Chapter 61

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The journey to Coruscant was lengthy to say the least, going from the outer reaches to the inner core worlds of the galaxy. The flight took more than a day and Amar was growing more and more anxious by the minute. Everywhere she looked on the Falcon, reminded her of what she was trying to do. This was more than just about her and her Daughters wants and needs, Leia and Han had died trying to save their Son as well. Amar knew that the Solo's and Skywalker's were filled with tragedy, she wanted to finally bring a happy ending to their legacy.

Of course, the Skywalker legacy would still live on through Rey. Rey had explained to Amar what had happened on Tatooine with accepting the namesake from Leia and Luke. Amar understood completely, why would Rey and Amar want to attach themselves to being a Palpatine. That would only bring them misery and shame among the stars and planets. Rey was a Skywalker through and through and well Amar was still a Bridger, she hoped that one day if they succeed, she would become a Solo. That was something she didn't want her brain to think too much about, considering the pain it could cause if she were to fail. Amar had named her Daughters with her last name, due to the fact that they were in hiding and let's face it, Solo wasn't exactly a common last name, so it was easily recognizable.

Whether or not Ben returned, Amar would change their last name. It was only right for their family to have their legacy passed on. Amar felt a little guilt for not continuing the Bridger name, but it was just like Rey, Amar no longer wanted to be reminded of their connection to their bloodline of Palpatine.


The usual was happening on the Falcon, not much could to be fair. They were still a few hours out from the planet. The force sensitive beings were in the main lounge going over more of the plan amongst themselves. Rey and Amar still had much to discuss for their plan with the portal. They needed to first find the entryway into the WBW.

"The fallen Jedi temple was converted into the Empire's Imperial Palace. It will most likely take some time to navigate through, considering back when I was there, it was when it was the temple." Ahsoka drank from her hot tea that Maru had fixed as she explained what they all were walking into.

"All we know about these portals, is that they are connected to the planet itself. More than likely it will be underground or close to the surface." Ezra explained.

"I think that is the least of our issues. Once we pull Ben from Exegol into the current time, he will no longer remember anything after that point. It will be like you plucked him out in that time." Ahsoka made eye contact with Amar as she expressed her point.

Amar hadn't even thought of that possibility. She had communicated with Ben since his death and he had learned about what had happened through the Jedi he was accompanied by.

"When we save Ben, he will not remember what happened? We will have to explain to him what all went down?" Amar asked Ahsoka.

"Yes, when Ezra plucked me from certain death, I was still there in my mind, so all the events that happened in the galaxy since then, were new to me. Do not worry child, Ben will be disoriented, but at the end of the day, he will be thankful to finally be reunited with everyone." Ahsoka tried to comfort her and not give her more anxiety. Ahsoka knew Ben would most certainly deal with his extended life in his own way, but there were things Ahsoka needed to address in her mind after she came back. Knowing that, in fact you did die is very unnerving to anyone, Ben will most definitely be thinking about it and Amar will comfort him if needed. There was no reason to fill Amar with worry of Ben's mental state just yet. Ben will be dealing with more than cheating death, but also the repercussion of being Kylo Ren and the Supreme Leader of the First Order.

Amar knew that she needed to talk to Ben about this if she could, she knew it wasn't going to really matter if he forgot the conversation anyway, but she needed to feel reassured by him. Amar rose from the table to go and check on Tana and Iris. As she neared the Captain's quarters, Amar could hear that familiar hum to Kylo Ren's lightsaber. Amar quickly ran her hand over the button to open the blast door, before her was Tana standing with the saber in her hand. Tana was just staring at it with wide eyes, Iris was completely fast asleep and uninterrupted by the noise. Amar rushed to Tana and grabbed the saber out of her hands, carefully. As the saber slipped from Tana's finger tips, her body collapsed back onto the bed, almost like she was never fully awake and aware. Amar extinguished the crimson saber, she knew that it held an intense force from within. She felt untouchable when she wielded it in her hands before on Ajan Kloss.

Amar set down the saber and went over to Tana to find her fast asleep. Amar ran her hand over her Daughters forehead to ease any kind of darkness from within. When Amar graced her head, she was hit with a vision of Tana and Iris fighting side by side. They were older by the looks of it and they both wielded crimson sabers. Tana not surprisingly had Ben's dark side saber and Iris had a rendition of Amar's own saber, but instead of an orange glow it matched Kylo's crimson crystal. Within the vision, Amar heard a voice say,

This is what's to come if you shall fail.

Amar was pushed out of Tana's head and was left in shock by what she had just witnessed. Her Daughters would be consumed by the dark side, if Amar failed to bring back Ben, she knew deep down that was her biggest fear of all. Tana and Iris had not only Skywalker's blood, but also Palpatine's within them. The chances of them ferrying the dark side were doubled, compared to Ben and herself. Amar knew that she needed to quickly continue their training after all of this. Master Luke's failure was trying to snuff out the darkness from within them. Instead, he needed to teach them how to control it and not be shamed for having it.

Amar tucked Tana back into bed along side a very heavy sleeper, Iris. Amar kissed each one of their foreheads and turned to place the saber back in her satchel, so that the girls wouldn't have it in their reach.

As Amar turned to grab the saber, she felt that familiar presence, Ben. Amar smiled to herself, she could feel his connection snap to hers. He was there with her in her mind.

Miss me?

Amar could almost see his cheeky smile he always had when he was being coy.

"More than you know." Was all Amar could answer back, she needed him there. If Tana and Iris were gaining a foothold in the darkness, she was going to need help with keeping them neutral. Ben could sense her anxiety through the connection.

What's wrong Amar? I can feel your force radiating with concern.

Amar sat down at the edge of the bed. She didn't want to fully explain everything because she knew he was not going to remember it anyway. Amar didn't know what Ben would remember to be honest. Would he remember that Amar and their Daughters were taken from him and that be the last thing? Or would he remember Amar being his Commander for the Final Order and now knowing it was indeed her? Or would it just remain fuzzy? Amar didn't have the answer to that question.

"Ben, once we pull you from the portal, your memory will resort back to just before you died. I am not sure what you are going to remember." Amar said as she put her face into her hands in defeat. She felt a nudge within the force connection, almost like he placed his arm around her.

Mar, how many times do we have to show, no matter what the situation, we always find our way back to each other. No matter what I remember or don't, you surely will be there to help me pick up the pieces.

Ben always knew what to say to Amar, their connection was their saving grace for that. It gave them the ability to be an onlooker into their minds to know exactly how to solve the issue at hand.

"I hope you're right, Solo. You know I will never give you up, not ever. I will get you home." Amar made her final promise to the man she loved.

Suddenly, over the intercom Rey's voice came through.

"Buckle up everyone, we are starting our ascent into the Coruscant atmosphere."

Amar smiled and sent a loving goodbye to Ben. This was it, she didn't want to waste anymore time. 

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