adventure time

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i let her eyelids close over her beautiful blue irises. she needed her sleep even though she had been in a coma for over six months. it was what she wanted, so i let my princess take any actions she wanted.

i rest my arms on the side of her bed and breath heavily. now she's awake, i have so much to tell her. what happened when she was gone, or sleeping. this could be such a big step for our relationship, i could maybe make myself look better for her since she forgot mostly everything. i could tell her things that weren't true, but i'm not going to do that because that's not the person i am. not the person i am destined to be. i am destined to be with Faye. she's my everything, i just hope what i planned for tomorrow will help her remember me as the idiotic luke brooks she used to know.

the nurse walked into Faye's ward and i was asked to leave since visiting hours were well and truly over. i should of really left an hour ago, but i begged the nurse to let me stay.

i grabbed my bag which had some of Faye's clothes in it from when she bought some over to my house. i remember when she first moved in; to get away from her mother.

i wonder if i could use this to make her forget about her mother or whether i should just tell her the truth.

maybe the truth would be better, I thought, let's not start off on the wrong foot.

i opened the big swinging doors, whilst turning my neck to take a last look at my beautiful girl. i turned back around and walked out the hospital and clicked my car keys to make my car lights flash to let me know where it was. i followed the flash of the lights and immediately opened the door and slid into the seat. i closed the door behind me and let out a massive sigh. wow what happened to my life; a lot is all i can say.

i tossed and turned in my what seemed like my uncomfortable bed. i just can't get to sleep; my thoughts were too busy blocking up my mind. usually they just float away but this time they really wanted to stick there. not tonight, i need sleep to carry out my plan for Faye tomorrow.

i picked up my phone from my bedside table and checked the time. 5:02 am. great. it's always my luck. the text message symbol lit up my phone; i clicked on it and entered my passcode.

hey. i found your number in my contacts! guessing this is my phone lol. i can't get to sleep, i understand if you are asleep :)
Faye x

even though she doesn't know me very well; i mean not now anyway. she's still very kind to me. i decided to message her back saying that i was having trouble sleeping too so there was no need to worry. i immediately got a reply back and this was exactly how it went for at least 30 minutes until i didn't receive a reply, i guess she fell asleep. i checked the time, 6:56. shit, i need to sleep. i'm sneaking into the hospital at 9:30am to get Faye to go on our adventure.

my alarm rung through one ear and out the other continuously until i couldn't stand it anymore and had to turn it off. i groaned and picked up my phone and looked at the time. 8:58. i need to get a move on.

i grabbed a plain white top from my wardrobe along with my fairly skinny black jeans that had rips at the knees and my, oh so comfy, timberland boots. to finish the look i put a chequered plaid shirt over the top of my white one. i took a quick look in the mirror then quickly ran down the stairs into the kitchen. i opened up the cupboard to get out a bowl and placed it onto the top of the counter. i looked in each cupboard for some cereal but there was nothing. fuck, i cursed under my breath. just what i need, another situation to take care of. this can wait until later.

i found a packet of biscuits, took two and walked into the lounge and sat on the sofa. what i'm doing today could get me into prison, couldn't it? i'm not sure. she's bound to get released from the hospital anyway.

it's 9:10 and it takes me 10 minutes to get there so i quickly ran upstairs to get my bag which i packed before i went to sleep last night with a new outfit for her to slip on quickly before we go on an outing.

i slid down the banister balancing myself so i didn't fall off. i jumped off the end, landing straight onto two feet causing a tingling feeling to flow through them but i shook it off. i grabbed my keys from the side of the sofa and rushed out to my car. i slid into the seat and started the engine, the radio almost immediately started playing. i recognise this song, black widow of course. no, i can't listen to this. i turned it over to a different radio station and breathed out a breath i didn't know i was holding. i can never listen to that song again; too many bad memories come with it. the last song i got to sing with Faye before she was put into a coma and forgot everything about me.

i felt a liquid start flowing down my cheeks, leaving them bright red. i wiped them with the sleeves of my chequered plaid shirt and hoped i didn't look bad.

i pulled up outside the hospital, stopped the engine of my car and pulled the key out of the ignition and slipped into my pocket of my jeans. i stepped out of my car and closed it behind me. i slid my hand into my pocket and clicked the button to lock my car doors, when i did the lights flashed signalling that it was locked. i walked up to the big building and went straight through the automatic doors, there was no one at the reception. just what i wanted. i walked at a fast pace to Faye's ward, and opened the swinging doors to be faced with a sleeping Faye. it's what i expected but i didn't really want the challenge of waking her up. she was quite a pain in the arse to wake up before all this happened and our relationship was healthy and amazing.

i walked over to her bedside and sat on the not so comfortable chair. i rested my elbows on the side of her bed and stared at the calm expression she had on her face. i can't wake her up from her slumber, she's just too beautiful. but this is for her well-being and for mine. i need her to know what we were and hopefully what we will be.
i gently shook her shoulder carefully making sure i didn't do it too hard. she stirred slightly but not enough that her eyes opened so i shook her again; this time a little harder. her eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing the perfect shade of blue to me again. i will never get used to how piercing they are.

"hey beautiful" i saw her cheeks slightly redden which made me smile. "we're going out today"

she smiled and nodded her head. "sounds good"

"i'm not actually supposed to take you out yet though" her eyes widened but soon softened as a smirk appeared on her face. "its against the rules i suppose"

she shrugged her shoulders "rules are made to be broken"

there she is. the Faye i knew; i know.

"well, I bought you a different outfit for you to change into" she smiled lightly at me and thanked me in a quiet tone. i handed her the clothes that were neatly packed in my bag, not a man bag more of a rucksack to be honest. she quietly excused herself to the bathroom that was thankfully attached to her ward so no nurse would spot her.

while i waited i fiddled around with my fingers and touched up my hair every now and then. i took my phone out from my pocket and slid the screen up to show the camera. i turned it so it was facing me and touched my hair and moved the little bits that were hanging out of place. should of really wore a hat.

i heard light footsteps walking into the room, i panicked but i looked up and saw it was Faye.

"wow i'm a fashionista! you look amazing" i grinned widely at her. she almost immediately gave me a smile back, and a slight chuckle.

"you truly are. i love it"

"let's go" i automatically took her hand in mine which made her tense up "oh, i'm sorry"

"no it's okay" she wrapped her fingers around my large hand and started walking out of the ward.

"adventure time" she whispered.

// finally a decent size chapter that i hope you all love! the next chapter will be inspired by my ultimate friend jasmine, love her a lot! thanks for reading, bet you didn't expect a chapter anytime soon, neither did i tbh! i love you all \\

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