Chapter Sixteen - Gallucios Part 2

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Chapter Sixteen - Gallucios Part 2

"Are we nearly there yet?" I whined for the hundreth time. He laughed and shook his head, his eyes gleaming.

"Only a couple more minutes, Payton." He said, taking the hand he wasn't driving with and squeezed my hands for a few seconds before returning it back to the wheel. I smiled at Tyler. Tyler was such a nice person, it made me angry that I ever doubted him of cheating on me. It's harder to trust someone after someone has lost your trust. Let's just forget about all this because it's getting irritating.

"You okay?" He asked me, concerned. I tried to give him a smile that didn't look to forced out but failed.

"I'm fine, why?" I asked feigning innocence. I put on a quizzical look and looked him straight into his chocolate-brown eyes.

He shook his head, "No reason."

'I should become an actor'." I thought to myself.

He stared out into the dark road as he switched on the bright headlights. I could faintly make out a large transparent bulding that had a enormous sign that read in flashing lights 'GALLUCIOS'. It looked so pretty. I tugged and fiddled with the hem of my dress during which Tyler went round the back of Gallucios and pulled up in a parking spot. I quickly jumped out of the car and stretched unattractively. I was in the car for about 45 minutes. I looked over to Tyler that was standing infront of me with a small frown on his perfect face.

"What's the matter?" I asked worryingly.

"I was going to open the door for you," He pointed at the black door as he leaned against the car handsomely.

"Oh..." I mumbled, feeling like an idiot, I jumped back into the car seat and slammed the door closed.

"Well, let's pretend that never happened then." Tyler gave me a toothy grin and laughed his head off, he was still laughing as he held his stomach. Tyler was still leaning against the car. People that were walking by seemed to stare at Tyler weirdly as if he had Ebola. I giggled a little bit as well as he composed himself and opened the door gracefully saying, "Here we are, m'lady."

"Thank you, kind sir." I put my feet out first like they did in the movies where you see the feet step out then the person. But as I tried to get out, I banged my head on the car roof.

"Ow!" I grumbled, putting my hand to my head, in pain.

"Out you come now, Miss Grey." Tyler laughed, as he grabbed my hand and yanked me out.

"That's going to leave a bruise." I muttered incoherently.


"Do you have a reservation sir?" The young man asked Tyler.

"Yes, I put it down as Davies." Tyler told him.

"Sir, there are two reservations for the name Davies...sir." I looked at Tyler confused but he looked equally as confused as I did.

"Um, okay. We're booked in for 8:00." Tyler said with the same confused look plastered on his face.

"Okay, sir. The other person called Davies, made a reservation for 8:30." He said to us. The man handed us two menus.

"Tom here, will take you to your tables. Have a nice evening sir." The man pointed to a tall, well-built man standing next to the other man. Tom smiled as he led us over to a small table at the far corner. Tyler pulled out the chair for me to sit down and I gave him a small smile. He sat down infront of me and grinned.

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