Chapter 1

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Ezra Bridger had finally found the peace he was looking for with his dear wife Maru. Ezra had gone into hiding after his defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn before the Battle of Yavin. He had stayed in the shadows watching his rebellion of a family conquer the Empire. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty on leaving them right before the war truly had started. When he had visions back on Lothal from the Loth-Wolf Dume, the wolf had shown him a vision of his daughter, Amar. She was destined for greatness and he knew at that moment he had to do what would be the hardest decision he had ever made, he had to flee to be able to make his daughter a reality. To ensure that the legacy of the Jedi could be passed on.

He stood on his balcony looking over the dry plain of Mirial. As the slight chill blew in his face, he looked down at his daughter that was snuggly wrapped and bundled. Amar Bridger, The biggest brightest pair of hazel eyes you'd ever have stare right back at you. She watched her father who was still fairly young and agile, even though it had been more than 10 years since he had fought in the rebellion. The year was 9 ABY (After Battle of Yavin) and since then Ezra had met her mother, Maru on her home planet of Mirial in his exile from the rebellion. Amar was the perfect combo of her two parents, her mother was green skinned from her race of Mirial and Ezra was olive from Lothal. Amar's complexion was a light olive with dark brown hair that would glint with streaks of blue when it hit the sunlight.

Amar reached up to grab a strand of her father's dark lapis locks. Ezra snuggled his daughter and whispered to her, "Your mother and I will always love you" With that a small tear glided down his cheek. Amar touched his cheek and with her force ability was able to soothe her saddened father, even if just for a moment.

The orange sky was falling into nightfall as Ezra watched an X-wing break into the atmosphere and fly down to the landing pad they had on their property. He knew instantly who was here and why.

Weeks before his sweet innocent daughter was born, he leaned down to feel Maru's stomach and whisper sweet nothings to his unborn child. Instantly, he knew she was force sensitive when she projected a vision of her as a child and what he only knew from the holograms to be Luke Skywalker. In the vision, Luke was training her and another boy, he looked around in the vision to not find himself. Concerned waved over Ezra, he had thought all this time that he would be the one to train his daughter in the ways of the force not send her off and separate her from her parents like he was when he was younger. He had told himself since the vision of his having a child back on Lothal, he would make sure his child always knew she was loved and cared for from her parents. Not being apart of her life made that difficult.

Luke Skywalker exited his X-wing and walked up to the Bridger property, knowing he was expected since Ezra had reached out to him weeks ago. Ezra had sent Luke a hologram message via Leia Organa. Ezra didn't know Luke's whereabouts and he confided in Leia to help him make his vision a reality for his daughter. Leia had told him about how her own son, how he was in need of his uncle's training and guidance, but she hadn't built the courage to send him away just yet. Her son Ben Solo was only 4 and she wanted to wait until he was more of a child to send him to Luke. Ezra thought back to his vision he had seen of Amar training with this other boy who did indeed appear to be older than Amar. Leia's comments made him feel guilty for sending her off before he could really get to know her, but he knew this was the right decision. If any one where to find out about her family lineage and the fact that Ezra Bridger was still alive, she would be hunted down along with himself and Maru.

Luke softly knocked at their front entrance, Maru opened the door to find him hooded in a Jedi cloak and a saber on his hip. Luke guided his hood down and bowed to Maru, introducing himself to her as Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master. Ezra came over to the door holding Amar still in her snug bundle and welcomed Luke into their home.

Over brewed tea that Maru had fixed, they discussed the plan and intentions of Amar. Luke told them of his prospects to open a school for younglings to come and train under his teachings of the Jedi way.

"I want to offer a place for younglings to come and feel like they can understand what is happening to them inside, to offer some relief that they are not alone in this universe." Luke said sipping his brew.

Ezra was starting to feel a bit better after listening to Luke talk about his plans for the future of the Jedi. He believed in him because he knew in the force that this was the right decision to make for his daughter. The times were tough for rebuilding what was the Jedi order and he knew that his sacrifice would not go in vain.

"I will take Amar with me to start the build of the Jedi school, she will be my first student and when my sister Leia is ready I will take on my nephew Ben. They will learn together and hopefully be able to test each other and become confident together to pass on what they know as well. As time goes on I will gradually take on new students." Luke told them confidently, like he knew exactly how it's all going to go.

"Maru and I trust you completely and we thank you in advance for teaching our young one and taking her under your wing, as you know we are in hiding and will continue to be in fear of harm bestowing my family." Ezra explains.

"So I ask you, Can you keep her family a secret? My wife and I discussed that it might be better if she doesn't know and to keep where she came from a secret." Ezra added

Luke was unsure about how that would affect her and her emotions for the future, considering it was basically how he grew up. Luke didn't know when he was growing up for one, His father was indeed still alive, two that he was Darth Vader, and three, That Luke himself had a twin. Luke expressed his concern over that, but it had seemed Ezra and Maru had made up their mind. Luke would meditate later to find a solution to how to best go about raising a child in secrecy from her lineage and to be able to offer peace of mind to go along with that. How do you expect a youngling not to ask about where they come from? How do you tell them even though your parents wanted the best for you and love you that they also don't want you to know them or be able to find them? Luke knew he had a lot to figure out but at least he would have a few years still to come before that point.

With that, Ezra and Maru caressed and kissed their daughter to say their final goodbyes. Luke stepped outside to give them these final moments before they had to do the hardest thing they would ever do.

Ezra came out of their house with Amar. Luke could tell there were tears in his eyes as he handed his daughter over to the Jedi Master. Luke tried to comfort him, "I will not fail you and Maru, and I will not fail Amar. I give you my word." Ezra bowed to him and exchanged their farewells.

"May the force be with you, Master Luke"

Luke bowed in return "And with you Ezra Bridger"

Luke got into the X-wing and made sure Amar was safely strapped in with him in his lap.

Ezra stood there watching as the ship took off and set for a far away place that he knew would become the new home for his daughter. His heart ached for her and his wife, who he knew he would need to comfort more than ever at a time like this. He headed inside and the X-wing flew out of the system into hyperspace. 

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