Chapter Seventeen - Not Again

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Chapter Seventeen - Not Again

When I got home after Tyler and dropped me home in his car. I digged out the keys from the bottom of my purse  and walked inside quietly. I stole a glance at my watch and it was now 11:37PM so Mother and Father had gone to bed but I could hear the faint sounds of girls crying as I reached my bed room door.
I found Issy and Emily on my bed watching The Fault In Our Stars on the laptop with a whole bunch of used tissues surrounding them, they must of had a feast judging by the chocolate and sweet wrappers on my floor. I'm not cleaning this up. The girls had already got dressed into their pyjamas and had their back facing me, they hadn't realised that I had entered the room yet so I decided to scare them.

I slowly crept up on my tiptoes and pounced on their backs cheekily, whisper-screaming in their ears. They screamed and jumped about two metres into the air.
"Oh my fucking god!" Issy screamed at the top of her voice.
"Ssh! Shut up, my parents are sleeping."
"Ohh.." Issy said quietly, "Oh my fucking god!" Issy whisper-screamed at me. I laughed quietly. Sometimes Issy acted like a 10 year old child and not a 16 year old teenager, but I loved her for it.

We all huddled up on the bed and talked about the date and after, around 1am in the morning, we finally went to bed.

The next morning I awoke from my deep sleep with Emily screaming in my ear loudly. I groaned in annoyance and pulled the pillow over my head and ears to drain out the sound. I could hear her faintly laughing.


I was at school early today for no particular reason, I never arrived at school early. I was normally on time or very very late. I sat on the bench on my own thinking about everything. 

I thought to my self, 'I'm really lucky for everyone I have. My mother, father, Issy & Emily and Jade and Tyler' .

I sat there day-dreaming, when I heard the screeches of tyres breaking. I saw Tyler's black BMW pull up in a parking spot and I grinned to myself. I was feeling quite lonely and I did look like a loner so I was glad to have someone to talk to now, it was just even better that it was my boyfriend.

Tyler got out of the car and ran round the other side to open it, I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. Why'd he open the door? If it was his brother in the car, he wouldn't of opened it for him like a gentleman.

A tall beautiful girl stepped out of the car, she looked absolutely amazing. She had light blonde hair with brown streaks and it was curly and long. Her face was small and beautiful. Her lips were a dark red, She was very tanned, and she fitted her long tanned legs well. Rested on her nose was brown raybans. She was wearing short denim shorts and a tight-fitted baby pink crop top but for some reason, she didn't look slutty at all.

My jaw dropped andf my eyes widened as I stared at her in shock. I automatically stared down at what I decided to wear today, I was wearing black skinny jeans and a grey striped long-sleeve crop top. My brown hair was pushed up into a high pony tail. I couldn't compare myself to her, she was absolutely gorgeous and I was meh.

I stood up gingerly as I saw Tyler smile at her brightly, he slung his arm round her shoulder as they walked towards school. 

'They looked as if they were dating.

Was Tyler cheating on me?

This can't be happening again.

I'm sick of boys.'

Was all the things going through my head and more. 

Tyler spotted me standing there awkwardly, he whispered something to the girl and they both started to walk over to where I was. The girl next to him had a big smirk on her face but Tyler didn't seem to notice. 

Why the hell is he bringing his other girlfriend over here?

I hate him.

'Maybe you're over-reacting, we don't know who she is yet.' Said a little voice in my head. 

I tried to force a smile but failed miserably. 

"Hey Payton." Tyler smiled. His arm was still around her. I nodded in response and Tyler looked at me weirdly.

"Um- This is Sandra, Sandra this is Payton. The girl I was telling you about." He said gesturing to each other. I nodded again, as I had nothing to say. 

The pretty girl raised her eyebrow and whispered to Tyler but I heard them clearly.
"She doesn't talk."
"Yes she does." He whisper-replied.

"Hi." I said quickly, to show the girl I could talk and that I wasn't lame. The girl looked anything but lame. Oh, how I wish my friends were here to see this.

I suddenly realised that Tyler had called her 'Sandra' and that rang a massive bell in my head. Oh! I remember, it was the girl he was with when he came to pick us up after shopping. I had suspicions then that he was cheating and this girl is obviously the answer.

A tear nearly slipt through but I wanted to be strong so I wiped it away speedily but Tyler saw it before and grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked carefully. He hadn't even hugged me or kissed me like he usually did. What did I do wrong? Am I bad girlfriend?

"Yes." I mumbled, I picked up my bag rapidly before quickly walking away before I cried. I didn't want to confront him about it as I felt too weak. I actually didn't know how to feel. We were only dating for a few months so it isn't the end of the world but I can't help but feel sad. And angry. But mostly sad.

As I was just about to walk into the girls toilets, Finn stepped infront of me and studied my face quietly. His eyes widened as he realised I had been crying.

"Move please." I muttererd, trying to side-step around him but he blocked my way again with his quick reflexes. 

"Why are you crying?" He asked me, his face showed the emotions; love and care.

"Why do you care? You've made me cry so many times." I yelled angrily, I didn't want to talk to anyone. Especially not a Davies. His face showed hurt and another emotion, he scrunched up his eyebrows and looked me in the eye. I stared at him for what felt like forever but it was only a merely few seconds. I felt as if we were the only people in the world as I looked at him from under my long eyelashes.

He started to lean in closer and closer by the second. My heart was beating 1000 beats a minute and my stomach erupted with butterflies. 

And then, we kissed. It was passionate and just right. Our lips were molded together perfectly.

Until I realised what I was doing, I was kissing Finn. Finn Davies. The boy who broke my heart, but the weird thing was I liked the kiss. It was better than when Tyler and I kissed and it was better that when Finn and I kissed before. I stepped away and stared at him in horror and shock. 

I have a boyfriend, and I just cheated on him. I vowed to myself to never cheat but I just did. 

I looked at him again and then saw a person standing behind Finn. I looked at the person in dread, awfulness and terror. There standing behind Finn was Tyler, his fists clenched up into balls and is eyes shooting daggers at not only Finn.

But at me.

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