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Double update! I'm seriously struggling with what to do with this fanfic :/ idk whether I should keep it or get rid of it :/ I'm confused. I'm going to try and write another chapter, here goes :P

|Faye POV|

Maybe going with Luke was a good idea, or just maybe it was a bad idea. We sat in the taxi in silence, awkward silence. I had nothing to say, I've told him everything. I'm beginning to think that going to Luke's house was a really bad decision. "You know I don't know whether I should go to your house" I turned to face him. "Why not?" "because it's a bit awkward, you know" I looked down at me hands "it won't be awkward, trust me. You're going to meet my mum and my brothers" he smiled. "Okay" I couldn't really reply with anything else because he seems so over excited and I'm just not really reacting at all. I love Luke but I don't know whether I'm ready to meet everyone. I mean what if his mum hates me, I am the reason that he didn't come home for a few days. She was probably worried sick, I know I would be. All these bad scenarios swirled around in my head, I leaned my head on the head rester in the taxi. I closed my eyes, but I felt a hand rest itself on my leg. I didn't react because I know it's just Luke trying to comfort me. I moved my hand from my forehead and lay it on top of Luke's hand, I felt him flinch slightly, I don't think he expected me to do that, honestly I didn't think I would either. I opened my eyes and faced Luke and smiled, he smiled back and gave me a wink, I couldn't help but chuckle. "Oi you" I lightly punched his arm. "What?" He said defending himself. "You know what you did" I smirked, "And.." He smirked back. I just laughed because he was being an idiot. "We're here" the taxi driver called out. Luke got out and grabbed my bags, I was about to open the door, when I found it was already opened by a dashing Luke holding out his hand. I laughed while grabbing his hand and pulled myself out. "Thank you" "no problem madam" "what a gentlemen Luke" I said while laughing. He closed the taxi door and payed the driver and thanked him. The taxi pulled away, and I held Luke's hand for comfort. I'm so nervous, I'm going to meet his brothers and his mum. Oh my god. She's going to hate me so much! "It's okay" he reassured me "I hope so" my nerves are starting to kick in, butterflies erupting in my belly. I look at Luke who's smiling, he's so cute

|Luke POV|

I can tell how nervous she is, she's gripping my hand so tight. I slowly dragged her to the front door of my house, she's really lagging behind. I don't know why. I look back and see her standing there looking into thin air. "Faye" I shouted, she immediately moved her eye contact to me. Her eyes kind of changed colour, like a darker colour, not black but almost. The colour faded and went back to their original colour, as it did that she ran towards me and lunged her body onto mine. "Woah" I shouted. We both fell on the floor, her on top of me, I can feel her breath on my face. She leans down and puts her head into my neck. Her breath tickling it, man this feels good. Shit, my little friend is deciding to join in. Put it away man. She leans in to kiss me, do I want this? Oh my fucking god! This is crazy. Without thinking I smashed my lips onto hers. Our lips moving in sync, not stopping to take a breath. I trace the bottom of her lip with my tongue, she gladly let's my tongue enter. We explore each other's mouths with out tongues and battle with each other. Obviously I won. She pulled away. "I'm so sorry" tears filled her eyes. Wait, what? Why is she crying? Why is she apologising? "Why are you apologising?" I asked. "Because I kissed you, I lead you on. God I'm such a fool" a tear rolled down her cheek, but I caught it just before it fell onto the floor. We both stood up off the ground. I grabbed her hands, "come on, let's go inside" she nodded her head. I knocked on the door, I heard screaming and shouting which must mean the boys are playing FIFA. I heard the locks being unlocked from the inside and the door opened.

|Faye POV|

My hands were getting sweaty as my nerves grew and grew. We just kissed, he told me everything was fine, but really it wasn't. He saw me change. Change into that monster that tends to control at some points. I did learn to fight it off, but when I get weak it comes back. I'm not letting it ruin my life, not this time. Luke knocked on the door, there's a lot of screaming and shouting going on there. What are they doing? I heard the locks being unlocked from the inside, and the door flew open. My heart immediately stopped.
So a new chapter! Hope you liked it, sorry it was crap :/
Thanks for reading and voting :) make sure to add it to your library so you know when I update it, also follow me because may be making another fanfic soon :P
See you soon :)- Elise xxxxx

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