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"Saiki. There's a girl looking for you. I let her in since she enrolled here too" The homeroom teacher said

"Eh? A girl looking for Saiki?" Teruhashi asked "The nerve she has is appauling. She better not be a rival"

"I wonder why someone's looking for Saiki?" Kaidou asked "His girlfriend maybe?"

"Maybe they're friends" Kuboyasu said "Maybe she's his girlfriend or something"

"I wonder if she eats ramen" Nendou said

"Yare yare" Saiki wonders why almost all of them think that the girl is his girlfriend. Anyway this is irritating since everyone is looking at him now while the teacher opens the door to let her in

"Hello" A girl with long light pink hair and brown eyes came in the room wearing a white buttoned up shirt and black pants with black shoes. The girl smirked "Hey there Kusuo"

"....Kusuna?" Kusuo asked as he stood up in shock

"Long time no see" Kusuna placed her hands on her hips "Oh sorry I haven't changed into my uniform yet. I just enrolled here today"

"It's ok" The homeroom teacher said "So you and Saiki know eachother huh?"

"He's my brother. My younger twin" Kusuna chuckled "I am Kusuna Saiki"


(Time skip)

"Alright break time" The teacher said as the bell rang

"Kusuna" Kusuo walked over to her desk "What are you doing here?"

"I enrolled here. I wanted to go highschool. Mom said I should just go here since you're here too" Kusuna said as she leaned back on her seat and balanced a pen on her finger

"No. Why are you here in Japan?" Kusuo asked

"Oh that" Kusuna chuckled as her expression suddenly turned to anger "It's been a few years but I finally got enough of that brother of ours. I wasted my time with that bastard"

"....." Kusuo kept quiet, it's the first time he's seen Kusuna angry at all


*yawn* "Kusuna~ Can you help big bro find that paper I need? I know you stayed up late at night but I'll buy you ice cream" Kusuke said as he rummage through his documents. Recently it's been chaotic as he was behind schedule finding something and ended up scattering everything. Normally when this happens, Kusuna cleans it up "Kusuna~ help big bro please~ I'll buy you ice cream later. I also need you to go to the groceries later. And tend to the garden please. Oh and deliver this paper as fast as you can to the other department... while I'm going to search something later I want you to try this gadget too"


"Kusuna? I have a full day for you....Eh? What's this note?" Kusuke looked to see a note attached to his computer screen

"Dear brother, I went back to Japan. I hate you. Don't dare contact me. Find another slave -Your SISTER Kusuna"



"So your Saiki's twin huh? Well I mean I guess you're Saiki as well" Kaidou awkwardly greets Kusuna "O-oh. I'm Kaidou by the way"

"...You can call me Kusuna. I was in England for a while, I'm used to being called by my first name" Kusuna answered "Nice to meet you"

"I'm Kuboyasu. By the way, you seem to have a boyish name Kusuna" Kuboyasu said

"Yeah. Our parents want both of us to have KUS as the start of our name and at that time they thought Kusuna and here we are" Kusuna chuckled and looked towards Kusuo who was eating "Hey Kusuo. Give me some of your snack I'm hungry"

"Buy some on your own" Kusuo said as he keeps eating and gave her an annoyed face instead

"It's been long since I've been here. I don't know what snacks taste good, I don't even remember that brand so let me have a taste of your snack first" Kusuna said as she stole Kusuo's snacks


"I have some coffee jelly from England at the house"

"Yareyare you should've just said so" Kusuo said

"Hello there" Teruhashi walked to Kusuna who was eating Kusuo's snacks "I'm Teruhashi. I never knew Saiki had a sister. I hope we can become friends"

"Yeah no thanks" Kusuna answered without looking at her "Don't use me to get close to my brother. If you have a crush on him do it on your own"

"Eh?!" "How did she know?!" Teruhashi got startled at her statement "It's not like that I just really want to make friends! I don't have a crush on him"

"Hm~ well you don't suit eachother anyway~" Kusuna smirked playfully as some men who were listening agreed to Kusuna

"You're quiet different from buddy huh?" Nendou said "Ramen ramen ramen" "Hey wanna get ramen after school?"

"Ramen? Sorry. I just got in Japan. I'd like to take a nap at most" Kusuna said

(After school)

"Oy. About Teruhashi earlier. You totally did that on purpose didn't you?" Kusuo asked as they walked home together

"Her thoughts tell me all I need. I hear it even before I said I was your sister. Those type of people irritate me. It's better to shoo her away now then potentially have a fight with her" Kusuna chuckled "Do you like her?"


"Then it's all fine" Kusuna said as she went to an empty alley and teleported away

".......Kusuna changed a lot..."

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now