I Need Her

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Double update?! Wow not like me haha, just a little surprise update, couldn't leave you in a cliffhanger for too long eh? Let's get to the story!
Btw I will start writing in Luke's POV's too :)

|Luke POV|

Playing FIFA gets me so annoyed, god damn it. Even though I always win, like always, no one ever beats me. But FIFA is being a bitch to me today, so I let the others play. I grabbed my camera from the special cupboard that I keep it in. I decided to take a walk, probably along the beach or down the pier or something. I needed to take some new pictures, I hadn't taken some in a while. "Bye guys, I'm going out for a bit" I shouted at my brothers Jai and Beau. They just continued screaming and shouting at the screen.
I immediately got washed over by a swam of wind, not heavy wind, just a light push. I pulled my jumper around me and bit closer, because it made me slightly chilly. I found my way to the beach and walked along the soft sand. The beaches here in Melbourne are amazing, they are like the beaches you dream about, perfect. I decided to take a few pictures of the sunset and continue walking. I slowly made my way to pier, I may as well walk to the end, I have no reason not to. I toke pictures along the way of the scenery and of things I found interesting. I sat down on the planks of wood which made the pier, and dangled my legs off the side. I looked into the sea and saw all the waves rippling over each other. I saw something move, I thought it was my shadow but it was moving at a different time and pace to me. I looked closer, and saw a body. A girl. I saw her hair floating around, she looked lifeless. I took my clothes off, so I was down to my underwear. I jumped into the water, I opened my eyes to try and find the girl. I swam around trying to find her, but she had gone. I turned around when I felt something touch me. She was right there. I grabbed her body and dragged her up to the surface of the water. I lifted her up onto the edge of the pier, her body still not moving. I got out of the water and looked at her. I looked at her closely, closer than maybe for her comfort, but she couldn't really tell anyway. Wait, I recognise her face? I recognise her. Oh my god it's Faye, I need to do something, but I don't know how to help. I tried to do CPR but I probably did very badly. I tried and tried but she just wasn't opening her eyes. I decided to call an ambulance to see whether they could help me. I dialled the number "hello, this is emergency services how may I help you?" they said. "I've found a girl, I think she may of tried to commit suicide, I found her in the water by the pier, I've tried to do CPR but she just isn't coming to" I said all in breath, I needed them to come fast! "We'll be right there" she said hanging up the phone. I looked at her lifeless body, not being able to do anything, just laying there. I took this time to examine her body, it was covered in bruises and cuts. This is what she didn't want to show me, she didn't want me to know, maybe I should pretend that i didn't see, or maybe I should tell her.
After about 15 minutes the medical assistants came and put her on a stretcher. "Hello, I'm guessing you're the young man who called us to help?" A lady said, "yes I am" "do you know this girl?" "i do, she's from my school, we're not very close but we've talked a few times" "okay, would you like to come into the ambulance with us, so then you know she's okay?" The lady asked me, to be honest I'm glad she offered because I do not want to leave Faye's side. I want to know what's happening at every second, I'm not letting her out of my sight. I got into the ambulance and sat beside her and held her hand. This feels right, but it feels weird too. I'm holding a girls hand, a girl that tried to commit suicide because I or nobody helped her. They all just stood there and stared, never cared to ask how she was feeling, how her day was, what she was going to do that day. I looked at her, beautiful. That's the only word to describe her properly, not a slag, slut or a whore. Those names were names she shouldn't of been called, she was none of those.
After talking with the medical team for about 20 minutes we finally arrived at the hospital. I had to wait in the waiting room because they had to hook her up to some machine thingy, I don't understand any of these doctors things. A man, who was named 'Dr Drew' came out from behind the curtain and called me over. "She won't be awake for at least a couple of hours or so, she hasn't fully recovered from the coldness of the water and the affect it had on her body" Dr Drew said to me. "Okay, thank you sir" I nodded and walked into the bed she was in. I grabbed a chair and sat by her, waiting for her to wake up. I decided to text Jai to let him know where I am

To: Jai
Hey Jai I'm at the hospital right now, don't panic.
From: Luke

Bro, what you doing at the hospital? I'm coming there right now, also I'll bring Beau

To: Jai
Okay, floor 3 room 28 :)

My brother didn't know I was in the hospital not for myself but for Faye. He doesn't even know who she is, he may of seen her around school but that's about it. I twiddled with my thumbs waiting for them to arrive, I heard some whispers and chatters from outside the room door. The door slowly slid open, I looked up from my hands. "Dude why are you here?" Beau asked with a weird expression on his face, "I'm here because I saved her. She tried to commit suicide by drowning herself" they looked at me with shocked expressions "is she going to be okay?" Jai asked. "The doctor said she won't be awake for another hour, you don't have to stay." They each grabbed a seat, so I'm guessing they're staying, don't know why they don't even know her, well I don't even know her but at least I've communicated with her. I asked Jai and Beau to get me a drink, and to get her one for when she wakes up. While they were gone, I rolled up the sleeves of her hospital gown and looked up and down her arms. Her left one seemed to be worse than her right one, she had cuts all the way from the top of her arm all the way down to her wrist. Wow, that must really hurt, I could never do that. I ran my hand over her bruises and cuts, and lifted her arm up very gently and slowly. I pressed my lips against every inch of her arm, but pulled away and quickly rolled down her sleeve when I heard Jai and Beau come back. When will she wake up, I can't stand it any longer, I need her.
So is Luke falling for Faye?
I mean Luke had to save her, who else would?!
The next chapter may be after my holiday or maybe just before I leave. Keep and eye out!
Thank you for all the reads and votes, means a lot :)
Love you all- Elise xxxx

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