Chapter One - Breaking Hearts

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Chapter One - Breaking Hearts

"We're done."
"What?" I breathed out. Tears sprung out. Finns face stayed solemn and serene.
"I'm breaking up with you, get it in your thick skull." The tears were streaming down my face at full speed. Here we were, in this dreary old High School. I never thought my heart would be broken here. Everyone single person in the hallway was looking now, watching me. Judging me.

"Oh for god's sake Payton, do you have to make a scene out of everything?" Finn bellowed. I winced.
"Finn...why are you doing this?" I cried out. It felt as if he just reached inside me and tore out my heart and broke it into a tiny million pieces. I'd scramble on the floor trying to pick the pieces up, but all I could see was Finns face. Staring at me. His 6'2 frame glowering over me.
"Shut up Payton." His words took me out of my trance.
"I love you."
He smirked, then put his lips next to my ear. I could feel the hot air blowing on my cheeks.
"I. Don't. Care."
And that's it. Payton Grey officially dead.
Please attend her funeral the 19th April 2014.
Oh but I wish I was dead but I'm not unfortunately, I guess I'll just have to keep living this nightmare.

"Payton, you have to get out of bed sometime soon, your mother and I are only letting you stay in bed because it's the weekend." My Father yelled while opening the curtains widely.
"Tomorrow is school, so you must get up darling!" Mother said. I looked up from my cave of duvets. I hissed from the bright light that shone dazzlingly, blinding my poor eyes.
"Aaah!" I shrieked during which I covered my face with the floral pink and white duvet.
"Oh goodness me, for all I know you could be a vampire." Mother laughed.
"I don't want to get up, I'm still upset. Don't you understand?" I sat up in bed, boxes and boxes of tissues surrounding me. Also around me were buckets of ben&jerrys chocolate ice cream and sad movies were scattered across the floor. I spent the whole of yesterday and the day before in bed.
"Yes darling, we've both had heartbreaks before but think about it this way...You're one less heartbreak away before finding your true love."
"You mean I have to have more heartbreaks!" I moaned. "Look Mother, I'm fed up of boys! I don't want another boyfriend. I'm done!" I screeched then pulled the cosy duvet over my head so I couldn't hear them. I sniffled into a tissue.
I could hear their faint whisper about me.
"I don't know what to do Bob! She's so upset!" Mother cried.
I felt quite guilty but I was too stubborn to come out of my cave.


Hola! This is Riya, and this is my new book.
I hope you like it:)

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