Chapter Eight - Lol @ u

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Chapter Eight - Lol @ u
"Urgh." I slumped down in the bright purple velvet arm chair. I was in the fancy living room, this living room was basically for show with all its glass ornaments and family photos cluttering the walls. When Mother designed this room, I guess she wanted people to see that we were a happy family.
Mother and Father were going to  the sunny Italy for a week tomorrow for a business meeting whereas I was going to be stuck alone in the rainy boring England.
'Ping!' My phone beeped noisily from across the room and I scurried there quickly thinking it was a text from my Issy or Emily about meeting up. It was not.
I slid my finger over the white iPhone to open up the text, it was from an unknown number. I furrowed my eyebrows and curiously read the text that said 'hey payton. u ok?'
'yeah, soz but who is this?' I replied back.
'y don't u guess ;)'
'I don't rlly want 2 play games.'
'cmon just guess'
'fine umm give me a clue' My thumbs quickly typed back a response.
'we're quite gd frends'
'issy? emily?' It couldn't really be Issy or Emily as I have their numbers saved into my phone so it wouldn't come up as unkwown.
'it's josh;)....'
'FUck me. wat r u doing? dont text me!!!!!! :(.' I angrily replied. My thumbs were pressing the touch screen so hard in anger, I felt as if the screen was going to break any second.
'I'm joking its tyler.'
'omg I h8 u! u rlly scared me:( i dnt like josh cos of wat hppned.'
'lol @ u'
'lol @ u!' I giggled in my head.
'no @ u x'
'shut up aha x'
'no u x.'
'I'm glad this is iMessage otherwise this would cost loads!' 
'my parents finally got me an iphone!'
'haha' There was a bright smile on my face that no one could remove. I don't know why, but Tyler could make my heart beat 1,260 beats per minute. Like a hummingbird, I think I'm turning into a humming bird... or I'm starting to fall for him. No. That's not possible, I can't start liking the brother of my ex. 
Well...I guess it doesn't matter too much as Finn dumped me, we're not dating which means I am entitled to date whoever I like.
Why am I even thinking about this? Tyler's just a friend.
'Or is he?' My brain said. 
'But what about Finn?' My heart responded.
'Finn is out of the picture. Go for Tyler.' My brain said.
'Finn's love story hasn't ended. Go for Finn.' My heart said.
'If you don't know, Finn dumped us.' My brain said. This was all getting too confusing. Why am I talking to myself?


"Hey Payton! Wait." Tyler yelled, I turned back and smiled. I ran up into his arms while he put his lips to mine and kissed me passionately.
"Oh my god!" I shouted when we broke apart.
"Payton." Someone said from behind me, I turned around, yet again. I faced Finn.
"Finn." His face seemed very bi-polar. One second it was a sad frown, the next it was an annoyed look and then it was a small smirk. 
What the hell is happening? I kissed Tyler, well he kissed me. And Finn's suddenly talking to me even though he isn't saying much. He's just staring into thin air with a smirk planted on his face. To me, he looks really creepy. Tyler was just standing behind me not saying or doing anything as well. Now that I think of it, everyone in the hallway wasn't doing anything. They were frozen, not moving a muscle. Not saying a thing. The room was motionless. I felt as if I was stood there for hours when the silence was broken by Finn.
"You're dreaming." He said with a straight face.
"What? No I'm not, what are yo-" 
"Wake up honey. Wake up, it's time for school." The words came out of Tylers mouth. I turned around immediately but it wasn't his voice, the voice was a lot higher. A lot like my Mothers.

"Aaah! I screamed as I woke up with a fright. My Mother was about an inch away from my face screaming 'wake up honey'. It was a dream. I wiped the pool of sweat on forehead with my duvet as my mum groaned, telling me not to wipe my face with that. 
"Get up and out, you're going to be late." I stole a glance at the digital clock on my bedside table as I got up and my eyes widened. I only had 20 minutes to get ready and eat and be at school.
Urghh. Days like these, I really didn't want to go to school.

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