/Luke's Pov\

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/Luke's Pov\

It's been 6 months that Faye has been in a coma. Half a year without her. It seems weird, it hasn't effected everyone else like me. Well apart from her mum, well because obviously her mum.
But I'm her boyfriend. I was her boyfriend.
I don't even know whether she's alive. I go to the hospital everyday sometimes I stay there overnight because I have horrible dreams.
What if she died and I wasn't by her side
There are no words to express how much I want her to open her eyes so I can look deep into them and tell them how much I love her.
At the moment I'm sitting in my car debating what I should bring her. Flowers? A letter? I could do both.
I found a piece of paper in the glovebox and a pen in my pocket and began writing:

Dear Faye,
It's been 6 months without you. Well your body is here just not your heart and soul. 6 months is a long time, please just open your eyes and see me. I want to be the first thing you see when you wake up.
I could say you're in a terribly long beauty sleep, but you don't need that you're already beautiful to me.
There is no one that can replace you.
My mother and brothers have tried to help me, but there is no one who can apart from you. You are the one who helps me.
My one wish is for you to wake up.
Make my wish come true.
Yours Luke xxxxxx

The tears started dripping onto the paper but I folded it so no more tears would ruin my letter to her.
I started the engine and drove to the nearest flower shop.
Although she never told me her favourite flower, I got her some lilies that were wrapped in nice paper that I'm sure she'd like.
I arrived at the hospital and walked up to the reception.
"Hi Luke" the receptionist looked at me sadly "go right on up"
I made my way to the lift and clicked the 6 button. The lift dinged letting me know I had reached the level. I walked out into the ghastly corridor of the hospital. I walked down to her room and opened the door slowly.
Her beautiful body laying there lifelessly, so elegant.
I walked over to her bed and sat on the chair bedside it. I put the flowers on the bedside table and put the letter there too.
"Hi Faye" I lightly smiled. "Wherever you are. Please come back"

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