it was more than nothing.

"No, tell me," Camila said.

Lauren's smile widen as she let out a breath and Camila could see the faint blush on her cheeks.

"It's just that," she paused as she looked away, "I... love you," she said shyly.

Camila's smile dropped as her expression changed to a shock one. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Did she really hear that correctly? Did Lauren Jauregui say that she loves her? Camila had heard her say those words before but now, it had a much deeper meaning. She couldn't believe it.

"You love me?" Camila asked. Her voice came out as a squeak.

Lauren looked at her and smiled, "I. Love. You," she said as she emphasized each word.

With a sudden burst of confidence, Camila turn and straddled her girlfriend, which caught Lauren off guard. Camila grabbed Lauren's face and kissed her passionately. Lauren kissed her back without hesitation as she deepened the kiss. When they pulled away, they were both short of breath.

"I love you too," Camila said with an infectious smile.

"But you do realize that this is our first actual date, right?" Camila asked.

Lauren shrugged, "I wouldn't know," she said as she sat up.

"Every moment I spend with you feels like a date," she said.

Camila giggled as she wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck, "You're such a cheeseball," she said as she kissed Lauren's lips gently.

They pulled away when Lauren felt her phone buzz in her front pocket. Camila pulled away and raised her eyebrow. Lauren rolled her eyes as she whipped out her phone.

"It's Normani," Lauren said as she answered the call.

"You're kinda killing the mood, Mani," Lauren said.

"Oh, are you with Camila?" Normani asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Did you tell her?"

The moment Normani asked, Lauren's face fell.

"What's wrong?" Camila asked.

Lauren pulled away from Camila and stood up. She walked a few steps forward and took a deep breath.

"Mani, I can't. You know I can't," Lauren whispered.

"She's going to find out sooner or later. Wouldn't you rather it come from you?"

"Mani, she's in a good place, right now. Telling her would ruin everything," Lauren reminded.

"Lauren, I know that you're trying to protect her-"

"I love her," she whispered.

"I know. Which is why you should tell her," Normani said before hanging up.

Lauren shut her eyes as she took a deep breath. She then felt Camila wrap her arms around her waist as the brunette rested her cheek on Lauren's shoulder.

"What's wrong, Lolo?" Camila asked.

Lauren turned and pulled away.


"Camila," she said seriously, "There's something you need to know."

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