Chapter Fourteen - Room Without a Roof

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Chapter Fourteen - Room Without a Roof

Tylers black BMW pulled up next to us and Issy, Emily and I got up from the curb.Tyler got out of his car to open the door for us. We dragged our shopping bags into the car, Emily and Issy sat at the back while I sat in the passenger seat.

"Hello ladies." Tyler greeted Emily and Issy. Emily and Issy greeted Tyler simultaneously.

"Hi Payton." Tyler smiled.

"Hey Tyler." I forced a smile back, my heart aching. He leaned over and tried to give me a kiss on the lips but I quickly turned my head so he only managed a small peck on my cheek. He looked at me and gave me a hurt look, and I couldn't help but feel guilty so I made up an excuse.

"Lipstick." I explained, pointing at my slightly pink lips. He nodded and grinned at me cutely. I felt remorseful thinking back at his sad hurt face. I gave him a small smile back but this time it was real.

We were stuck in traffic as it was now 5:00pm and starting to get really dark as it was winter. Issy and Emily were chatting away in the back seat about these new youtubers while Tyler and I were sitting in an uncomfortable silence. I kept stealing glances at Tyler and he would do the same thing. I decided to break the silence.

"Thanks for coming to pick us up." I said to Tyler. He was beaming.

"No problem."

"I hope that we didn't interrupt anything you were doing?" I said raising an eyebrow referring to Sandra and Tyler.

"Oh no, I wasn't busy at all," He smiled nicely. Issy sat up from her seat and hissed into my ear inaudibly, "Let it go."

I turned around to glare at her then chuckled as it reminded me of Frozens song, Let It Go and I started singing it at the top of my voice. Emily soon joined in shouting the lyrics equally as loud and soon enough Tyler and Issy were screaming the lyrics at full volume. Any tension, or uncomfortableness or moments of awkwardness had lifted right through the air and it felt normal. I wasn't going to be bothered about this girl called Sandra.

After dropping Issy and Emily at their own houses, we reached mine and Tyler parked outside and turned off the engine. He sighed and ran his hand through his dark brown quiff. He stared right into my eyes and asked me concerned, "Is everything alright Payton?" He looked anxious and the looked down at his hands and started to fiddle with his fingers slowly.

"Tyler..." He looked up, "I'm sorry, I've been acting like a total bitch." He laughed quietly.

"It's alright, you must be on your period or something." He joked but I hit him in the arm while he chuckled. I reached over the hand brake and the gears and gave him a big bear hug. When he pulled away he gave me a big grin showing all his pearly white teeth. Getting out the car, I gave him a wave before speedily walking to the front door and closing it. I leaned against the door and a big smile broke out across my face.


"Mother! Father! You're back!" I ran up to my parents as soon as I heard their key in the lock. They both gave me a big hug as soon as they saw me and I smiled brightly.

"I missed you so much." My mother beamed as she hung up her coat. Her eyes were dull and she looked really tired, her hair was in a mess from probably sleeping on the plane. For the past hour, I had just been waiting anxiously on the sofa with the TV volume low, listening out for the key in the lock.

"I missed you too!" I yelled happily.

"I got you something from Italy." My father told me after a while.

"What is it? What is it? What is it?" I urged him excitedly. He took out from the suticase a small bag and inside it was a beautiful diamond ring.

"Wow..." I said quietly as he slipped it on my index finger.

"I love it." I said happily, staring down at the beautiful silver ring that lay perfectly on my finger.

"I knew you would."

"Now darling, I have bad jetlag so I'm going to go sit on the sofa for a while." My mother said. I nodded understandingly. The ring was a petite real silver ring and the bezel was encrusted with small diamonds and there was a big silver diamond in the middle. I absolutely adore it.

I sat down with them on the sofa as we all watched a movie as a family, I really missed this. I sighed in content. Later on, we decided to get a takeaway as Mother didn't want to cook after the flight.

My mother had always been quite strict but that was how she was brought up, so she told me to go to bed at 11pm. Instead, I sat on my bed in the dark surfing the web like Facebook and Instagram, I even checked Snapchat because I haven't in a long time and a lot of people were posting things on there stories. I randomly texted Emily and she replied almost instantly, that woman didn't go anywhere without her phone. I set an alarm for 6:30 am on my iPhone even though I never wake up at 6:30am as I always hit the snooze button. And then I fell asleep, thinking about what was going to happen the next day. Tomorrow it was Friday and that means its my date with Tyler at Gallucios and I couldn't wait.




Sorry that not much happened in this chapter and it wasn't that long! The next chapter, I will try to make it better! Tell me if you have any suggestions with this story and comment and please vote and follow if you want to! Thank you for all the support:)

The reason why this is such a short chapter is because, I'm starting to get writers block and I can't explain the story properly and I don't think it is any good also because the letter 'n' isn't working very well and I have to press really hard so it's taking me ages to write a sentence. Oops.

Okay, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Riya xox

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