Chapter Thirteen - Liar Liar Pants On Fire

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Chapter Thirteen - Liar Liar Pants On Fire

"Want to go shopping this weekend?" I asked Issy and Emily as Issy drove us in her car back to Emilys house. The girls squealed.

"I need new clothes!" Issy screeched excitedly, "and more Zoella Beauty has just came out into our Superdrug!" Issy clapped her hand happily. Right now, we had the radio on and 'Blank Space' by Taylor Swift was blasting through the speakers. It was so loud I felt my eardrums were about to burst.

"Keep your hands on the wheel woman!" Emily shrieked wildly. Issy stuck out her tongue childishly. I giggled.

"Anyway," Emily said, "I definitely want to go to town. Topshop has a sale!"


After a couple of hours of chatting, doing nails and laughing, we decided to take a bundle of cosy blankets downstairs to have a movie marathon. We picked out a couple of movies from Emilys endless draws of movies. Once we finished watching The Book Thief, we watched The Notebook and then seeing as it was very near christmas. We were in the christmassy spirit, so we watched Nativity 1 and 2 and then Elf. It was quite late now, it had just passed midnight so we dragged our sleepy bodies upstairs and fell alseep on a big bed.

"Shopping!" sang Issy in my ear.

"Did you have to wake me up?"" I grumbled, turning over and sticking my face in the pillow. At the moment, Emily was up as well as Issy and Emily were both morning people and usually got up early. Every sleepover we ever had, they'd get up around 8am and I'd usually sleep until 2pm if they allowed me. Emily grabbed my leg from underneath the duvet and pulled me off the bed. Landing on the floor with a loud thump, I sweared rudely. Emily and Issy held their stomachs in laughter. I got up from the hard floor and grumbled about annoying friends as I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up.


"I want this so much!" Emily yelled as she spotted pretty grey hoodie in Topshop.
"Christmas is soon, hint hint." She said to us smiling. I nodded and dragged Issy to the other side of Topshop. Emily eyed us curiously.
"What are you doing?" Issy whined, "I just found the jumper Zoella wore in her new video!" Issy screamed. 
"Ssh, Emily really wants that hoodie," I pointed to Emily who was still watching us while gripping onto the grey hoodie, "I'm going to go buy it for her so take her to the changing rooms or something, anywhere until I've bought it." Issy nodded understandingly.
"I'll go now to the changing rooms." She was about to walk away when I grabbed her arm.
"And make sure you don't tell her," I laughed. Issy stalked off to take Emily away, when they were out of sight. I ran over to the hoodie and grabbed the size 8 and took it to the till to pay. It turns out the hoodie was on a christmas sale. I love christmas.

"What's in that Topshop bag you got there?" Emily asked interestedly, putting her hand out to see.
"Something for moi?" She giggled, her eyes shining. I glared at Issy who just shrugged innocently.
"Actually, I don't want to know. I like surprises!" Emily laughed.

We trailed past multiple shops with about 3 big shopping bags in each of our hands as we walked home. 
"I'm so tired." I complained.
"My feet hurt." Issy whinged.
"My arms hurt." Emily wailed.
"Issy, this is all your fault we have to walk home."
"How is this my fault?" Issy exclaimed.
"You just had to park in the wrong place and car got that clamp thing on it." Emily pointed out.
"I parked there so we could save time otherwise we'd be looking for a parking space for hours."
"My mother can't pick us up, they're in Italy still but they're coming back tomorrow."
"My mum and dad can't pick us up because they're in a meeting." Emily told us, we looked at Issy pleadingly. 
"My mum can't, she's visiting my aunt and Thomas." Issy groaned.
"I guess we're walking home."
"What about Tyler?" Emily suggested. That was a great idea, pat on the back for you, Emily. I took out my phone and went to my phone app and pressed recents. He was on the top of the list. I pressed 'Tyler The Hottest'. He chose  the name. It started to ring as Emily and Issy looked at me expectantly as we carried on walking.
"Hello?" Oh thank god he picked up.
"Hi Tyler, It's me. Payton."
"I know Payton, I have caller ID." He laughed through the phone and I giggled.
"Can you pick Issy and Emily and I up?" I asked hopefully.
"Umm... yeah sure, where are you?"
"Thank you so much! We're at Levure Avenue." I said looking at the sign that said in bold letters 'LEVURE AVENUE'.
"That's alright, see you in a bit." I was about to hang up when I heard him speak, "Sandra, I'll be back to finish this off,". I heard a girl laugh faintly through the phone before I heard her say "sure Tyler."
I hung up confused, I explained to Issy and Emily what I heard and they were equally as confused as I was.
"What does he mean, finish this off?" Emily asked.
"I have no idea." I remembered he had said the name 'Sandra' and that name sounded so familiar. 

It was like a lightbulb went off in my head, I remembered the name 'Sandra' from when we first met Jade Lawson and Tyler was texting a girl called Sandra. I was confused, hell I was more than confused. I was worried, I didn't know who this girl was. Wait a minute, why am I worried? I can trust Tyler, he's a much better boyfriend than Finn ever was.

Finn was a horrible boyfriend. That's a lie, he was amazing. He'd sneak out at night to bring me flowers, he'd take me on romantic dates, he'd protect me. But then again, he did cheat on me. 2 and a half years, I went out with him. I wish I could get all that time back. 

Maybe I couldn't trust the Davies' brothers. Maybe they were both liars. I don't know if Tyler is lying but I intend to find out.


cringe, I like this chapter I just hate the end..

 Thank you for 300 reads, it might not be much to you, but it is quite a lot to me! So thank you to whoever reads this horrible story and votes and comments and follows. Even if you have only read like one word, thanks for clicking on it! 
Dedicated to Merry and Grace @merryhalls and @GraceJameson3
Riya x 

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