Chapter 17

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After a few weeks, Camila was finally well enough to head back to school. Luckily, she didn't have much work to catch up with since she was already ahead. When she came back, people still looked, people still stared but she didn't care anymore.

Camila stopped wearing loose long sleeved shirts that hides her scars. She just wore t-shirts, jeans or jean shorts, with her converse sneakers. She also stopped wearing her glasses and Camila seemed like a different person. She felt like a different person. Lauren, Dinah, and Normani stood by her side. Ally too, ever since she started to go back to therapy. Camila started to feel better about herself. She wasn't 100% but she was getting there.

Camila was by her locker when Lauren approached her.

"Hey," Lauren greeted.

"Hi," Camila said as she gave her girlfriend a chaste kiss on the lips.

"What's up?" Camila asked.

"Well... Prom is coming up," Lauren started but Camila stopped her.

"Lauren, you know I can't dance."

"Who cares?"

"Anyways, I'm not a senior yet," Camila said.

"But it's Junior-Senior prom. You're a junior, I'm a senior. Come on, Camz, it'll be fun."

"I'll think about it," Camila said.

"Yay!" Lauren said excitedly.

"I didn't say yes."

"But you didn't say no either," Lauren pointed out.

Camila rolled her eyes as she shut her locker door. Lauren walked her girlfriend to class and the rest of the day passed by in a blur. After school, Camila waited for Lauren by her car. Camila noticed that people said 'hi' to her as they passed by which confused her. She frowned.

"What's with the frown?"

Camila jumped. She looked up and smiled at her girlfriend.

"I was just thinking," Camila said.

"Care to share?"

"People actually know my name. A few actually said hi to me. I mean what?"

"Why are they so nice to me?"

"Maybe it's because you're different now," Lauren said, "You're more confident now, I think. It's just the way you carry yourself, it's different."

"It makes you even more beautiful than you already are," she said.

Camila smiled as she pulled her girlfriend in and kissed her lips.

"Get a room!"

Camila pulled away and giggled into Lauren's neck before she looked up and smiled at her friend.

"Hi Dinah," Camila said.

"Do you guys have plans?"

"Well, we were just going to hang out at my place. Why?" Lauren asked.

"Mani, Ally and I are gonna have a karaoke party at that karaoke place. You wanna join?"


"I haven't sang in a long time."

"C'mon, please Mila?"

"Okay fine."

Dinah smiled, "Yay!"

The three girl then headed to the Mall of Miami and met up with Normani and Ally.

"Ready to do this?" Ally asked.

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