Chapter Eighteen - You Can Get Over It

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Chapter Eighteen - You can get over it

I didn't wait for Tyler to say anything as I ran into the girls toilets. I hid behind one of stalls, shaking. I heard shouting and grunting from Tyler and Finn. From what I could make out, they were fighting. I didn't want them to be hurt, I ran outside not thinking.

What I saw frightened me, Tyler was furious. His eyes looked dark black when they used to be a pretty brown. I gasped as I saw Tyler beat the shit out of Finn. 

Finn fell to the floor in pain and I rushed over to him before Tyler did anything else. I preferred Tyler from Finn but Finn was more hurt and needed my help. I looked up at Tyler after I checked Finn's heart beat and pulse to see it was faintly beating. 

Tyler stared at me in hurt and anger before he said, "Payton?" He looked so genuinely hurt, it broke my heart. 

A teacher came over and took Finn to the Nurse before asking me what happened. I made up a lie she didn't seem to believe but took no notice and shrugged.

Tyler walked away but I scurried after him, trying to keep up. 

"Tyler? Tyler, please." He stopped and I stood infront of him. 

"Explain." He muttered.

"I was just upset because of you and Sandra and I needed someone to comfort me and Finn was the only one there and we just happened to kiss. It wasn't his fault, it was a massive mistake. I don't know what came over me, it will never happen again, I'm sorry." 

"Wait, what do you mean Sandra and I?" He said, confused.

"Well...I don't know, it looked like you were kinda che-" I started.

"What?!" Tyler interrupted, "Cheating? What the hell Payton?"

"You had your arm round her and you weren't hugging me or anything and you were whispering to her. And she was with you that day you picked us up, I heard you guys on the phone. She was the girl you were texting, that day you asked me out!" I rambled crazily shouting and flailing my arms around.

"She's my cousin." He said blandly with a straight face. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. I felt so bad. What's wrong with me? I must be the most stupid girl in the world. Oh my gosh. 

"Look, Payton. If you can't trust me and I can't trust you, we're not a very good couple. We should just be friends." 




"I'm sorry, but we're breaking up."




"We probably were not right together anyway."




"And anyway, after this year we'll be going our seperate ways."




I wish I had disagreed with him and told him I loved him and that we were a perfect couple. I also wish I told him that the university I was going to was only 20 miles away from his.

I wish I told but instead, I kept quiet through it all and just nodded dully and responded with a in-audible "Okay." before walking off silently.

I stalked off down the hall trying to keep my head high but failed miserably. The stares and whispers were getting louder and more obvious making me insane. People were syaing things like;

What a bitch.

She doesn't deserve Tyler.

Can't believe she cheated on him.

Ew what a slut.

They got worse from there and louder like they wanted me to hear. I tried to take no notice as I strode over to the Nurse's office where Finn was lying in one of the beds uncomfortably with many people surrounding him. 

Tyler was there too.

They were both apologising to each other saying they had both made mistakes and it wouldn't happen again. They hadn't noticed me standing there awkwardly.

And after they explained to each other, they had a small man hug and they went back to being friends and most of all, brothers.

Whereas I went back to being nothing with them, Tyler said we could be friends but no one really means that when they break up with someone. Well some people do, but he didn't. I could tell by the harshness in his voice and how he couldn't even look at me.


I guess on the bright side of all this (there really isn't much of a bright side), I have more time with my girls and more time to study to make sure I get those A Levels, I need.

Speaking of the girls, where are they? I really need some support.


"Why aren't you crying?" Issy asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"I honestly don't know, I thought I would cry but I guess...I don't know."

The girls comforted me by joking around and I felt like myself again. I don't need a boy in my life. I'm just glad I had these girls. 

So thank you, Issy James and Emily Brown.



Alright, hey! Haven't had an authors note for a while. How are you? 

Sorry about the short chapter, but I'll have more up soon hopefully.

This chapter is dedicated to Grace Jameson @GraceJameson3, the girl who plays Issy James and also Merry Halls @merryhalls, the girl who plays Emily Brown.

They're both my bestfriends and I'm glad to have them in my life. (Even though they can be annoying sometimes;))


Riya xxxx

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