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New chapter! Sorry this fanfic isn't really going that great, I've run out of ideas for this already haha. Tbh I've been thinking more about writing a new fanfic :/ I've got the name for it and everything haha. Let's try and make this fanfic work first :)

|Luke POV|

I woke up with the sun coming through my blinds, I obviously forgot to close them. I sat up on my bed realising that Faye must already be up. I crawled out of bed and walked downstairs. I walked into the living room to see her huddled on the sofa watching tv. "Morning" I said which made her jump "oh my god , morning" she held her heart "sorry" I chuckled. "Do you want something to eat?" "Um sure.." She followed me into the kitchen where I made us some toast "Nutella?" "Yeah sure" she clapped her hands in excitement. I've never known someone to get excited over Nutella, although I think it's a girl thing. I spread loads of Nutella on her slices of toast and not too much on mine. "Here you go" I handed her the plate of toast and she immediately ran back to the living room and ate. I slowly followed behind her and toke the place next to her on the couch. "I sware every girl likes Nutella" I laughed, "maybe it's a girl thing" we both said at the same time "woah holy shit that was freaky" I chuckled. "What's the plan?" she looked at me "to be honest, I have no clue" I scratched my head "how about a movie day, just you and me?" I suggested "yeah sure, what film should we start off with" "the lion king" "are you serious Luke, the lion king" "how could I not be serious about the lion king, it's my favourite movie of all time" I jumped up "well you" she pointe to me "me?" I asked "yes you" she carried on pointing "you need to show me something" Her eyes were going that weird colour again, almost black. "Faye" I stepped back, "Faye" I screamed her name but she kept walking towards with an evil smirk. "You know" she started "there's no need to be afraid Luke" her eyes went darker and darker with every second "stop" I shouted "but I'm not doing anything, I'm just getting started" she laughed. She held the smirk on her face....

|Faye POV|

Oh Faye you know I won't stop for you
Faye I won't stop... until I get what I want...


Sorry for the short chapter but I had to update....
Wtf Faye
I'm so lame maaan :(
Check out my new fanfic 'Demon' :)
Byeee thanks for reading xxx

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